How To Know If You Need Glasses

How To Know If You Need Glasses
How To Know If You Need Glasses

Table of contents:


It is important to take care of the eyes and this sometimes means having to wear glasses. The most common vision defects are myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia. Many people have some visual impairment, but postpone their visit to the optometrist or don't go at all. If you feel like your vision is getting worse, you should make an appointment as soon as possible. In addition to a reduced ability to see, there are various other clues that tell you if you need glasses.


Part 1 of 4: Evaluating Far and Near View

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 1
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 1

Step 1. Check to see if the foreground objects seem blurred to you

Poor near vision acuity could be a sign of hyperopia. If you have a hard time focusing on objects that are close to your eyes, you may be farsighted. There is no precise distance at which the object becomes blurred and which is equivalent to hyperopia.

  • The severity of this visual defect affects the ability to observe objects at close range; the more you have to move something away to focus it, the bigger your ametropia.
  • The typical behaviors of a farsighted person are: moving away from the computer screen and holding a book with outstretched arms.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 2
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 2

Step 2. Assess any reading problems

If you are used to working a lot at close range, such as drawing, sewing, writing or typing on the computer, but you find that it is becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on these tasks, then you may be presbyopic. This is a completely normal process, which involves difficulty in focusing closely as you get older.

  • You can test it by simply holding a book in front of you to read normally. If you realize that the book is placed at a distance greater than 25-30 cm, you may be presbyopic.
  • The same is true if you have to move the text further and further away to distinguish the words.
  • Typically, reading glasses are sufficient to solve the problem.
  • This vision defect usually develops between the ages of 45 and 65.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 3
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 3

Step 3. Check if distant objects appear blurry

If you find that objects lose sharpness as they move away, but everything close is in sharp focus, then it could be myopia. This ametropia usually arises during puberty but can occur at any time in life. Just like with farsightedness, there are many levels of "severity" in nearsightedness as well; if you can read a newspaper, but find it hard to see the blackboard at the back of the classroom or you find that you have to get closer and closer to the television, then you may be short-sighted.

  • There is evidence that children who spend a lot of time on activities that require close watching, such as reading, are more likely to become shortsighted.
  • However, environmental factors have a lower incidence than genetic ones.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 4
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 4

Step 4. See if you have difficulty focusing on both distant and near objects

In some cases, instead of having a bad vision with near or far objects, you have trouble focusing at all distances. If you notice that this happens to you too, know that you may be astigmatic.

Part 2 of 4: Paying Attention to Blurred Vision, Pain, Stinging, and Abnormal Attitudes

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 5
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 5

Step 1. Check for blurry vision

If there are times when you see badly, then you should take them very seriously. They could be a symptom of a larger health problem, for which you need to make a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. If blurry vision is an occasional phenomenon or affects only one eye, go to the optometrist.

  • Blurred vision refers to the loss of sharpness of images and the inability to see the details of an object.
  • Evaluate if the problem occurs only with objects near, distant, or both.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 6
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 6

Step 2. See if you have to squint to see clearly

If you find that you need to sharpen your eyes and squint to focus on something and see it clearly, know that it is a symptom of some eye problem. Try to figure out how many times you happen to do this unintentionally and visit an ophthalmologist for a formal diagnosis.

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 7
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 7

Step 3. Pay attention to cases of diplopia

Double vision is caused by various factors of both muscular and nervous origin; however, it could also be a sign that you need glasses. Regardless of the origin, every episode of diplopia must be evaluated quickly and seriously by an ophthalmologist.

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 8
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 8

Step 4. Make a note of any headache or eye fatigue episodes

If you have eye pain or regularly suffer from headaches, then there may be some eye problem. Both disorders can be triggered after a long time spent reading or doing work at close range, in which case you may be farsighted or farsighted.

  • This type of vision defect is easily detected by an optometrist, so make an appointment to get tested.
  • Your eye doctor may prescribe a pair of glasses that are suitable for your problem.

Part 3 of 4: Observe the Reaction to Light

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 9
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 9

Step 1. Check for problems seeing in the dark

If you find that you have poor night vision, then you may be suffering from an eye condition. Cataracts could also be the cause, so if you notice a big difference between your visual acuity during the day and during the night, you should go to the ophthalmologist.

