7 Ways to Treat a Hangover

7 Ways to Treat a Hangover
7 Ways to Treat a Hangover

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It's the morning after a wild party you attended. Unfortunately, your stomach seems to dance just like you did last night, on the tables, and your head is about to explode at any moment. You're in the thick of the dreaded "hangover". Follow these instructions to survive the day.


Method 1 of 7: For Immediate Relief

Treat a Hangover Step 1
Treat a Hangover Step 1

Step 1. Drink some water

While you are in the bathroom, hugging the toilet, drinking water seems ridiculous to you. But rehydrating is the best way to get over a hangover. Drink 8-10 glasses of water slowly over the course of the morning. Alcohol makes you lose water, stimulating the kidneys to produce more urine than the amount of liquid you ingest, leading to dehydration. The more alcohol you drink, the more water you excrete.

Symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea, dry mouth, and fatigue. The after-effects are caused by a combination of dehydration, depletion of vitamins A, B and C, and the process of metabolizing alcohol

Treat a Hangover Step 2
Treat a Hangover Step 2

Step 2. Take a pain reliever

You have a throbbing headache because alcohol has dilated your blood vessels including those of the brain, which now press on the brain causing pain just like a migraine attack. Although a pain reliever may not make you feel fitter, it will still keep the pain at bay for a while.

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen work perfectly with headaches. However, avoid paracetamol, as it is metabolized by the liver which is already so busy digesting alcohol in your body. Taking acetaminophen when you have alcohol in your body can cause liver damage

Treat a Hangover Step 3
Treat a Hangover Step 3

Step 3. Eat some carbohydrates

Choose plain bagels, toast, or crackers. While they're not a particularly tasty snack, they won't make you feel overly full. The hangover causes a drop in blood sugar, and carbohydrates help to raise it, as well as stabilize the stomach.

Treat a Hangover Step 4
Treat a Hangover Step 4

Step 4. Go back to bed

When you drink too much and go to bed, the body cannot enter the R. E. M. (the sleep phase during which the brain reorganizes and the body rests deeply). Then go back to bed, wrap yourself in a soft blanket, put on some soft music and sleep for a couple more hours.

Consider calling the school or office to call yourself sick. You shouldn't get into this habit, but a 'sick' day will allow your body to repair the damage of the good night

Method 2 of 7: Eat Light Foods

Treat a Hangover Step 5
Treat a Hangover Step 5

Step 1. Eat something light

You will likely have an upside-down stomach, but you need to eat something to catch up on depleted vitamins and to fix your stomach.

Treat a Hangover Step 6
Treat a Hangover Step 6

Step 2. Eat apples and bananas

They contain many nutrients that help eliminate headaches, as well as replenish the minerals lost during the night. In particular, these two fruits are rich in potassium.

Treat a Hangover Step 7
Treat a Hangover Step 7

Step 3. Make yourself some eggs

You can make them scrambled, fried or boiled. However you want to cook them, they are great for overcoming a hangover. Eggs contain an amino acid called cysteine which counteracts the effects of alcohol abuse.

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Treat a Hangover Step 8

Step 4. Eat some tomatoes

They are fresh and regenerate you. Slice them and add a little salt and pepper, or make a juice. The fructose contained in tomatoes helps the metabolism to eliminate alcohol from the system. To amplify the effect, add lime juice.

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Treat a Hangover Step 9

Step 5. Get some coconut

It's high in potassium, something your poor hangover battered body desperately needs. Alternatively, you can drink coconut water, if you don't feel like dealing with rock-hard coconut.

Treat a Hangover Step 10
Treat a Hangover Step 10

Step 6. Try drinking some broth

It is a great hangover food, as it provides fluids and electrolytes, both of which are useful for counteracting dehydration. The broth also replaces the mineral salts and potassium that all of the whiskey consumed you the night before.

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Treat a Hangover Step 11

Step 7. Get the cabbage

Works wonders with the after-effects of alcohol. Make a mix with some cabbage and tomato juice. Cabbage stabilizes blood sugar.

Method 3 of 7: Drink Revitalizing Liquids

Treat a Hangover Step 12
Treat a Hangover Step 12

Step 1. Drink a lot

As mentioned earlier, hydration is the first rule to combat the after-effects of being drunk. Some fluids are more effective than others for replenishing your electrolytes, settling your stomach, and rehydrating you.

Treat a Hangover Step 13
Treat a Hangover Step 13

Step 2. Drink the straight ginger ale

This is the right time to get rid of that drink that you had in the refrigerator and that you have been wanting to throw away for a long time. Drink ginger ale to soothe your stomach.

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Treat a Hangover Step 14

Step 3. Drink pediatric rehydration solution

Even if you are big and fat, a baby solution will make you feel better in a short time. These are sodas rich in sodium but much less sugary than those dedicated to athletes, so they act much faster. They are also rich in vitamins and taste good. The drunk child in you will thank you!

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Treat a Hangover Step 15

Step 4. Get sports drinks

Even if you haven't run the half marathon and haven't played a professional basketball game, your body feels as strained as if you did. Sports drinks like Gatorade are designed to rehydrate you and replace lost nutrients.

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Treat a Hangover Step 16

Step 5. Chew some popsicles

If you don't feel like drinking, popsicles are a great way to start drinking fluids. They also won't make you feel bloated (which sometimes happens when you fill up on sports drinks after a hangover).

