How to Determine if a Soft Contact Lens is Reverse

How to Determine if a Soft Contact Lens is Reverse
How to Determine if a Soft Contact Lens is Reverse

Table of contents:


An inverted contact lens can cause pain and frustration, which is sometimes difficult to avoid. This article shows you how to always wear your soft contact lenses correctly.


Method 1 of 2: Visual Inspection

Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 1
Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 1

Step 1. Put one of the two contact lenses on your finger with the edge up

Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 2
Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 2

Step 2. Bring it close to your eyes and carefully observe it sideways

If the edge of the lens is bent or rolled up instead of straight up, the lens is inside out.

Method 2 of 2: Taco Test

Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 3
Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 3

Step 1. Put the contact lens on your finger as described in method # 1

Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 4
Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 4

Step 2. Gently press the lens between your thumb and forefinger to form the typical taco shape

Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 5
Tell If a Soft Contact Lens Is Inside Out Step 5

Step 3. Inspect the contact lens

If the edges are up, then the lens is aligned correctly. If the edges are rounded or curved, then the lens is inside out.


  • When you reverse the lens, don't use your fingernails. Contact lenses are fragile and may tear.
  • Before doing this procedure, wash your hands well. A little dirt under your contact lenses could cause serious problems.
  • Some manufacturers stamp contact lenses with numbers which make this procedure easier. Just check the numbers by looking at the lenses from the side. If they are in reverse, then the lens is reverse as well.
  • Contact lenses, when viewed directly from above, should have blue or green edges. If this color is not visible, then the lenses will probably be inside out.
  • Some contact lenses have the number 123 to determine if they are inside out or not. Follow the steps described in method 1. Look sideways at the lenses looking for the number 123. If you can read the number from left to right, then they are in the right direction. If you read 321, the lenses are inside out.
