Is there a game to play in the parties of the most emblematic of youthful romanticism than that of the bottle? The classic version of this game involves rotating a bottle (or similar object) to determine who needs to be kissed. However, there are many variations to the basic rules. Some are demure and less serious, while others are decidedly more daring! To learn spin the bottle and find more information about the rules, read on!
Method 1 of 2: Classic Game with the Kiss

Step 1. Get together with friends
To play Spin the Bottle, the really indispensable thing is a group of people (unless you want to play alone but that would be very sad). So, to start, find a nice group of friends who want to participate: the more you are the better! Make sure there are boys and girls so they are more likely to be able to kiss each other.
Let your friends know what they're up to before starting the game. A kiss is usually only for people who really like each other, so forcing an individual to kiss someone they don't want could be embarrassing for everyone involved. Don't put pressure on anyone and don't force anyone to play if they don't want to

Step 2. Sit in a circle
When everyone is ready (and willing), arrange to form a circle so you can look everyone in the face. Usually we sit on the ground, even if there is no reason why we cannot sit around a table or stand up. Regardless of how the group is arranged, it is always best to choose a hard and resistant surface with a parquet floor area. In this way you are sure that the bottle you will use will turn well without scratching or damaging the surface.

Step 3. Spin the bottle
When you are all ready, choose a person to start the game. This must grab the bottle (or a similar object such as a pen, a glass, a key) and spin it in the center of the circle formed by the players. Once the bottle is in motion, no one has to touch it until it stops completely.
If you do not know who to choose as the first player, you can opt for the youngest or the largest of the group, a person can think of a random number and start with who, trying to guess it, comes closest

Step 4. Kiss the person the bottle indicates
When the bottle stops spinning, its "neck" (the open part) should point towards a player. The one who spun the bottle has to kiss this player!
- If you are not using a bottle, choose in advance the end of the object that will act as a "tip". For example, you can decide with your friends that the writing part of a pen will be the "tip".
- If the bottle stops on the player who spun it, he must repeat the turn.

Step 5. Move on to the next player who will spin the bottle in turn
This is all you need to do to play! Once the first player has spun the bottle and kissed the person indicated, the turn passes to the next player who will rotate the bottle in turn and kiss the “chosen” person and so on. The game follows only one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) according to the rules you originally established with the group.
- Notice that sometimes the bottle stops in the empty space between two people; in this case you should kiss the person who is closest to the direction indicated by the bottle.
- Also, the bottle may stop at someone you don't want to kiss because of your sexual preferences (e.g. you are attracted to guys but the bottle points to a girl). If so, you can kiss the person of the "right" sex closest to the one indicated by the bottle.

Step 6. Have fun and congratulations
You have mastered the spin of the bottle. This is more fun if all participants are in the right mood and don't care much about where the bottle will point. Try not to make the game too romantic or sexual; it is just a pastime with friends and it could get embarrassing very quickly if taken too seriously.
However, if you have heard that a "spark" has arisen with a person after the game, there is no reason why you shouldn't try to get to know them better "later"! Spin the Bottle is a great way to develop new relationships that otherwise would never have been born
Method 2 of 2: Rules Variations

Step 1. Try changing the "prize"
Although the classic version is traditionally associated with a group of teenagers kissing in the basement of the house, in reality there are no rules that "require" to kiss the person indicated by the bottle. To make things bolder or quieter, try changing the "prize" for the spinner. Here are some ideas, in order of audacity:
- Give a compliment.
- Take hands.
- Hugging.
- A kiss on the cheek.
- A kiss on the mouth.
- A French kiss.
- To make out.
- Playing "Seven Minutes in Heaven".
- Remove an item of clothing (for adults only!)

Step 2. Play with random rules
If you love this game with a touch of unpredictability, get yourself a six-sided die before you start playing. To each number (from 1 to 6) assign a specific romantic action. For example, the number 1 indicates a kiss, the 2 a hug, the 3 makes out and so on. Once all six faces of the die have been "coded", play as usual. When the bottle stops towards a player, whoever has rotated it rolls the die. The number that comes out determines what action should be taken with the designated person.

Step 3. Use the bottom of the bottle to choose the one to kiss
A simple variation of the game is to designate the kisser for each turn. We proceed as usual following the circle of people, however, when the bottle stops, the person the bottom is facing must kiss the person indicated by the neck of the bottle. In this variant, if you rotate the bottle and the bottom points towards you, you will have to kiss the person on the other side without turning again.
Since this variant makes only people who are diametrically opposite in the circle kiss each other, it is worth swapping places after a few turns

Step 4. Try the "Truth or Penance" version
This alternative is also very popular and takes advantage of the rules of the classic "Truth or penance" (the game of jokes and secrets) that teenagers all over the world play when they go to sleep with friends. To play, normally start with a person spinning the bottle in the center of the circle. When the bottle stops, the player who spun it asks an embarrassing and intimate question to the designated. If he decides not to answer, he must submit to a penance always chosen by the person who moved the bottle, which could also be kissing someone.
Alternatively, the person announces a penance to the group before moving the bottle. The designated person will have to submit to penance. The player who spun the bottle could also be chosen and this adds an element of "risk" to the game
- Nobody wants to kiss a person who smells like garlic! Make sure you have fresh breath. You should use mints instead of chewing gum as they have a faster and more intense effect. You should also always brush your teeth, especially for hygiene reasons.
- If you are tempted to play spin the bottle but still don't feel ready, try "Truth or Penance"! The rules are identical, but when the bottle "chooses" a player, you can ask him "truth or penance" and continue along this false line. Who knows, you might end up earning a kiss!
- Make sure you look nice to kiss. Clean skin, cute clothes and a lip balm can help.
- Do not be nervous. Nervousness is not attractive. The person who is kissing you should be happy or calm and not restless. Be sporty and gentle.
- Have fun! Be creative and adapt the game to your preferences. These are just guidelines, but feel free to change the rules!
- If you don't feel comfortable kissing someone, you can decide to give them a hug or something similar. Don't let your friends put you under pressure!
- The average kiss time is three seconds, but you can be creative. Extend or shorten it as you like.
- Try not to be too romantic when you play, just a gentle and light kiss is enough. You don't want to get the reputation of "spin the bottle drooling"!
- If the bottle lands on a person of the opposite sex to the one you are attracted to, kiss the "right" person who is to his left or right, this way you will not waste much time in continuous rotation of the bottle. Set this rule before starting the game and try to be clear on how situations will be handled based on sexual orientation.
- If you like the person you need to kiss, don't expect them to call you and don't delude yourself that they can take more steps forward. After all, it's just a game.
Make sure nobody is sick!
This is really very important, you certainly don't want to get infected by kissing people. It wouldn't be fun.
- Don't feel like you have to do what you don't want. Don't be under pressure from your friends! At the same time, don't force anyone to do what they don't want to do.
- If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, don't gamble without their consent.
- If your parents don't want you to play this game, avoid it. You could be confined to your room or put in detention.