  • Among the various difficulties you may encounter some uncertainty when driving at night, or you may not be able to see in the dark some objects that are perfectly visible to other people.
  • Other indicators include the difficulty of seeing the stars or walking through dark rooms, such as the hall of a cinema.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 10
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 10

Step 2. Take note of any difficulty in adapting when you move from dark to lighted environments and vice versa

The times to get used to these changes generally increase with age. However, if the problem becomes disabling and interferes with your normal activities, know that it is a sign of an eye disorder that could be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 11
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 11

Step 3. Observe whether or not you notice any halos around the lights

If you see bright circles surrounding light sources, such as light bulbs, then you may have some eye problems. Halos are very common among people with cataracts, but they are also a symptom of one of the four main eye diseases. You should make an appointment with your eye doctor to get a diagnosis.

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 12
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 12

Step 4. Pay attention to photophobia

If you experience light discomfort and this condition tends to get worse, then you should see your eye doctor. This symptom could indicate numerous pathologies, so it is necessary for an expert to come to a conclusion. If photophobia arises suddenly or is particularly severe, request an emergency visit.

If the light causes you pain, you find that you squint or wince every time you are exposed to light, then your sensitivity to this stimulus is increased

Part 4 of 4: Check the Home View

Tell if You Need Glasses Step 13
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 13

Step 1. Use a printable chart

If you suffer from the symptoms described so far, you should not waste time and make an appointment at the ophthalmologist's office for a check-up. However, you can test your visual acuity at home with a few simple tests. Look for a printable table on the internet that shows a series of letters that are gradually smaller and smaller (optotype).

  • After you have printed the chart, hang it on the wall of a well-lit room at eye level.
  • Step back three meters and count how many letters you can see.
  • Continue to the last line or the smallest you are able to read. Write down the number corresponding to the smallest row in which you can recognize most of the letters.
  • Repeat the test with both eyes, covering one at a time.
  • Results vary by age, but grown children and adults should be able to read most of the 10/10 line.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 14
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 14

Step 2. Try taking some online tests

In addition to the optotypes in printable format, there are many other tests that you can do directly from your computer. Remember that these are not tests that provide a certain answer, but they give you some more information on the state of health of the eyes. You can find specific tests for different eye problems, including color blindness and astigmatism.

  • Typically, you have to look at different images and shapes on your computer monitor and follow the instructions provided by the site.
  • Remember that these are rather vague tests, which only give an idea of the problem and should not be considered a valid substitute for a medical check-up.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 15
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 15

Step 3. Go to an eye doctor

Remember that if you experience the symptoms described in this tutorial, you need to make an appointment for a full checkup. You will be subjected to a series of tests and examinations to understand the source of your eye problems and, if glasses are needed, your doctor will prescribe the necessary diopters. All of this may scare you and intimidate you a little, but know that it is a fundamental step for the health of your eyes.

  • The eye doctor will use tools, point lights in your eyes, and ask you to look through a variety of different lenses.
  • You will need to read the letters on the chart with different lenses in front of your eyes.
  • Both the ophthalmologist and the optometrist can evaluate your visual acuity, but only the former can make diagnoses of ocular pathology.
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 16
Tell if You Need Glasses Step 16

Step 4. Find out what to do if you need glasses

After the examination, your doctor will tell you whether or not you need to wear corrective glasses and, if so, will give you the prescription. Take it to the optician and choose the frame you like best. The optician is a professional who will help you choose the model that best suits your face and your visual needs.

Once you have chosen the frame, you will have to wait a week or two for the glasses to be ready, after which you can pick them up at the optical shop


  • Don't lie and say you don't see the letters, because wearing glasses without really needing them can damage your eyes.
  • If you have to wear glasses, ask the optometrist when and how to wear them.
  • Print or draw a chart and then ask someone to help you evaluate your vision.


  • When buying new glasses, make sure the lenses don't reflect the glare of the sun, otherwise they could damage your eyes.
  • Remember that you don't have to wear glasses 24/7! Sometimes the correction is only needed to read, but these are details that the optometrist will explain to you.
  • You can also consider contact lenses if you don't mind touching your eyes!
