Some say that changing negative thought patterns is incredibly difficult, but isn't that negative thinking too? If left unmodified, negative thought patterns can escalate and spiral out of control preventing us from achieving our goals in life and making us unable to find our way.
Think Optimistically: Changing thought patterns from negative to positive is possible. All that is required is persistence, and the understanding that you, and only you, are in control of the thoughts that go through your mind. This article will teach you how to change your negative thought patterns.

Step 1. Take control of your brain
Everything in life can be described in terms of good or bad. For example: if a person gives you a bottle of perfume, they might do it because (positive) they care about you, or because (negative) you smell bad. The trick is to constantly choose the most positive explanation and tell it to yourself (preferably out loud) by creating (realistic) reasons that prove the explanation is correct. If you think it won't work, you probably need to get started today!

Step 2. Find a guide
Reading this article is definitely a great start. Reading the experiences of others is a great way to realize that changing your thinking patterns from negative to positive is absolutely achievable. Search the web for "positivity", "positive phrases", etc. The world is full of positive people who want to help others get rid of their negative thoughts.

Step 3. Make a written list of everything, big or small, that you can be grateful for in your life
For example, list your family, loved ones, your pets, your home, etc. It will help you focus on the countless positive things in your daily life.

Step 4. Live in the present
Not in the future, and certainly not in the past. This is something that people often forget, spending much of their time regretting past events and worrying about those that may happen in the future. This way you lose everything that happens now, in your real life. Accept that the past cannot be changed, and recognize that you have a good deal of control over your actions in the present, actions that can give you a better future. Live intensely everything you do, instantly you will feel led to abandon the negative for the positive.

Step 5. Stop using concepts in your mind like:
"won't happen" and "can't be". Allowing negative thoughts to settle in your mind and grow will help them take control of your reactions to situations and make them your reality. Consciously and constantly transform them into "will happen" and "may be", try your best. Accept that everyone fails occasionally and learn to see it as an opportunity to take a new path.

Step 6. Every day is a new day
In every moment, life offers us new possibilities and opportunities. Follow your instinct.

Step 7. Accept the change
It will allow you not to slip into negative thoughts by accusing life of evil behavior. Accept the concept that change is an integral part of life, he himself will welcome you in a positive way.
- Positive thinking patterns are contagious, surround yourself with people who can make you happy and optimistic.
- Understand that often your mind tries to deceive you into being negative, even when reality is different. This is related to emotions of an irrational type, such as intense jealousy.