Killer Game is a fun group game, ideal for a party with friends. The concept behind the game is very simple: a secret "killer" kills the participants with a wink. The goal is to find the killer before he kills everyone!
Method 1 of 2: Classic Assassin Game

Step 1. Gather a group of people
Killer Game is a chance to have fun with friends, family, and even strangers you want to break the ice with. It is ideal for groups of ten, but not for groups of more than thirty - matches may take too long.

Step 2. Find a suitable place
The killer game is suitable for all occasions, as it can be played indoors or outdoors. You can play in the living room, on the porch, in the park or wherever you prefer. Simply choose the best venue for all attendees.
All participants must walk, so consider the space available to you when deciding where to play. Make sure everyone has the ability to move, stand or sit comfortably

Step 3. Choose the game moderator
One person must act as moderator or arbiter. He will not participate in the game, he will choose the killer and ensure that the rules are respected.
Anyone can take turns taking the role of referee. In this way, each of the participants will have the opportunity to play

Step 4. Choose the killer
All participants must close their eyes while the referee decides who will be the killer. It is not worth peeking!
The referee may touch a player's shoulder to indicate his choice. In this way the identity of the killer will be hidden from all other participants

Step 5. Walk around the room
Once the killer has been chosen, all participants must get up and move around the room. You can make conversation, talking about the weather or about this and that.
To make the game even more engaging, all participants can pretend to be a detective and talk as if they were part of a detective film. You could discuss clues and predictions

Step 6. Look other people in the eye
The fundamental rule of the game is that each of the participants must make eye contact with the others. While the victims chat and look at each other, the killer tries to look them in the eye and wink at them without being seen. This is how it "kills".

Step 7. "Die" if you have been winked
If you look the killer in the eye and he winks at you, you've been killed. Wait a few seconds after this happens and pretend to die. Once he is dead, sit to one side and watch the game play until the game is over.
- By dying dramatically the game will be even more fun. Bring your hands to your heart or gasp loudly and fall to the ground. Use all your theatricality.
- Make sure you wait a few seconds after the killer kills you. If you die right away, the killer could be easily discovered.

Step 8. Solve the crime
As you chat with all the participants, pay attention to your surroundings and try to figure out who the killer is. Just be careful not to catch his eye.

Step 9. Accuse the killer
If you think you understand who was responsible for the murders, raise your hand and say "Accuse!". Another person has to confirm your allegation. Once confirmation is received, you will need to shout out the name of the suspect, and so will the other accuser. The accused must answer "Yes" (if he is guilty) or "No" (if he is innocent).
- The one who confirmed the accusation may indicate a person other than the first accuser. In this case, he is excluded from the game only if even the first person has not guessed who the killer is. If the suspicions of the person who accused first are well founded, the game is over.
- You can say "Accusation" at any point in the game. You have to be sure you are right, because if you fail to identify the killer you will be kicked out of the game.
- If no one confirms your allegation, you cannot give any names. Wait a few moments, then try again.
- If you accuse the wrong person, you will be banned from the game, which will continue until the end. Those who confirmed your allegation will also be excluded if they indicate an incorrect name.
- If you were wrong, but whoever confirmed your accusation revealed the identity of the killer, he is the one who wins the game.
- If your suspicions are true, the killer is caught and you win the game. You can start another one right away.
Method 2 of 2: Assassin Game with Three Assassins

Step 1. Gather a large group of people
Participants must be at least 15, because there will be three killers. If you try this variant with fewer people, the match would last a few seconds.

Step 2. Sit in a circle
Whether you are sitting on the floor or in a chair, arrange yourself in a circle. Everyone must be able to see the faces of the other participants.
- This version of the game is seated, so there is no need to walk.
- Make sure you are comfortable. You'll be sitting still for a long time, especially if you play multiple games, so grab a pillow and get comfortable.

Step 3. Choose three assassins
Use a deck of cards and choose three cards (for example the ace of spades, the queen of hearts and the king of diamonds) that represent the assassins. All the players will draw a card and the three who will take those of the assassins will fill those roles.
- The first assassin will kill with a wink. The second with a tic and the third with a grimace.
- Make sure the deck contains the same number of cards as the participants. With 15 players and a 52-card deck, you may need to deal more than one card each to assign assassin roles.
- If you don't have a deck of cards available, you can use small pieces of paper that say "wink", "tick" and "grimace".

Step 4. Make conversation
While all the participants are seated in a circle, you have to chat about this and that. You can all talk together as a group, or you can form separate small units. Just remember to look all the players in the eye as you speak.
You can talk about what you prefer. Discuss your plans for the weekend, tell where you would like to go on vacation or what you did the previous day. To make everyone laugh, you can even try a weird accent

Step 5. Make eye contact with the other players and pay attention to their facial movements
The assassins try to kill their victims with winks and grimaces, so you will have to look closely at the faces of all the participants to catch them.

Step 6. Don't die
You have to be assassinated three times to die in this version of the game. All three killers have to kill you, so if you've already been hit twice, be very careful to avoid the third criminal.
- Raise your right hand. If the wink killer kills you, "die" by raising your right hand. Keep your arm raised for the rest of the game, or until you are eliminated.
- Raise your left hand. If the killer who uses the tick kills you, "die" by raising your left hand. Keep your arm raised for the rest of the game, or until you are eliminated.
- Cross your legs. If the grimace killer kills you, "die" by crossing your legs. Keep your legs crossed for the rest of the game, or until you are eliminated.

Step 7. Accuse the killer if you think you have discovered his identity
Raise your hand and exclaim "Accuse!". Another player must confirm your allegation. Once confirmation is received, you will need to shout out the name of the suspect, and so will the other accuser. The accused must answer "Yes" (if he is guilty) or "No" (if he is innocent).
- The one who confirmed the accusation may indicate a person other than the first accuser. In this version of the game, whoever confirms the accusation is excluded if they fail to identify the killer, as long as the first accuser does not guess the third killer at the same time. In the latter case, in fact, the game would end.
- If you entered a wrong name, and whoever confirmed your allegation guessed it, you alone will be eliminated.
- If no one confirms your allegation, you cannot give any names. Wait a few moments and try again later.
- You can accuse one killer at a time or even all three together if you think you know their identities. Be careful though, because even if you guess two out of three killers, one wrong accusation is enough to exclude you from the game.
- If you accuse the wrong person, you will be banned from the game, which will continue until the end. Anyone who confirmed your allegation will also be excluded if they indicate an incorrect name.
- If you have guessed the name of an assassin, that player leaves the game and the game continues until all the assassins are captured. When they are all discovered, you can play another game!