Are you in a party that is getting a little boring? How about letting people have a little fun with a little magic? Follow these simple instructions and leave everyone speechless thanks to your tricks.

Step 1. Get a coin
Inconspicuously, put it (small or medium-sized coins work best) in your pocket and grab it with the back of 2 of your fingers (if one is the thumb, better). When you are hiding the coin behind your thumb, the method is called "thumb pocketing".

Step 2. Choose your target
Approach the audience you have decided with the coin hidden behind your hand.

Step 3. Make your move
Bring your hand behind the head of the person you have chosen.

Step 4. Slowly bring your hand back out of his ear while moving the coin from the back of your hands to the visible one

Step 5. Show the coin to everyone, saying something like "he / she has a coin in his ear
"or" Ta Da!"

Step 6. Take a bow (optional)
- Never reveal your secret, no matter how many times they ask you.
- Try, try, try !! It might seem difficult at first, but just practice and you will succeed!
Don't laugh while you do this, they may find you out.
- If you tell the target person that the coin was in the middle of their hair, they may believe you, and in that case they will want the coin back.
- You need to practice a little, so try several times with a friend before doing it in public.