4 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth with Home Remedies

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4 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth with Home Remedies
4 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth with Home Remedies

You probably dream of having a brighter smile, but you cannot use the dentist's intervention to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth given the high costs of this treatment. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that help improve the shine of your teeth if it's not as bright as you would like. While the following tips aren't as effective as professional treatment, they can help you and don't cost much. However, before trying them, consult your dentist to rule out any contraindications. By following these simple steps, you can whiten your smile in a few weeks.


Method 1 of 4: Using the Whitening Strips

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 1
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 1

Step 1. Buy the right whitening strips

Sold in kits containing an average of a dozen pairs, they are applied to the upper and lower dental arch. Go to the pharmacy and look for them in the area dedicated to oral hygiene.

  • Read and follow all the instructions contained in the package.
  • There is a European directive (84/2011) which establishes the content of hydrogen peroxide allowed in whiteners, indicating the methods of use: in toothpastes, mouthwashes and other products that can be purchased independently, the concentration must be less than 0.1%.
  • Do not buy products that do not comply with current regulations. Some whitening strips contain harsh chemicals that can damage tooth enamel and irritate the gums, such as hypochlorite. See the list of ADA (American Dental Association) approved bleaching agents by visiting this site.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 2
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 2

Step 2. Brush and floss if instructed in the product instructions

This will remove any residue that could hinder teeth whitening or prevent the strips from adhering properly. Then, brush your teeth normally, floss, and rinse your mouth before applying them.

Not all whitening products tell you to brush your teeth first. Always read the instructions before use

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 3
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 3

Step 3. Apply the strips

Open your mouth and curve your lips to reveal your teeth. Take a strip, remove the backing paper and place the sticky side on the front of the lower arch. Run your finger along the strip to make sure it adheres completely. If it protrudes slightly past the teeth, fold it over. Then, do the same with the upper arch.

  • Typically, these kits don't contain different strips for the upper and lower teeth, but check just in case.
  • Wash your hands before proceeding.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 4
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 4

Step 4. Let it sit for 10-45 minutes

The exact duration depends on the power of the whitening agent, so leave the product on for as long as indicated. Wait by lying down with your mouth slightly open to push the saliva away from your teeth.

  • Avoid swallowing too many times during application. Even minimally, you may ingest the whitening agent at the risk of irritating your stomach.
  • Also, avoid eating and drinking during application. Let the strips act without touching or adjusting them.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 5
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 5

Step 5. Remove them when the application time is over

Once the time indicated in the instructions has elapsed, take the end of a strip and gently peel it off. Do the same with the other. Throw them away, without reusing them.

  • If you leave them more than indicated, the whitening effect will not increase. By prolonging contact with chemicals, you only risk irritating your teeth and gums.
  • Make sure your hands are clean before putting them in your mouth. Wash them again if you touched anything.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 6
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 6

Step 6. Rinse your mouth to remove any residue

Use plain water or a mixture of equal parts water and mouthwash. Shake it in your mouth to clean the front of your teeth and remove any remaining gel.

  • If there is still some gel left on your teeth, remove it with a toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste.
  • It is important to remove all traces of gel that could otherwise form white spots on the teeth.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 7
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 7

Step 7. Repeat the treatment as directed

Each product should be used with a certain frequency, ranging from 2 times a day for a week to 1 time a day for 2 weeks. Read the package leaflet in the package and follow the explanations of the treatment.

If at some point you feel any sensitivity or irritation to your teeth, stop using the whitening strips. Contact the dentist and ask him how to act

Method 2 of 4: Clean the Mouth with Whitening Products

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 8
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 8

Step 1. Use a suitable whitening toothpaste

There are several oral hygiene products that are also designed to whiten teeth. Choose a toothpaste that contains baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, two main ingredients for whitening. Remember to check that it is made with substances approved by current legislation. Use it as you normally do when brushing your teeth.

  • Whitening toothpastes don't produce immediate results. It takes a few weeks for the stains on the teeth to fade.
  • By brushing vigorously, you will not make your teeth whiter, on the contrary you risk yellowing them because you go to affect the enamel.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 9
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 9

Step 2. Use baking soda to save

Since whitening products can be expensive, a simpler and cheaper option is to use baking soda. Put a teaspoon in a cup and add a few drops of water. Stir until you get a consistent paste. Then, dip your toothbrush and brush your teeth as normal with the baking soda paste.

  • After using the baking soda, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or mouthwash. If any traces remain on the teeth, it could irritate them or erode the enamel.
  • For a similar result, you can also add it to the toothpaste. Apply the toothpaste to your toothbrush as normal and pour some baking soda on it before brushing your teeth.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 10
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 10

Step 3. Rinse your mouth with 1.5-3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Many whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide, so a low-strength blend can help you whiten your teeth more economically. Pour it into a cup and dilute it with water in equal parts. Then put some in your mouth after brushing your teeth and rinse for 1-2 minutes. Spit and rinse your mouth with water only.

