How to Get Rid of Bad Dreams: 4 Steps

How to Get Rid of Bad Dreams: 4 Steps
How to Get Rid of Bad Dreams: 4 Steps

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Are you having bad dreams? Maybe some nightmares related to past events? Follow these simple instructions and soon the bad dreams will fade away.


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Step 1. Follow your usual bedtime routine

Step 2. Pray, read a good book, or write what's on your mind in a journal

Do something to express and release the thoughts that worry you.

  • If you pray: it is a good habit, to achieve mental serenity, do not pray to God to free you from bad dreams, but to pray to him to be able to sleep peacefully and quietly.

    Pray in Many Different Ways as a Christian Step 3
    Pray in Many Different Ways as a Christian Step 3
  • If you want to express your faith, start with a prayer of thanks and then peacefully ask for relief. Also remember to thank the Lord for your friends, and for everything you have, whether it's good or not. Glorifying the Lord will make you feel grateful and confident in his love and attention!

    Pray in Many Different Ways as a Christian Step 19
    Pray in Many Different Ways as a Christian Step 19
  • If you prefer, pray aloud, but don't repeat yourself too many times; be sure of what you say: say it and sincerely believe it.
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Step 3. Relax, and do some stretching if it helps you calm down; other things you can do to relax:

  • Try not to gasp (at least not more than once or twice) as soon as you wake up.
  • Constantly panting can cause a panic attack due to too much oxygenation of the blood …
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Step 4. If you have read books or articles on meditation techniques, practice them to relax before falling asleep


  • If you happen to have a bad dream anyway, try to open your eyes and breathe deeply and naturally as the bad dream is ending. Keep in mind that it will be more difficult than when you are dreaming of something more pleasant, and it may seem that the eyelids are as if glued together …
  • If you are really upset, ask someone to sleep with you, perhaps a brother or sister, or ask a friend to sleep with you. Sometimes the relaxing effect is maintained even for the following nights.
  • If the root cause of the nightmare can be addressed and resolved, have no fear and try to do it.
  • If you are not used to praying, then think positively about all the good things that have happened to you during the day. Keep thinking about it until you've fallen asleep.
  • If you wake up from a bad dream, try not to think about it. Take your thoughts away from the dream, perhaps by watching some TV, reading or otherwise distracting yourself until you are ready to go back to sleep.
  • Think about the good things before bed, like your weekend, some fun activities, anything that takes your thoughts away from bad dreams and all the worries that can cause them.
  • If the bad dreams continue, talk to a counselor or counselor, or to a friend or family member you feel comfortable with, someone you trust and know they won't talk to others.
  • Positive relationships, or positive thoughts, help you avoid focusing on what is bothering you, so while you fall asleep, avoid thinking about exams or relationship problems you are experiencing.
  • The secret is to relax.
  • Breathing regularly and deeply helps clear your mind and think positively.


  • If these techniques aren't enough, don't be discouraged. It can happen. The mechanisms and purpose of dreams are largely unknown, and we can only make assumptions. Some anthropologists argue that dreams are intended to prepare us for situations in which we may find ourselves in the future, to make them familiar in some way when they occur. For example, if we dream of being chased by a tiger, it is as if our body learns to react to the real situation. That said, dreams can be much more complex, distorted representations of reality that have no connection with the real world, and can be a symptom of hormonal or neurological imbalances, such as during the menstrual cycle, or in the case of chronic diseases.
  • Never try to stay awake to escape from a bad dream. Eventually you will give in and fall asleep (it is inevitable …), and the accumulated tension and worry will only lead to more bad dreams. If you are not sleepy, read this article again …
  • Have no doubts. Be sure what you think. Mentally tell yourself what you believe. God knows what you need, and what you want. He also knows what you think and sometimes, if you don't ask for anything but just thank him for what he has already given you, or that you are convinced he will give you, he will also be able to free you from bad memories and bad dreams.
