Widely popular in the United States, a Chia Pet is a terracotta figure used to grow chia. Once you have chosen your favorite character, you can cultivate him by giving him a full head of hair! Choosing and raising a Chia Pet can be really fun! With the right amount of time and patience you can watch these fabulous plants come to life.

Step 1. Soak your Chia Pet in water for 24 hours

Step 2. Add more water to saturate the Chia Pet, then transfer it to the drainage tray provided with the package

Step 3. Before distributing the seeds, soak them in water, in a small container (not the whole package of seeds)
Wait at least an hour. The whole pack of seeds guarantees a sufficient quantity for 2-3 sowings.

Step 4. With the help of your fingers, spread the seeds into the furrows of your Chia Pet
They must have assumed a thick and pasty consistency.

Step 5. Place your Chia Pet in a sunny area and watch it grow
After about a week or two, your Chia Pet's surface will be completely covered in green.
- During winter plantings, protect your Chia Pet with a loose plastic bag to replicate a miniature greenhouse. You can remove it as soon as the sprouts have come to light.
- When the sprouts have reached a height of about 5 centimeters, harvest them. It is much easier to collect the green shoots. Once the brown color has been taken, they can only be extracted with a brush!
- On a daily basis, remove any residual water in the drain pan to prevent dangerous stagnation.
- It is important that the Chia Pet is always full of water, it is not possible to overdo the quantities!