There are several ways to print business cards, depending on your needs. You can have them printed at a digital copy shop near your home, order them on the internet or print them from your computer. Each method has its potential advantages and drawbacks. This guide will show you how to print custom business cards that best represent you and your business.
Method 1 of 3: At a Digital Copy Shop

Step 1. You need to know exactly what you want and how much you are willing to spend
In a shop that offers digital printing, the personalized design of your tickets depends not only on your needs, but also on your budget. Plan ahead what type of card stock to use, what finish (matte, for example), logo placement and other features, so you already know what kind of custom business cards to order when you walk into the copy shop.

Step 2. Place your order through the customer service representative
Clearly state your drawing preferences and, if in doubt, ask for advice.

Step 3. Check a test ticket
Once you have established the design of the tickets, ask to show you a test ticket, before printing all the others. Check the layout, any spelling errors, the colors, the fonts used and verify that all other details are correct. In most stores, the proof phase is the only time you can make any corrections, because after your approval the personalized business cards will be sent to print.
Method 2 of 3: Order Business Cards on the Internet

Step 1. Find the right supplier
There are dozens of online business card printing solutions. Each of them offers different prices and products. If budget is an issue, look for tickets for sale - Most online business card companies offer promotions to lower transport costs and sometimes offer quality products at basic prices.

Step 2. Create your design
Most websites provide ready-to-use templates. You can add a custom logo and text. Choose the layout and placement of the elements on the business card. Some websites and templates allow you to customize the back of the card as well. On the back you can add additional information, such as a calendar or an appointment reminder.
Method 3 of 3: Print your own Personalized Business Cards

Step 1. Search for the model you like best
Your computer's office suite may already have a basic template package to get you started. If you are looking for particular models, do an online search to find a wider selection.

Step 2. Design your business cards
Even if you use a ready-made template, you can customize it according to your needs. There are many different fonts and layouts available. Include all essential contact information, such as your name, address, telephone and fax number, website, email address, and your company name. Other information, such as your position in the company, logo and motto, can be added to further personalize the business cards.

Step 3. Print the business cards
Use business card stock, which comes pre-punched, so you don't need to cut out every single card.
- Before printing your business cards, print a test page on plain printer paper. Place it behind the business card stock and carefully look at it in the light to make sure the cards line up with the holes.
- Order the right amount of card stock for your needs. Avoid ordering a massive quantity beyond your needs just because the price is a bargain.