The smile that engages the eyes is called the "Duchenne smile" and is the most sincere. When the eyes and not just the mouth smile, then your expression has the power to fascinate people. The main thing is that a “Duchenne smile” is very difficult to falsify: if the eyes also participate, it means that you are really happy. Focusing on good thoughts can help you seem more sincere, but when you are really well then you can "only" smile with your eyes. Keep reading.
Part 1 of 3: Work out

Step 1. Know what your smile looks like
Scientists have identified 50 different types and research suggests that the most sincere of all is the Duchenne, that is, the one in which the corners of the eyes are pushed upwards. The reason why it appears so genuine is that the muscles that move the external chants of the eyes are involuntary and are involved only to express a true emotion and not "courtesy". Every time you smile because there is something that amuses you or that makes you happy, every time you express your true feelings, your eyes follow the curve of your lips. They curl at the corners and your face is completely involved in the expression.
- Look at your photos that have been taken while laughing or take a selfie when you are laughing out loud because you are watching something very funny. Make sure you feel really happy when you take the photo.
- Now compare a photo with a smile of happiness and one with a smile of circumstance, a little embalmed that you had to show off during the class photos. Can you see the difference in your eyes?
Step 2. Feel the differences on the face
Now that you have seen what a real and a fake smile is like, try to understand how you perceive them. Usually a Duchenne smile is born spontaneous, natural and without difficulty. On the contrary, a fake smile is a forced contraction like when you say "cheese" in group photos: after a couple of seconds that you maintain this type of expression, you perceive a certain fatigue of the facial muscles.
- Once you have identified the muscular sensations of a smile with your eyes, try to memorize them. Practice involving your whole face in your smile. The more you do it, the easier it will be.
- But try to understand even when you don't smile with your eyes. When you realize that the movement is forced and the face looks more like a mask, try to make the right corrections to look more natural.
Step 3. Practice a Duchenne smile
Even if it is a bit difficult, you can imitate it by squinting slightly, creating small bulges above the cheekbones. Look in the mirror and go for it. If "crow's feet" form at the outer corners of the eyes, you are doing it right. Once you have mastered the technique, you will be able to use it whenever you want to light up a smile of circumstance or cunning.
- Whenever you smile, regardless of the reason, remember to squint slightly. Don't overdo it though, otherwise the face will appear distorted, just a little twitch is enough to give an extra touch to the eyes.
- Try to always maintain eye contact even if you squint, to increase the impact you have on your interlocutor.

Step 4. Make an attempt to smile with your eyes only
Do you think you have mastered the Duchenne smile? Now try without lips. Those who are really good at smiling with their eyes can express happiness even without using their mouth. This does not mean that your mouth should be "frowning", but try to keep it still and try to express yourself only with your eyes.
- This is a type of smile that you can use when you want to leave a little mystery, without breaking out into a broad smile, but at the same time you want to make it clear that you are satisfied with the situation.
- You can also smile without your mouth when you need to keep a pleasant expression for a long time. For example, you have to attend a long meeting and you want to show that you feel good without looking fake. Smiling with your eyes makes you look like a positive and helpful person.
Part 2 of 3: Having the Right Mindset

Step 1. Think positive
A sincere smile comes from true happiness. Studies done on what makes people happy reveal that it is almost never about material possessions or the achievement of big goals, but it seems to be more related to one's outlook on life. In other words, find a way to be optimistic and a real smile will be born on your face all day long.
- Try to think: who has the truest smile? The children! They don't worry too much, as adults do, because life is less complicated for them. Try to follow their example, be more relaxed and playful!
- Do not try to force an expression of happiness, unless you are really happy. Stop being a person who wants to please you at all costs. If you smile constantly to be kind and courteous, you always keep your face under control and don't give the Duchenne smile the opportunity to shine. A true smile comes from your joy, not that of others.

Step 2. Find your happy place
When you find yourself in a situation that doesn't make you joyful, but you don't want to show it, you need to find your "happy place". Think of something that makes you jump for joy, something that automatically makes you smile without making a mistake.
This exercise helps you recognize what makes you "really" happy. Look in the mirror and cover the lower part of your face with a handkerchief or similar. Start thinking or naming your happiest memories aloud, smile as you do it. You will notice that in some moments you will "squint" your eyes and "crow's feet" will form at the outer corners. Here's a Duchenne smile! The easiest way to get the most sincere smile possible on command is to think about the happiest memories and your face will do the rest

Step 3. Trust your smile
If you are worried that your teeth are not straight or their color, that you have bulging gums or bad breath then, subconsciously, you will dull the smile because you are embarrassed. Take care of all these details that distract you from a full and bright smile, so you can really express all your joy.
- Find a way to whiten your teeth and get rid of bad breath in order to solve two of the simplest problems that interfere with your safety.
- If you really want to show off a Duchenne smile, play with your eyes. Care your eyebrows and, if you are a girl, add some makeup to make your eyes stand out.

Step 4. Try to act automatically when you are with people
When it comes time to smile, do it without thinking. Look your interlocutor in the eye making him understand that you are "really" looking at him. If you are really happy to be in his company and he said something pleasant to you, you will break into a wide natural smile. When you feel nervous about how you look to people, it will show in your smile. Instead of worrying about the impression you make, feel free to express yourself.
- Watch others smile as you speak. Is your interlocutor smiling with his eyes? If you see a Duchenne smile on the face of those around you, you will know that it is sincere making you feel more comfortable and relaxed.
- On the other hand, if a person's smile seems fake, it may be difficult to respond with a happy expression. But if you want to appear sincere, you just have to "tune" your brain to a happy thought and remember to squint!
Part 3 of 3: More Smiles

Step 1. Try a sidelong smile
It is similar to the Duchenne but only slightly involves the lower eyelids which slightly squeeze. Meanwhile, the mouth curves slightly without opening into a full smile. It is a more subtle expression than a smile with your eyes and conveys the feeling that you are friendly and interested. Some believe it helps people be more photogenic, as it projects confidence and sex appeal.

Step 2. Practice showing your teeth
This type of smile focuses more on the mouth but the eyes also play a role in completing the expression. You have to open your mouth slightly to show your teeth by pushing your tongue against it. At the same time he squints his eyes. If you do it correctly it will give you a playful and cute expression. If you try this pose for a selfie, take the photograph from the side instead of directly in front.

Step 3. Bursts into a big laugh
Laughing out loud at something fun is a great way to smile. Try to "block" your expression while you are at the peak of your smile and take a picture. You will look happy, funny and attractive and most importantly you will not look fake or unnatural.
- When you smile, try to do it in the most honest and relaxed way possible. Don't let anyone tell you how to do it. Do it your way and you will have a beautiful smile.
- The "Duchenne smile" and wrinkles go hand in hand. However, if you're happy, a couple of extra wrinkles won't bother you.
- If you have trouble smiling due to excessive tension in your face or a headache, try some relaxation exercises.