We've all seen sawed-up hands, plastic spiders, and legions of the walking dead for Halloween. But how many people have a collection of heads at home? Put a head in a jar! We will show some ways to make the dead enjoy the holidays as well, by giving them adequate accommodation.
Method 1 of 3: Pickled People

Step 1. Find a suitable jar
It should be about the size of a head, about 5 liters. Jars of this size are often used to hold food or water. You can buy them new at kitchen supply stores.
The only important thing is that these jars must not leak, but the quality is not important: the cheaper they are, the better! Imperfections in the glass or plastic will create distortion effects making the atmosphere more terrifying

Step 2. Find a head
You could steal items from a graveyard. However it is considered illegal and in addition, the objects stink a lot.
Look for a picture of a dead man's head. Do a google search for "heads" or "zombies" and grab the image. If you use a normal face image you can use Photoshop to make it truly terrifying. Paint the skin and lips a bluish color, add cuts and decaying areas, and other such things. Be creative

Step 3. Or, you can scan your face
First determine the direction in which your scanner scans. Most go from right to left. If applicable, place your right ear on the scanner and start scanning. As the scanner light moves, rotate your head to keep it illuminated.
Here's a tip: If you do a high resolution scan, the scanner speed will be slow thus making it easier to rotate your head

Step 4. Print
Once you have the desired image / face, edit it and prepare it for the jar by enlarging it to actual size and printing it.
Measure the distance between the eyes on your face and then create an approximate scaled image. Usually the eyes are 3-5 cm apart

Step 5. Blast your face
With a knife or utility knife, make cuts on the image. You can print on laminated paper for a stiffer product or simply print using heavy paper.
For a horror effect, use googly eyes by attaching them to the eyeballs… or letting them float free

Step 6. Put your head in the jar
Roll up the picture and place it inside the jar. Fill the jar with paper to push the image against the inside surface.

Step 7. Still not repulsive enough?
Add the hair. You can use some fake hair you find at mask and costume shops, but it may look too fake. You can also use real hair that you can get for free, for example from a barber or beauty salon.
Put your hair inside the jar so it looks messy and rotten. Use a screwdriver to get the desired horror effect

Step 8. Seal the jar
You don't want to scare your whole family at night if your head pops out!

Step 9. Proudly display your dead head
For a finishing touch, put it in a place where it can easily scare people off.
Method 2 of 3: Formaldehyde Blues

Step 1. Find a suitable jar
For this method, you will need one with a wide mouth. As in the previous case, it must be able to contain about 5 liters.

Step 2. Find a suitable mask
Go to a costume shop. Buy a zombie mask that is realistic enough.
Politician masks are good to use and scare even more than zombies

Step 3. Put the mask in the jar
Fill the mask with a balloon, inflating it after placing it behind the mask, until it is completely stretched against the inner surface.

Step 4. Add accessories
Use googly eyes, human hair and fill it all up with water. You can also use a few drops of yellow or green dye to get a typical formaldehyde tint. Also use dirt, such as dirty paper towels, to speed up the decomposition process.

Step 5. Keep the jar exposed in a place where it easily scares people
Method 3 of 3: There is also an application to do it

Step 1. Go to the Apple Store
Search for "Futurama Head-in-a-Jar Creator" and click on the icon.

Step 2. Download it
It is free and therefore all you need is a smartphone.

Step 3. Make heads
Make different types and put them all in airtight jars. Have fun!