4 Ways to Discourage Trichosuri Volpini from Entering the Garden

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4 Ways to Discourage Trichosuri Volpini from Entering the Garden
4 Ways to Discourage Trichosuri Volpini from Entering the Garden

The trichosuro volpino is a marsupial native to Australia and is the largest opossum present in this State; it has also spread to New Zealand, where it is considered a real invasive species. However, it is very different from the opossum that lives in the Northern Hemisphere and must be removed from the gardens with different tactics. If this animal gets "hooked" on your favorite orchard or tree, it can completely decimate the crop; moreover, compared to its "cousins" who live in the northern hemisphere, the tricosuro volpino is an expert, flexible and creative climber. If you've managed to make your dream of moving to Australia come true, but this marsupial is turning it into a nightmare, you can find ways to keep it from invading your property and eating your pantas.


Method 1 of 4: Block Access

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 1
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 1

Step 1. Know what you need to protect

The trichosurus seems attracted by the buds of deciduous climbing plants, by the fruit still on the trees and by some buds of the pruned evergreen trees; when it eats the shoots and buds, it can damage the plants, so you must stop it from doing so.

  • It is capable of destroying all buds by weakening the tree, creating large bare areas and making vegetation more susceptible to disease.
  • Consider all of these factors when planting new plants in the garden or when growing your garden. If you choose species that are not liked by this animal, such as thorny and highly fragrant ones such as tea tree or geranium, there is a greater chance that they will not be destroyed.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 2
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 2

Step 2. Protect the fruits and vegetables

For example, you can use cloth bags to individually repair each fruit of the tree; remember that you have to cover them separately, so as to prevent the marsupial from reaching them and at the same time do not interfere with the development of the plant.

To protect each vegetable, you can also use old plastic pots on which you have carved a slit along the side; place the fruit in the pot so that it is covered but can continue to grow

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 3
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 3

Step 3. Fence the flower beds

Instead of preventing trichosurides from entering your property, make sure that they cannot access only certain areas; the best way to do this is to build a metal fence.

This solution makes garden maintenance a little more complicated, but ensures that the plants survive

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 4
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 4

Step 4. Close all access points

These animals can find their way in thanks to the gutters and other structures of the house or shed; however, you can prevent this by covering these areas permanently, using pieces of wood or nets that block any holes or entrances.

  • Just make sure there aren't any marsupials already in the shed or gutters when you decide to close them, otherwise you will trap them.
  • If you are unsure whether or not there are any animals, inspect the area at sunset for possums leaving their hiding place.

Method 2 of 4: Prevent them from climbing

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 5
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 5

Step 1. Prevent them from climbing structures or trees

If the trichosure uses a construction to reach plants, make sure that it cannot be used for climbing. Wrap the posts and beams (for example those of a pergola) with galvanized iron panels; in this way, the animal's claws are unable to grip the surface.

  • You should also make sure that there are no trees or shrubs near the building that the animal can easily get off from.
  • You can also use a garbage bag to which you have opened the bottom and one side; wrap it around the trunk to prevent this annoying creature from climbing.
  • Alternatively, you can use metal panels to cover the tree and achieve the same result.
  • Line the trunk with a net that the animal's paws get stuck in, thus discouraging it from entering your property.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 6
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 6

Step 2. Prune the trees that attract the animal

If he is eating the sprouts of a plant, you need to find a way to prevent him from accessing; make sure that the branches are away from the fence and other structures, so that the tricosuro cannot reach them with a leap. This, in combination with the protections on the trunk of the tree, should allow you to save the plant.

  • However, although this marsupial can jump, it cannot cover a long distance. An agile, young specimen can leap 2.5m from a stable structure, but no longer than 2m if it starts from a swinging branch.
  • This means that it should be sufficient to cut the branches so that they are more than two meters from the fence or other structure.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 7
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 7

Step 3. Put a net on the fruit trees and shrubs

In particular, you should protect those that are developing new buds or fruits; the net doesn't keep them completely safe from these creatures, but it should be enough to save most of the crop.

Collect any fruit that falls from the tree or bush. The presence of food on the ground attracts the animals of the area, therefore try to limit it as much as possible

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 8
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 8

Step 4. Place greased PVC pipes on top of the fence

This method only works if the garden is protected by a fence, as it prevents Australian possums from climbing over it; calculates that it will take about a day of work to install this protection.

  • Attach a large horizontal PVC pipe to the top of the fence so that it runs all the way around to prevent the animal from clinging.
  • Then, grease the tubes with a non-toxic product. When the trichosuro volpino tries to enter the property, it is unable because it does not have a firm grip due to the fat present; at this point, he should fall without injuring himself.
  • Make sure there are no holes or other access points in the fence.

Method 3 of 4: Apply Sprays and Deterrents

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 9
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 9

Step 1. Do some research on spray products

Nurseries, supermarkets and home improvement stores offer a wide range of deterrents against these animals, which you can use to solve the problem. Remember to read and strictly follow the instructions on the package, so that the plants are not damaged and the trichosides do not suffer any injury.

