Japanese carp (or Koi carp) and other goldfish can get very large, they can even reach almost a meter in length! They thrive best when kept in large ponds with a ton of filtered water and weekly water changes. With the right size pond, filter system and other equipment, caring for goldfish and carp can be a lot of fun.

Step 1. Items needed for a carp pond
A pond large enough should contain approximately 45 liters of water for every 2.5 cm of adult fish. So, for a single carp, you should have at least 900 liters of it.
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A filter that can handle large amounts of waste and uneaten food. You will also need a pump or waterfall to add oxygen to the water.
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Step 2. To prepare your pond, you need to choose a spot in your garden or other area
Choosing where to place it is the most important part of building a pond. Wherever you decide to place it, make sure it is not in direct contact with the rest of your land or that of the neighbor. The fertilizer would kill your fish.
You will need a good lining. The best is EPDM, it's more expensive but it's worth it considering the 20 year warranty.
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Fill it with water and add the descaling treatment to the water. The pond must be at least 120cm deep to allow carp to overwinter.
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Step 3. General maintenance
- You should change some of the water once a week. 10% should be enough. Remember to add the treatment to the water after changing it.
- Carp hibernate in winter as soon as the temperature drops. In colder climates, care must be taken that the surface does not freeze completely. If your pond freezes, pour some hot water to make a hole in the ice. Don't try to break the ice by cracking it. Remember that your fish are sleeping at the bottom of the pond, try not to disturb them. More delicate goldfish need to be placed indoors during the winter as they may not survive.

Step 4. Feed your fish two or three times a day in spring and summer, as long as you have the proper filters
Try not to give them more than what they eat. After feeding him, remove all uneaten food residues. The best food for carp is a good quality pellet. You can enhance their diet with fruits like sliced oranges, watermelon, boiled barley, and cooked sweet potatoes. In the fall and early spring, when the water temperature is around 10-15 ° C, feed him low-protein food such as wheat germ. In the warmer months, when the water temperature is above 20 ° C, you can start feeding them with the pellets with a higher protein content. Stop feeding them when the water temperature drops below 10 ° C.
- Try to have as few fish as possible in your pond.
- A barrel of whiskey cut in half could be a great tin, use your imagination!
- Carp and goldfish create a lot of waste so check the water carefully.
- Do not put stones on the bottom of the pond. Food and dirt will accumulate in the empty spaces and you will end up with a sewer instead of a pond.