How to Draw Still Life: 11 Steps

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How to Draw Still Life: 11 Steps
How to Draw Still Life: 11 Steps

Have you ever thought of not knowing how to draw? This article will help you draw like a real artist. Anyone can be able to draw with a little practice. Good luck.


Draw Still Life Step 1
Draw Still Life Step 1

Step 1. Start by choosing an easy-to-draw object such as a ball, book, box, etc

If you are a beginner, choose an object without too many details. Don't run into something on your own that may prove too difficult.

Draw Still Life Step 2
Draw Still Life Step 2

Step 2. After choosing the object, place it on a counter, table, floor, etc

Make sure the background isn't too difficult to draw.

Draw Still Life Step 3
Draw Still Life Step 3

Step 3. Try to work with a light source (a lamp for example)

It serves to define the shadows.

Draw Still Life Step 4
Draw Still Life Step 4

Step 4. After choosing the location, observe the object for about 2-7 min

Try to memorize the position / shading / texture / pattern and other things that can help you in the drawing.

Draw Still Life Step 5
Draw Still Life Step 5

Step 5. Once you have examined every single part of the object, start drawing

Try using the pencil with a light stroke, so if you make a mistake it will be easier to erase.

Draw Still Life Step 6
Draw Still Life Step 6

Step 6. In the beginning, try to make the shapes you recognize in the object, such as circles or rectangles or draw the lines of light that divide the object

Don't focus on a single part of the object until you have traced the entire structure.

Draw Still Life Step 7
Draw Still Life Step 7

Step 7. Once you have drawn the entire object with a light pencil stroke, begin to darken the outlines, but not too dark to make it appear two-dimensional

Draw Still Life Step 8
Draw Still Life Step 8

Step 8. After that, start adding the details

Shading is very important and must be done correctly. Use a light pencil for the shading and keep overlapping the strokes. Do not be impatient, perhaps starting to press the pencil a little too much, as it may be difficult to erase.

Draw Still Life Step 9
Draw Still Life Step 9

Step 9. The shading process can take a long time, depending on the object, as it requires several pauses and a careful study of the object

If the procedure was done correctly, you may feel a little tired in your arms and hands.

Draw Still Life Step 10
Draw Still Life Step 10

Step 10. Once you've finished shading, take a step back and look at your drawing, comparing it to the object

You may notice a few so you can go back and fix the problem. If you notice any errors or differences you can always make changes and corrections. Of course, the job won't be perfect, so try to learn from mistakes.

Draw Still Life Step 11
Draw Still Life Step 11

Step 11. Keep practicing and you will become a better artist


  • Draw what you see, not what you think you see. Even if you think you were wrong at first, keep drawing and wait until you see the final result.
  • As mentioned, try to draw what you see and not what the object should look like. This advice is to ease the tension.
  • If you're not very good at shading, practice drawing a circle and making it lighter or darker depending on the light. Move the pencil in circular motions.
  • Many artists sign their works, put the date and sometimes the copyright at the base of the design. You can do it too if you want. It serves to prove that the job is officially yours and no one can claim it outside of you. Try to sign it in pen, in order to make the signature indelible.
  • Never try to change the way something looks because you think you can't. Just try it. Never throw away your artwork. Keep them all and watch them after some time to check for improvements.