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 10
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 10

Step 2. Apply a product based on Quassia amara

It is a small plant that contains a substance capable of warding off marsupials. Prepare the solution with 100 g of Quassia bark and 2 liters of water; boil the ingredients for an hour and strain the liquid. Add a tablespoon of detergent, dilute the final solution with 4 parts of water and spray the deterrent on the leaves of the plants you want to protect.

Most handcrafted sprays and solutions need to be applied after each rain; also, you need to spread it often for it to be fully effective

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 11
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 11

Step 3. Take advantage of commonly used products

You need to apply them consistently for them to take effect in the long run. Here are some tips:

  • Make an infusion of Lapsang Souchong tea; sprinkle it on infested plants because the marsupial hates this drink;
  • Sprinkle bone and blood around vulnerable plants;
  • Apply mothballs to the rafters and around the base of the trees; put them in bags made with socks and hang them among the leaves;
  • Apply Indonesian fish sauce mix a spoonful of it in a liter of water and sprinkle it on the vegetation;
  • Make a garlic spray; put two tablespoons of freshly crushed garlic in a liter of very hot water. Leave to infuse overnight, filter the liquid and spray it on the trees;
  • Sprinkle concentrated laundry detergent on the leaves;
  • Try the Tabasco sauce; use it pure by brushing or spraying it on the plant. Remember that it could damage some types of vegetation a lot, so do some preventive research;
  • Very strong aromatic herbs such as sage, rosemary or oregano can be excellent deterrents, especially if mixed with strong chilli; create a paste to spread around the plants that are targeted by the marsupial.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 12
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 12

Step 4. Treat the perimeter of the property with predator urine

That of male fox, stone marten or other predators proved effective during the experiments. However, remember that it is not 100% safe and may still attract other animals. Look for these products at pet stores, home improvement stores, or nurseries and follow the instructions to the letter to distribute the liquid around the garden.

  • Carpet python feces are effective as a deterrent, as this snake is a predator of the Australian opossum.
  • Some people surround the garden with human hair to ward off invasive animals, but there is no evidence of this remedy's effectiveness. Next time you cut your hair, consider this method; sprinkle a thin layer on the surface.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 13
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 13

Step 5. Install sound devices

The fūrins, loud bells, or plastic bottles cut in half move with the wind and make a noise loud enough to chase away some animals. This remedy is also not foolproof, but hopefully fruit trees are ready to harvest before the Australian opossum learns to ignore the sound.

  • You can also buy ultrasound devices to ward off animals; these instruments emit sounds that are not perceptible to the human ear.
  • Dogs, especially those that live outdoors, can hunt trichosurians and their barking can scare them.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 14
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 14

Step 6. Build a scarecrow

You can try the traditional deterrent or put on fake birds (simple tennis balls covered with feathers); also in this case, remember that the effectiveness of the remedy depends on the character and intelligence of the animals and generally tends to decrease with the passage of time.

You can amplify the scarecrow's effect by hanging mirrors near it

Method 4 of 4: Living with the Volpini Tricosuri

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 15
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 15

Step 1. Plant food for this animal

You could divert their attention away from the plants by providing them with more to eat. Grow the ones he loves the most, such as eucalyptus, along the perimeter of the property; this solution should keep him busy enough to prevent him from looking for new tender shoots in the rest of the garden.

Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 16
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 16

Step 2. Capture it in a non-gory way

In New Zealand this animal is considered an invasive species and citizens are encouraged to capture it and call the appropriate authorities. That said, remember that in Australia it is protected instead. The South Australian government advises to trap it in a "human" way only when the trichosuro lives inside your home, but even in this situation it would be better to lure it outside and then block access to cause less stress.

  • For example, you could build a nest by inserting fruit into it and placing it near the creature's hiding place; by doing so you should be able to attract him.
  • If you have decided to use a trap, you can put some honey as a bait. Use the container to take the animal out of the building but not to a different area because it is a territorial creature and would most likely die once relocated to another area.
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 17
Deter Possums from Your Garden Step 17

Step 3. Remember that foxtails are protected in Australia but not in New Zealand

They may cause problems for your garden by reducing the number of plants you can grow, but they need human intervention to survive. If you reside in Australia, you can counteract the destruction of the natural habitat of these marsupials by providing them with a good place to live, such as nests and plants for them to feed on.

They are considered an invasive species in New Zealand; if you are in this state, call the appropriate department to request help and have the animals removed


Unlike the Australian opossum, the Northern Hemisphere opossum can be useful for the garden, as it eats all sorts of insects and pests during the night; instead of destroying the plants, this animal frees them from snails and slugs


  • The trichosuro volpino is a protected species in Australia and cannot be hunted or injured; however, remember that it is considered an invasive animal in New Zealand.
  • It is a territorial animal; if you place it in another area, it could die because it is invading the space of another specimen or it could simply return, so you have to learn to live with it.
