Ground beef is a versatile ingredient that you can use to make for example burgers, tacos filling or pasta sauce. If you have purchased minced meat for a few days and you are not sure if it is still fresh, you can check it with the simple methods proposed by this article. If it has gone bad, throw it away immediately.
Part 1 of 2: Check the Meat

Step 1. Look at her to make sure she doesn't have a dull complexion
Fresh beef should be a nice bright red color, but there may be some small darker areas in the ground because it is prepared using different cuts of the cow. As the days go by, the meat will change color gradually becoming more and more greyish or brown. If you notice that it has already lost all of the bright red tone typical of fresh beef when looking at it, it's best to throw it away.
Once packaged, the minced meat tends to turn brown on the inside because oxygen cannot reach the center

Step 2. Smell the ground coffee to see if it has a sour smell
Fresh meat has a faint smell, but as it deteriorates, it starts to smell. The bad smell comes from the gases produced by some of the bacteria present on the meat. If sniffing the ground coffee makes you turn up your nose, throw it away without hesitation.
Many of the bacteria that can cause an infection, such as salmonellosis, are not identifiable using the sense of smell. Always cook the meat completely to kill them and avoid health hazards. However, if the idea of eating ground beef doesn't appeal to you, follow your instincts and throw it away

Step 3. Touch the meat to determine if it's slimy
Press it between your fingers to test its consistency. If it is fresh, it will break easily and separate into pieces. If, on the other hand, you notice that it is sticky or slimy, it is very likely that it has gone bad.
Always wash your hands before and after handling raw meat to avoid spreading bacteria or contaminating surrounding surfaces

Step 4. Check the expiration date
Beef should be eaten within a few days of being ground and packaged, and in any case at the latest within 1-2 days of exceeding the expiration date. Look at the calendar to count how many days have passed since the day you bought it and throw it away if you notice that it has been expired for some time.
Part 2 of 2: Properly Store Minced Meat

Step 1. Store raw ground beef at a maximum temperature of 4 ° C
If you plan to cook it soon, put it in the refrigerator. If you leave it at room temperature, bacteria that are harmful to health would start to form within a couple of hours. Never keep meat out of the refrigerator for more than two hours (or for more than an hour if it is summer and the temperature exceeds 32 ° C).
If you don't plan on eating the meat any time soon, freeze it

Step 2. Cook the meat within two days of exceeding the expiration date
If it has always been in the refrigerator, you will need to cook it within a maximum of two days from the date by which it is indicated that it is preferable to eat it. To avoid waste, you should use the ground immediately after purchasing it.

Step 3. You can keep frozen meat for up to four months
Place it in a bag suitable for freezing food and clearly write the packaging date on the label. Let out all the air before closing the bag so as not to take up unnecessary space in the freezer.
Over time, white cold spots may form on the meat. If the problem is contained, you can eliminate the damaged parts after thawing it, otherwise throw it away

Step 4. Defrost the meat in the refrigerator or sink, immersed in cold water
Transfer the frozen mince to the refrigerator a day or two before cooking so that it has time to thaw completely. If you prefer to defrost the meat in the sink, fill it with cold water so that it stays submerged. Remember that you will need to change the water every half hour until the beef has completely thawed.
- After defrosting it in the water, you will need to cook the ground beef immediately.
- Do not let the meat defrost at room temperature.
- You can defrost minced meat using the microwave, but if so, you will need to cook it immediately afterwards to avoid contamination.

Step 5. Cook the ground beef until it reaches a core temperature of 71 ° C
The only effective way to kill the bacteria present in beef is to cook it fully. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat as it cooks.

Step 6. Store leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer
Cooked beef stays good for about a week when stored in the refrigerator, after which it starts to go bad. If you prefer, you can put it in the freezer to keep it for several months. In both cases, it is essential to close it in an airtight container.
- Cook the meat until it reaches a core temperature of 71 ° C.
- Keep cold food at a temperature below 4 ° C and keep hot food at a temperature above 60 ° C. The temperature range between 4 and 60 ° C is considered dangerous for the storage and processing of food because it allows bacteria to proliferate.
- Wash your hands after handling raw meat to avoid contaminating surrounding surfaces.