How to Make Cuts Heal Quickly (with Pictures)

How to Make Cuts Heal Quickly (with Pictures)
How to Make Cuts Heal Quickly (with Pictures)

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It can happen to everyone, sooner or later, to get injured and cause a cut on the skin. It is not always necessary to see a doctor for proper care, but if you want to stay healthy and avoid the risk of infection, you must do everything possible to make the wound heal as quickly and in the best way possible. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to promote healing and continue to go about your normal activities as usual. Read on to learn more.


Part 1 of 4: Clean and Bandage the Wound

Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 1
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 1

Step 1. Wash your hands

Before taking care of the wound, you need to make sure your hands are clean so that you don't transfer bacteria into the cut. Follow all the necessary precautions to wash them thoroughly and make sure they are perfectly clean.

  • Wet your hands with clean running water.
  • Pour in some soap and rub your hands together until you create a lather. Make sure you wash all parts of your hands, including the back, the spaces between your fingers and nails.
  • Rub your hands for 20 seconds. A popular trick to keep this time is to hum "Happy Birthday to you" twice or choose a song you like that lasts 20 seconds.
  • Rinse your hands under clean running water. Avoid touching the faucet with your hands when you open it if you can, and try to use your forearm or elbow.
  • Dab your hands with a clean, dry cloth or allow them to air dry.
  • If you don't have soap and water available, use a hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol. Pour the recommended amount on the package and rub your hands until they are dry.
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 2
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 2

Step 2. Stop the bleeding

If it's a minor cut or scrape, the bleeding is likely minimal and will stop on its own. If not, you can elevate the injured area and apply gentle pressure with a sterile bandage until the bleeding stops.

  • If the cut continues to bleed even after 10 minutes, you should see a doctor, as the wound may be more serious than it initially seemed.
  • If blood flow is heavy or spattering, there may be a severed artery. In this case the situation is serious and it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately or go to the emergency room immediately. Typical areas where the artery can be cut are the inside of the thigh, the inside of the arm, and the neck.
  • The first aid procedure to manage a blood-splattering wound while waiting for the ambulance to arrive involves applying a compression bandage. Cover the wound with a bandage or cloth and wrap it tightly around the wound. Don't squeeze too hard, however, to block circulation. Call for help and an ambulance immediately.
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 3
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 3

Step 3. Clean the wound

To avoid infections, you need to remove as much residue and bacteria as possible. This step must be done before applying any type of bandage to avoid trapping germs in the wound.

  • Wash the cut with clean water. Running water should be able to remove much of the dust, dirt, and debris that might be on the injured area.
  • Also clean the area around the wound with soap, but don't let it come into direct contact with the cut, otherwise it could cause irritation and inflammation.
  • If you notice debris in the wound even after washing, use alcohol-cleaned tweezers to remove it.
  • See your doctor if there are traces of dirt or debris left in the cut that you can't get rid of.
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 4
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 4

Step 4. Apply antibiotic cream or ointment

These drugs prevent the development of infections and complications that could hinder the healing process. In pharmacies and parapharmacies you can easily find ointments such as Cicatrene, Neosporin and Eucerin, which do not require a prescription.

  • Check the package directions before using these medications to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • If you notice a rash or irritation, stop the applications immediately and see your doctor.
  • If you can't find antibacterial or antibiotic cream, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to form a barrier between the wound and bacteria.
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 5
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 5

Step 5. Cover the wound

If the cut remains uncovered, it is more prone to contamination with dust and bacteria which, in turn, could cause an infection. Use sterile, non-stick gauze or band-aid to protect the wound. Make sure the bandage is able to completely cover the wound.

  • If you don't have gauze or a sterile product available, you can cover the wound with a clean tissue or paper towel until you find a proper bandage.
  • If the cut is really shallow and isn't bleeding excessively, you can use a spray patch (or liquid patch). This product helps "seal" the wound and protect it from possible infection and is usually water resistant for several days. Apply the product directly to the skin after cleaning and drying the wound.
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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 6

Step 6. Determine the need for medical intervention

Superficial cuts generally don't require special medical attention unless they become infected. However, there are some circumstances in which it is appropriate to seek medical attention once the wound has been cleaned and medicated. If you experience one or more of the following situations, do not waste any more time and go to the doctor or hospital immediately.

  • The subject who has undergone the cut is a child less than one year of age. Any type of wound on a newborn under 12 months should be given medical attention, to make sure no infection or scar occurs.
  • The wound is deep. A cut that penetrates 6mm or more of the skin is considered a deep wound. If the injury is very deep, you can see exposed fat, muscle, or bone. For these types of cuts, a few stitches are often needed to heal properly and prevent infections.
  • The wound is long. A cut at least 1.3 cm or longer usually requires stitches.
  • The wound is very dirty or has debris that you cannot remove. If you are unable to clean the cut properly, you should see your doctor to prevent possible infections.
  • The wound is located on a joint and opens during movement. This type of wound also requires stitches to heal properly.
  • The cut continues to bleed after 10 minutes of direct pressure. This could mean that the trauma also involved a vein or artery. This circumstance requires urgent treatment.
  • The wound was caused by an animal. Unless you are 100% sure that the animal has been subjected to all the vaccines required by law, you could run the risk of contracting rabies. Therefore the wound will need to be thoroughly cleaned and a course of vaccines may be required to prevent the disease.
  • You suffer from diabetes. Diabetics are more likely to suffer from complications from injuries because the circulatory and nervous systems do not function at maximum efficiency. Even small cuts can become severely infected or take a long time to heal. If you are diabetic, you should always see your doctor if you have a cut of any size.
  • More than 5 years have passed since the last tetanus shot. Although doctors recommend doing it every 10 years, it is necessary to have a recall in cases of deep wounds, lacerations caused by an animal bite or any type of cut caused by a rusty piece of metal. Consult your doctor if it has been more than 5 years since the last vaccine, to decrease the risk of contracting tetanus.
  • The cut is on the face. Stitches or other types of treatments may be useful to help heal the wound without causing unpleasant blemishes.