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Treat a Hangover Step 17

Step 6. Drink some juice

Your body is hungry for vitamins, and orange, pineapple or mango juices can satisfy it. Just remember to drink slowly, if you empty a whole bottle of fruit juice you will be nauseous.

Method 4 of 7: Herbal Remedies

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Treat a Hangover Step 18

Step 1. Try some herbal remedies

While you may feel like the sorcerer preparing the potion, herbs can give you relief and help restore lost nutrients.

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Treat a Hangover Step 19

Step 2. The milk thistle

It is excellent for those who have liver problems. Right now you are one of these people because of all the alcohol you have ingested. Many claim to feel better after ingesting this herb. You can buy milk thistle in the form of pills or herbal tea.

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Treat a Hangover Step 20

Step 3. Honey

It is the gift of bees to humanity and can help in the treatment of a hangover, since it raises the levels of fructose in the blood; then boil some water and melt some honey in it to dilute the sweetness a little.

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Treat a Hangover Step 21

Step 4. The lemon

This citrus fruit helps eliminate toxins. Make lemon tea to settle your stomach and detoxify.

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Treat a Hangover Step 22

Step 5. Chew on ginger to calm nausea

You can buy candied ginger or boil 10-12 pieces of fresh ginger in a liter of water. You can add other products to your ginger tea that help you get through the hangover, such as lemon juice and honey.

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Treat a Hangover Step 23

Step 6. Boil 5-6 chopped thyme leaves in water

Let the herbal tea simmer for five minutes and then strain it. When it's lukewarm, drink it. Thyme relaxes aching muscles (as a side effect of intoxication) and helps to calm nausea.

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Treat a Hangover Step 24

Step 7. Take some activated charcoal pills

Don't take what you use for the barbecue! You have to get the pills at the pharmacy. Activated carbon has absorbent properties, which means it attracts "bad" molecules to itself and helps you expel them.

Method 5 of 7: Using Vitamins

Treat a Hangover Step 25
Treat a Hangover Step 25

Step 1. Take B vitamins in pills

Vitamin B12, in particular, plays a very important role in the physiology of the brain and nervous system. Give your body some energy and take a vitamin B supplement.

You can also eat foods rich in vitamins B. The most effective are whole wheat, cold milk and citrus fruits such as orange

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Treat a Hangover Step 26

Step 2. Take Vitamin C

This vitamin is an antioxidant. Alcohol has lowered your immune defenses leaving you at the mercy of colds and other viruses. Since many free radicals are produced during the metabolization process of alcohol, vitamin C helps to fight them and thus relieves headaches.

You can buy effervescent and flavored vitamin C supplements at the pharmacy

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Treat a Hangover Step 27

Step 3. Take supplements

Products such as acetylcysteine help you rebuild your vitamin reserves. Acetylcysteine counteracts acetaldehyde intoxication which is the cause of a hangover.

Method 6 of 7: Managing the Hangover

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Treat a Hangover Step 28

Step 1. Lie down and try to sleep

As mentioned before, sleep, water and time are the guaranteed and effective cure for your condition. If you can't sleep, watch your favorite movie or listen to soft music and close your eyes. Even if you have the feeling that the world is spinning in a whirlwind, know that it is the only way to recover.

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Treat a Hangover Step 29

Step 2. Do some light physical activity

If you really can't rest, do some exercise. Go for a brisk walk, a light jog or a few laps. If nothing else, physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins and helps you get rid of the moodiness typical of being drunk.

Some believe that physical activity helps metabolize ingested alcohol. When the body begins to "digest" alcohol, the symptoms begin to disappear

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Treat a Hangover Step 30

Step 3. Avoid loud noises and bright lights

You are very sensitive to light and sound right now. To minimize discomfort and pain close the blinds, avoid loud music and put a cold towel on your head. If you have to go out, wear a hat and sunglasses.

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Treat a Hangover Step 31

Step 4. Take a shower or bath

Even if it does not accelerate the expulsion of alcohol from your body, it will still make you feel better (and, to be honest, even cleaner). Breathing in the steam also relieves headaches. Hot water helps relax the stomach.

Method 7 of 7: Minimize Future Hangover Symptoms

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Treat a Hangover Step 32

Step 1. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink

If you want to let yourself go for a while, drink until you feel a little tipsy, and then stop. It is best to stop when you still have some control over the situation. You'll thank you for doing it the next day.

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Treat a Hangover Step 33

Step 2. Eat before, during and after drinking alcohol

Food helps you keep your blood sugar high, which plays an important role in preventing intoxication. Drinking on an empty stomach guarantees you a quick hangover but a terrible hangover. Ingested food absorbs the alcohol you drink.

It is widely believed that continual snacking during the night leads you to get even more drunk; but it actually decreases the chances of getting sick the next day

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Treat a Hangover Step 34

Step 3. Drink water at night

Start the evening with a large glass of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to prevent a hangover. Alternate a glass of water with each alcoholic drink you drink. Before going to bed, drink another 2-3 glasses of water.

Grab two cups of green tea before you go out, you'll stay hydrated and limit the damage

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Treat a Hangover Step 35

Step 4. Avoid sweet cocktails

Drinking something too sugary will inevitably get you drunk. Avoid those drinks made with commercial preparations, sweet and filled with corn syrup. Also pay close attention to wines (especially sparkling ones) that have high sugar levels.

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Treat a Hangover Step 36

Step 5. Get some vitamin B before going to bed

As mentioned before, the B vitamins are very effective in fighting the hangover. Start the fight by taking these vitamins before going to sleep, and drink a glass of water.