  • Do not ingest the solution. It could irritate the stomach.
  • You can buy hydrogen peroxide at drugstores and supermarkets as long as it is in a low volume concentration to avoid irritating your mouth.
  • To make whitening toothpaste, you can also mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide instead of plain water. Keep in mind that this solution will not taste very pleasant, so dilute it with plain water if it disgusts you.

Method 3 of 4: Have Good Oral Hygiene

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 11
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 11

Step 1. Brush your teeth and floss twice a day to improve tooth health

While it won't remove existing stains, good oral hygiene is essential to prevent further stains from forming and keep your teeth in tip-top shape. For best results, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. When you're done brushing them, floss them to remove any food residue between your teeth.

  • It is advisable to brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. If you prefer to wash them three times, do it after lunch as well.
  • Do not exceed three times a day, as you risk damaging the enamel and weakening the teeth.
  • Floss at least once a day. The best time is in the evening, after washing them before going to sleep.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 12
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 12

Step 2. Gargle with mouthwash to prevent stains from bacterial residue

The toothbrush does not remove all the harmful bacteria present in the mouth. After using it, rinse your mouth for one minute using a suitable mouthwash to prevent plaque from building up and staining your teeth.

  • When buying mouthwash, remember to check that it is made up of substances approved by current legislation.
  • If it is too strong or if the mint flavor is too intense and burns the gums, dilute it with water in equal parts.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 13
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 13

Step 3. Schedule teeth cleaning every six months to remove stubborn stains

Periodically, make an appointment with your dentist to clean your teeth professionally. This treatment will help you have good oral hygiene, detect cavities early and keep your teeth white and healthy.

You can also consult your dentist for information on professional teeth whitening or products to use at home

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 14
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 14

Step 4. Limit your consumption of foods and drinks that darken your teeth

The best way to keep your teeth white is to prevent them from staining. The substances that alter the color are coffee (especially black coffee), red wine and dark fizzy drinks, so limit their consumption.

  • Smoking also makes your teeth yellow or darken. Quit smoking or avoid becoming addicted.
  • If you want to sip a dark, cold drink, try using a straw to inhibit contact with your teeth.
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 15
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 15

Step 5. Avoid using any acidic or plant-based whitening remedies

On the Internet, you can find numerous do-it-yourself remedies that claim to restore whites of teeth. Most of them are not scientifically proven and some are even harmful. Limit yourself to using products and methods that comply with current regulations so as not to risk damaging your teeth.

  • A popular suggestion is to apply lemon juice: however it is dangerous, because it is very acidic and risks eroding the enamel.
  • Other remedies, such as turmeric powder, have not yet scientifically proven effectiveness.

Method 4 of 4: Consult Your Dentist When Needed

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 16
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 16

Step 1. Consult your dentist before whitening your teeth

Tell him about the products you intend to use. It may tell you if they are actually indicated for fading particular stains or if they have contraindications.

If you have small cracks on your teeth, you may not be advised to use whitening products. Chemicals risk irritating exposed dental pulp

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 17
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 17

Step 2. Get examined if your gums turn white or bleed

Bleaching solutions can cause chemical burns on the gums, causing them to bleed or make them pale. This is usually a minor problem that goes away on its own, but you should still go to the dentist for a check-up to rule out serious injuries. In the meantime, stop using any products that may have caused this situation.

The gums should return to their normal color after a few days

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 18
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 18

Step 3. Tell your dentist if you have tooth sensitivity

A possible side effect of teeth whitening is an increase in their sensitivity. In small quantities this is normal, but if they become very sensitive to heat or cold, consult your dentist to rule out serious damage.

Your dentist may advise you to stop using whitening products or suggest a different one. Follow his directions

Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 19
Get Whiter Teeth at Home Step 19

Step 4. See your doctor if you have severe stomach pain

If ingested, some whitening products can cause stomach pain and inflammation. Mild discomfort can be a normal side effect, but if you experience severe pain, diarrhea, or vomiting lasting more than 2 days, see your doctor to rule out more serious conditions.

Stop using whitening products if you have severe pain, vomiting, or diarrhea


  • Professional whitening produces better results than any home treatment. However, it is expensive.
  • Keep in mind that baking soda has a strong flavor. You may want to add it to your toothpaste instead of using it absolute.
  • Drink water when you eat. Neutralizes acids and protects tooth enamel.
  • If any food residue gets stuck between your teeth, do not leave it but pull it out with the help of dental floss.
  • Remember that tooth color is not necessarily related to oral health. It is natural to have slightly yellow teeth. In this case, they may be in perfect health, while the whiter ones may hide some cavities.


  • Read the instructions carefully when using a teeth whitening product.
  • Don't use fruit juices, as some DIY tutorials say to whiten your teeth. Fruit juice is very acidic and can damage the nail polish.
  • Baking soda can dissolve orthodontic glue. Therefore, do not use it if you wear a fixed device.
  • Be careful not to ingest hydrogen peroxide during the whitening procedure. It can severely irritate the stomach.
  • Do not brush your teeth vigorously and for too long, because you risk damaging the enamel (in this case we talk about abrasion of the dental enamel) favoring the onset of dental sensitivity.
