How to Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart

Table of contents:

How to Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart
How to Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart

Does anatomy fascinate you or do you just want to improve your artistic skills? Drawing anatomical parts in a realistic way can be very difficult. Follow the steps below to draw the internal structure of the human heart.


Part 1 of 3: Finding a Figure

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 1
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 1

Step 1. To find a good figure, go to Google Images and type “internal structure of the human heart”

Find an image that shows the heart in its entirety and click on it to enlarge it.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 2
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 2

Step 2. Get a piece of paper and something you can draw with

It begins with the pulmonary veins, which are located in the lower left of the aorta. There are two; draw the upper vein a little smaller than the lower one.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 3
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 3

Step 3. Begin sketching the lower part of the inferior vena cava below the pulmonary veins, slightly to the right

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 4
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 4

Step 4. Start drawing the base of the heart, including the right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium and left atrium

The pulmonary veins must be adjacent to the right atrium, while the inferior vena cava must be adjacent to the right atrium and right ventricle.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 5
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 5

Step 5. If necessary, change the figure

If the image you are using helps you in the realization of the drawing, continue to use it. But if you can't understand how the parts of the heart are positioned, look for another figure.

Part 2 of 3: Drawing the Heart

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 6
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 6

Step 1. Draw the other side of the pulmonary veins and add circles at the end

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 7
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 7

Step 2. Start drawing the pulmonary artery

The lower part ends at the upper part of the right ventricle. The right side and the left side should be slightly above the atria and pulmonary veins. The pulmonary artery has a "T" shape and extends to the upper part of the right ventricle. Draw a circle at the end.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 8
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 8

Step 3. To draw the aorta, start from the arch positioned above and around the pulmonary artery, which ends in the upper part of the left ventricle

To create the posterior part of the aorta, draw a single line that connects the right side of the pulmonary artery with the upper part of the left atrium. Finally, draw three protuberances in the upper part of the arch, then erase the lines left at the base of the protuberances. Add slanted circles to the top of each bump. Draw a circle in the lower part of the aorta, next to the left ventricle.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 9
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 9

Step 4. To draw the superior vena cava, draw a protuberance that extends from the upper part of the right atrium, overlaps the left side of the pulmonary artery and passes just above the left side of the latter

Draw a circle at the bottom of the superior vena cava, next to the right ventricle.

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 10
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 10

Step 5. Draw four circles in the left atrium and one in the right atrium, just below the superior vena cava

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 11
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 11

Step 6. Draw the mitral valves between both atria and the aortic valves both in the pulmonary artery and in the aorta

Part 3 of 3: Coloring and Labeling

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 12
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 12

Step 1. Paint pink:

  • The contour
  • The left atrium
  • The right atrium
  • The pulmonary veins
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 13
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 13

Step 2. Color in purple:

  • The pulmonary artery
  • The left ventricle
  • The right ventricle
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 14
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 14

Step 3. Color blue:

  • The superior vena cava
  • The inferior vena cava
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 15
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 15

Step 4. Color red:

The aorta

Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 16
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 16

Step 5. Be sure to write the names of these parts:

  • Superior vena cava
  • Inferior vena cava
  • Pulmonary artery
  • Pulmonary veins
  • Left ventricle
  • Right ventricle
  • Left atrium
  • Right atrium
  • Mitral valves
  • Aortic valves
  • Aorta
  • Pulmonary valve (optional)
  • Tricuspid valve (optional)
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 17
Draw the Internal Structure of the Heart Step 17

Step 6. Finally, write “The Human Heart” above the drawing


  • Use a pencil.
  • Start coloring only when you have drawn the entire figure.
