How to Play Scrabble (with Pictures)

How to Play Scrabble (with Pictures)
How to Play Scrabble (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Scrabble is a classic board game that is based on words. The goal of each player is to get the highest score by forming words on the board that intersect with those already formed by the opponents. To play Scrabble you need at least two people and the official game board with all its components. During the game you will have to create words, increase your score, challenge the opponents and you can also change the letters that are not useful to you. Meanwhile the scorer will take into account each player's score to determine the winner. If you become a fan of this game, you will be able to regularly invite your friends for a match, join a club or participate in a tournament.


Part 1 of 4: The Preparation

Play Scrabble Step 1
Play Scrabble Step 1

Step 1. Make sure you have everything you need to play

Before starting the game, check that you have the board, the 100 letter tiles and a letter holder for each player. You will also need a fabric bag to store the tiles in. Finally, you can only play if you have 1-3 opponents.

Play Scrabble Step 2
Play Scrabble Step 2

Step 2. Choose the dictionary to use for the challenges

During the game, it may happen that a player forms a word whose spelling is a source of doubt or which seems non-existent. In such a situation, you will have to look up the term in a dictionary. For this reason it is always advisable to have one on hand.

Play Scrabble Step 3
Play Scrabble Step 3

Step 3. Put the letters in the bag and shake them

You need to do this to make sure they are well mixed. If you don't have a bag, put all the tiles upside down on the table and move them around a bit.

Play Scrabble Step 4
Play Scrabble Step 4

Step 4. Determine who will have the first turn

Pass the bag between the players so that each can draw a letter. Eventually everyone puts the tile on the table so that everyone can see it. The player who drew the letter closest to A is entitled to open the game. Return all the tiles to the bag and shake them again before taking them out.

Play Scrabble Step 5
Play Scrabble Step 5

Step 5. Take your letters

Starting with the player entitled to the first turn, have each person draw seven tiles without looking inside the bag. They must not be shown, but placed on the appropriate support. The bag is then passed to the nearby opponent who will do the same until all players have their tiles.

Part 2 of 4: The Game

Play Scrabble Step 6
Play Scrabble Step 6

Step 1. Create the first word

Whoever is entitled to the first round can form the first word, which must be composed of at least two letters starting from the central square of the board, the one that has a star. The word can be written vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally.

When counting the score generated by the word, remember that the first player has the right to double it, because the box with the star guarantees this bonus. For example, if the word formed has a value of 8 points, the player receives 16 points

Play Scrabble Step 7
Play Scrabble Step 7

Step 2. Count the points

After placing the tiles you have to count the score you have obtained. Add together the values assigned to each letter, which are located in the upper right corner of each tile. If you have placed a tile on a special square, then you are entitled to the bonus indicated by it.

For example, if you have placed a letter on a box labeled "Double Word" then you can duplicate the total score of the value you got. If the box says "Double Letter" then you only duplicate the score of the specific card

Play Scrabble Step 8
Play Scrabble Step 8

Step 3. Extract new tiles

After each turn, you must take as many letters from the bag as you used to form the word. For example, if you used three of the seven letters available, you will need to draw three tiles from the bag at the end of your turn. Put them in your holder and pass the bag to the next player.

Play Scrabble Step 9
Play Scrabble Step 9

Step 4. Take advantage of the words of the opponents

On your next turn, you need to add tiles to the words other players have created on the board. This means that you cannot compose an isolated word on the game board and that the tiles must be linked together.

When you cross your word with those formed by your opponents, remember to consider the score of all the tiles. When you place the tiles you have to create at least one new term, but you have to make sure that the other words that form in the various directions also make sense

Play Scrabble Step 10
Play Scrabble Step 10

Step 5. Make sure you get the maximum possible score in each round with the letters at your disposal

Every time you play try to form more words, taking advantage of the intersections, in order to earn more points. Try to place very high-scoring letters, such as "Z" and "Q", on top of the special boxes. Here are the special boxes.

  • Double Letter: this special box allows you to double the value of the card that occupies it.
  • Double Word: means that you double the value of the word you have formed.
  • Triple Letter: this means that you can triple the value of the card you placed on the specific box.
  • Triple Word: in this case you can triple the total score of the word you created.
Play Scrabble Step 11
Play Scrabble Step 11

Step 6. Challenge the other players to discuss a word

If you believe that the term formed by an opponent is non-existent or misspelled, then you can challenge the player. At this point we must refer to the dictionary.

  • If the word is present in the dictionary and has been spelled correctly, then it is considered valid and the player can "collect" the score; the challenger instead loses the turn.
  • If the word is not present in the dictionary or has been spelled incorrectly, then the player must remove it from the board; in this case no one loses the turn or earns points.
Play Scrabble Step 12
Play Scrabble Step 12

Step 7. Change the tiles you don't want

At some point in the game, you may find yourself needing to change some or all of your letters. You can use your turn to do this: put the tiles you don't want in the bag, shake the container and extract the new letters (as many as you have discarded). Remember that you can't play this turn, because you used it to replace letters.

Part 3 of 4: The Score

Play Scrabble Step 13
Play Scrabble Step 13

Step 1. Add up your score as you play

This is a very important part, each participant should announce their score after each play and the scorer should write it down immediately.

Play Scrabble Step 14
Play Scrabble Step 14

Step 2. Pay attention to the special boxes

These modify the score generated by the word, so try to make the most of them. You can take advantage of the bonus only when you occupy a special square during your turn, but you are not entitled to it if you use the tile already used (by you or an opponent) to create a crossword.

When the word occupies several special boxes, first multiply the value of the letters and then that of the word. For example, if you have formed a term that occupies both a "Double Letter" and "Triple Word" box, then you will first need to double the letter's score and then triple the word's score

Play Scrabble Step 15
Play Scrabble Step 15

Step 3. Get 50 bonus points by playing Bingo

When you manage to form a word using all seven letters at your disposal, you've done Bingo. In this case, you are entitled to 50 reward points, in addition to the value generated by the word.

Play Scrabble Step 16
Play Scrabble Step 16

Step 4. At the end of the game add up each player's score

When all the participants have run out of tiles and it is not possible to form new terms, the game is over and the total points are added. As the scorer proceeds with the calculation, each person should communicate the value of the tiles in their possession that have remained unused, so that it is subtracted from the total score.

Play Scrabble Step 17
Play Scrabble Step 17

Step 5. Declare the winner

Once the scorer has added up each participant's score and subtracted the value of the unused tiles, he is able to announce the winner. The person with the highest score wins the game. Whoever reaches the second highest score wins the second place and so on.

Part 4 of 4: Finding People to Play with

Play Scrabble Step 18
Play Scrabble Step 18

Step 1. Invite friends for a friendly match

Scrabble is a fun and easy game to learn, so it allows you to spend pleasant time with friends. Invite a few friends to play in the evening so you can practice and have fun at the same time.

Play Scrabble Step 19
Play Scrabble Step 19

Step 2. Join a club

If you want to play regularly every week, but don't know anyone who wants to make the same commitment, then you should join a Scrabble club. Do some research to find an association in your area or start one yourself.

Play Scrabble Step 20
Play Scrabble Step 20

Step 3. Sign up for a tournament

Once you have developed good player skills and feel confident enough to challenge other players, you will be able to participate in a tournament. You will be able to play many games and meet other people who share the same passion for this board game as you.
