3 Ways to Kill Black Widows

3 Ways to Kill Black Widows
3 Ways to Kill Black Widows

Table of contents:


Most spiders are harmless, and having them around your home can have several benefits. There are two types of spider, though, that should quickly alert you: the black widow and the brown hermit spider. The article will teach you how to get rid of an infestation and to kill, actively or passively, a black widow.


Method 1 of 3: Get rid of an infestation

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 1
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 1

Step 1. Clean up any possible hiding places

Black widows take refuge in quiet and little disturbed areas, such as piles of wood, boxes, hidden areas of closets, etc. A good cleaning will not only eliminate the most unwelcome inhabitants of the house, it will also rid you of their favorite prey.

  • Wear gardening gloves. This way, if you were to find yourself facing a black widow, your hands would be protected and safe.
  • Order. If you have any items you don't use, such as boxes or pieces of wood set aside, get rid of them to get rid of any potential hiding places.
  • Vacuum. Use a hose attachment and clean the areas with dark corners and crevices. If you see a spider web, even if it is uninhabited, vacuum it. Don't forget to seal the vacuum cleaner bag and then throw it away (away from your home) as soon as you're done cleaning.
  • Destroy the dens around the house. Use a high pressure gun and take out cobwebs, nests and eggs. Pay particular attention to the areas around door and window frames.
  • Cut the vegetation that is in direct contact with your home. Ivy and other types of plants are an excellent refuge for these insect pests.
  • Clean regularly. Do housework frequently, vacuum and keep the living room clean and free of food scraps and scraps to avoid being infested with spiders. Using the vacuum cleaner is of particular importance because it eliminates dust, eggs and even the spiders themselves.
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 2
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 2

Step 2. Keep spiders out of your house

The best way to stay away from black widows is prevention. Keep doors, windows and any exits sealed.

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 3
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 3

Step 3. Call a professional

If you believe that the problem may be bigger than expected, and you are concerned that you will not be able to tackle it alone, contact a person who is competent and authorized to use potent pesticides. If possible, ask for more than a quote by communicating the extent of the problem and the size of your home.

Method 2 of 3: Active methods

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 4
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 4

Step 1. Spray the spiders with a spray pesticide

If you spot a black widow, attack her with insecticide. Do this before you startle her by trying to crush her to prevent her from approaching you and becoming aggressive.

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 5
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 5

Step 2. Squeeze it

If you don't have an insecticide handy, grab a shoe or flat object and kill it with the old grandmother's method. Remember that black widows are fast and that they can decide to get close to you rather than move away (as many other spiders do).

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 6
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 6

Step 3. Find them

Shortly after sunset, say around 9pm during the summer period, look for them in places where you are sure they are building a den. It is made evident by the fact that their web is very robust. Armed with a flashlight, spray glue or hairspray, wear long pants, shoes etc… look for them about half a meter above the ground. When you see one, sprinkle something on it. This alone will be enough to kill widows, reduce their numbers and prevent the need for long-term use of pesticides.

Method 3 of 3: Passive method

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 7
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 7

Step 1. Remove the cobwebs

Black widows spend a lot of time in their webs, to protect their eggs or offspring. After you find them, sprinkle them with a powdered insecticide, you may be able to kill the spider as well. Pack both of them in a sealed bag and throw them away.

Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 8
Kill Black Widow Spiders Step 8

Step 2. Also spread the insecticide in dark corners or small crevices, where other black widow specimens might be hiding

This will prevent the creation of new nests and the proliferation of this animal.


  • If you are bitten by a black widow, see a doctor immediately. Although the bite may appear very small and the symptoms are limited to a slight swelling around the affected area, after a few hours, it could worsen and turn into abdominal or muscle cramps.
  • If you get bitten but are unsure whether it is a dangerous event for your health, don't be afraid to see a doctor.