Part 2 of 4: Taking Care of the Wound During the Healing Phase

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 7

Step 1. Change the dressing regularly

Blood and bacteria present on the wound can remain on the dressing so it must be replaced at least once a day to avoid infection. Consider changing it at any other time of the day, too, if it gets wet or dirty.

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 8

Step 2. Check for signs of infection

Even if you clean the wound thoroughly and keep it covered to prevent possible infections, it can still infect. Monitor her for the following symptoms and see your doctor if you have any.

  • Increased pain around the injury.
  • Redness, swelling or warmth near the cut.
  • Drainage of pus from the wound.
  • Bad smell coming from the cut.
  • Fever of 37.8 ° C or more that lasts over 4 hours.
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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 9

Step 3. See your doctor if the wound does not heal properly

Cuts usually take 3-7 days to heal or even 2 weeks if the wound is more severe. If you find it takes too long to heal, it could be an infection or some other problem. If the cut shows no signs of improvement after a week, see your doctor.

Part 3 of 4: Encourage Rapid Healing

Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 10
Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 10

Step 1. Keep the wound moist

An antibiotic ointment is not only helpful in avoiding infections, it also helps retain moisture on the cut. This is a good thing, because dry wounds heal more slowly, while moisture allows for faster healing. Apply the ointment every time you dress and bundle the wound. Even when the cut no longer requires a bandage, still apply a small amount of the ointment to keep the area moist and facilitate recovery.

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 11

Step 2. Avoid removing or scratching the scabs

It is quite normal for scabs to form over cuts or scrapes and are useful because they protect the area as it heals. For this reason, you don't have to tease them or try to remove them, otherwise you still expose the cut to the air and the body has to start the whole healing process again, thus slowing down recovery.

Sometimes you may accidentally scratch the scab and the cut may start bleeding again. If this happens, clean it and medicate it by wrapping it, as you would for any other cut

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 12

Step 3. Remove the patch slowly

Although it is often said that it is best to tear off the patches with a quick gesture, in this circumstance, however, you could slow down the healing process of your wound; in fact, if you pull the patch too quickly, you can also tear the scab and reopen the wound, having to restart the healing process again. For this reason, it is important to remove the patch slowly. To make this easier, you can soak the affected area in warm water to loosen the patch and make removal less painful.

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 13

Step 4. Avoid using too strong antiseptics on minor wounds

Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and particularly aggressive soaps can irritate and inflame the wound, thereby slowing recovery, as well as the possible risk of scarring. For minor cuts and scrapes, clean water, mild soap and antibiotic ointment are sufficient.

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 14

Step 5. Make sure you get adequate sleep

The body heals during sleep, and if you don't get enough sleep, the wound can take much longer to recover properly. Additionally, sleep is critical to maintaining a strong immune system, which can prevent infections as the wound closes. Aim to sleep through the night if you want to help your wound heal quickly and efficiently.

Part 4 of 4: Helping the Wound Heal with the Proper Diet

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 15

Step 1. Eat 2 or 3 servings of protein every day

Protein is an indispensable element for the growth of skin and tissues. Eating 2 or 3 servings a day stimulates and promotes wound healing. Some good sources of protein are:

  • Meat and poultry.
  • Beans.
  • Egg.
  • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, especially the Greek one.
  • Products derived from soy.
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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 16

Step 2. Increase your fat intake

Fats are essential for cell formation, so you need them more than usual right now to allow the wound to heal quickly and efficiently. But make sure that they are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, ie "good fats". The saturated ones found in junk food do not help heal the wound and, on the contrary, cause other health problems.

The ideal sources of "good fats" for your body are lean meats, vegetable oils such as sunflower or olive oil, and dairy products

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 17

Step 3. Eat carbohydrates every day

These nutrients are important because the body processes them to produce energy. Without them, the body breaks down nutrients such as proteins to get the energy it needs. This can slow down the healing process, because proteins and fats are taken away from the wound healing process. You can prevent this by eating cereals, bread, rice and pasta every day.

Also choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones. Complex ones are digested more slowly and cause lower glycemic peaks. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as bread, whole grains and pasta, sweet potatoes and oats, are also usually higher in fiber and protein

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 18

Step 4. Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of Vitamin A and C

Both of these vitamins promote wound healing by stimulating cell growth and fighting inflammation; they also reduce the risk of infection when the cut is still recent.

  • Sources of vitamin A include sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, herring, salmon, eggs, and dairy products.
  • The main sources of vitamin C include oranges, yellow peppers, dark green vegetables and berries.
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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 19

Step 5. Get zinc into your diet

This mineral helps synthesize proteins and develop collagen, accelerating wound healing. Eat red meats, enriched grains, and seafood to get enough zinc.

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Make Cuts Heal Faster Step 20

Step 6. Stay hydrated

Drink enough to improve circulation; good blood flow is imperative to bring essential nutrients to the wound area. Water also helps the body eliminate toxins, thus helping to prevent possible infections.


  • Talk to your doctor for advice before making any major changes to your diet. If you suffer from any pre-existing disease or are following a diet that has been prescribed for you, you risk causing damage to your body if you are not followed by a doctor.
  • Call the emergency services or go to the emergency room if the cut continues to bleed even after 10 minutes, if there is debris that you cannot remove, or if the wound is deep and long.
