When you start driving it is inevitable that you have to learn how to park. Most people just walk into a pitch and back out. However, once you have mastered the art of parking in reverse, you will find that it is much easier than moving forward. To acquire this skill, you need to practice a lot in an isolated place. With practice and experience you will be able to park virtually anywhere.
Method 1 of 3: Park the Car in Reverse

Step 1. Drive until you pass the free pitch
As you proceed with this action, activate the turn signal so that drivers following you know you are about to turn. The parking space should always be on your right. Never park on the other side of the road. The rear bumper should be half the width of the pitch.
Make sure there are no pedestrians behind you before backing off

Step 2. Engage reverse
Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right just before you start moving the car. Gently accelerate as the car starts to turn. Since the steering wheel is turned to the far right, the car will move to the left in reverse.
- Keep looking at the rear-view mirrors to make sure there are no pedestrians and check the available space that separates you from other cars.
- Turn the car to the left until it is parallel to the pitch and in the center of it. At this point, press the brake pedal and stop the car. Turn the steering wheel to bring the tires straight.

Step 3. Start backing up into the parking space
Check the rear view mirrors first to make sure you have enough space on both sides. Don't move while there are people behind you. Release the brake pedal and gently press the accelerator pedal while the car is still in reverse. At this point you should slowly enter the pitch.
Proceed calmly. Check your mirrors constantly and look over your shoulder in case you get too close to adjacent cars

Step 4. Change the position of the car
Alternate reverse with first, moving a few inches at a time. Turn the steering wheel left or right, your goal is to make sure that the car is equidistant from those parked on the sides. When the car is well positioned, stop the engine and put the gear lever in the park position (if the transmission is automatic) or in first gear (if the transmission is manual).

Step 5. Get out of the vehicle
Open the door slightly to see how much space you have available. You may need to open the door just enough to slide out of the cabin, otherwise you could damage the nearby car. When you are out, lock the car and run your errands.

Step 6. Exit the parking lot
Start the engine and shift into first gear. Drive slowly as you press the accelerator pedal. As you slide off the pitch, make sure no other vehicles or pedestrians arrive. Keep exiting in a straight line until the bumper has completely cleared the cars parked on either side.
Turn the steering wheel in the direction you need to go and press the accelerator
Method 2 of 3: Park Parallel

Step 1. Find a free pitch
Make sure the space is large enough to accommodate your car; it should be at least 25% longer than your car. You must also check that there are no fire hydrants, pedestrian walkways, tactile paths or spaces reserved for the disabled (reasons why the pitch may be free).

Step 2. Activate the right turn signal
This way, the drivers who follow you know that you have to turn. Pull over near the car in front of the free pitch. You must position yourself as close as possible to this car, no more than 30 cm away. Make sure the front and rear of your car are at the same distance from the car alongside (in other words it must be parallel and not tilted). Your bumper must be parallel to that of the neighboring car.

Step 3. Engage reverse
Start slowly backing up until your head is in line with the steering wheel of the car to your right. Press the brake pedal and stop the car. Turn the steering wheel fully clockwise. Look behind you, over your left shoulder, and resume backing away. Continue this way until you see in the right rearview mirror the front wheels of the car that is parked behind you.
At this point your car should form a 45 ° angle with the pitch. Press the brake pedal and stop the car

Step 4. Turn the steering wheel counterclockwise
During this operation, do not take your foot off the brake pedal. When you have completed the rotation, start slowly backing up again. Constantly shift your gaze from back to front to make sure you don't bump into the car parked in front of and behind you.

Step 5. Back up until you are fully parked
If you hit the curb or are too close to the rear car, turn the steering wheel to the right again and drive slowly. Steer and put the car in the right position.

Step 6. Get out of the cockpit
Leave enough space in front of and behind your car to allow you and other drivers to get out of the parking space without difficulty. If you put the vehicle very close to the one that precedes or follows you, you will not have enough space to exit the pitch, so do not neglect this detail. If you have performed the maneuver correctly, your vehicle should be no more than 30 cm from the curb.
Method 3 of 3: Exit a Parallel Parking Lot

Step 1. Start the engine
Engage reverse and back out for 25-30 cm. Maneuver very slowly and check the rearview mirror to make sure you don't hit the car behind. Press the brake pedal and stop the car. Now activate the left turn signal before continuing to move.

Step 2. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left
Engage first gear and lightly press the accelerator pedal. The car should start turning left. Continue in this way until you are at 45 ° to the pitch. Constantly monitor the space around you and the rear-view mirrors. Apply the brakes and stop the car.

Step 3. Turn the steering wheel until the tires are completely straight
Drive slowly looking left and right to make sure no other vehicles are approaching. Drive the car forward until your bumper has cleared the car in front.

Step 4. Now turn the steering wheel to the right again
Press the accelerator and move forward to completely exit the pitch. Do not turn the wheels too much to avoid bumping into the cars parked on your right.
- Practice in an isolated area like your backyard, driveway, or empty parking lot. Arrange some traffic cones to simulate the presence of other cars. This way, if you make a mistake, you will only hit a cone instead of damaging another vehicle.
- Always check your rear view mirrors several times.
- Don't forget to activate the turn signals when entering or exiting a parking lot.
- Never drive without wearing a seat belt and without compulsory insurance. If you hit a car nearby, you need to be protected both physically and financially
- Don't park in reverse until you've practiced somewhere isolated. This way you won't accidentally damage the nearby car.