How To Take Psyllium: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Take Psyllium: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Take Psyllium: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Psyllium, whose Indian name is "isabgol", is a popular health supplement used to treat constipation, digestive and non-digestive problems. It contains 70% soluble fiber and, as a result, acts as a laxative. The effectiveness of psyllium largely depends on your individual health needs and how you take it.


Part 1 of 3: Basic Instructions for Use

Take Isabgol Step 1
Take Isabgol Step 1

Step 1. Use psyllium to treat constipation

The main benefit of psyllium is its ability to treat mild to moderate constipation. While this plant is known to cure a number of other health problems, its other uses are not mentioned on the labels by the manufacturers.

  • Psyllium increases the amount of mass in the stool. This increase promotes bowel movements and the expulsion of stool.
  • It also increases the amount of water in the stool. As a result, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass.
  • Most studies suggest that psyllium helps increase stool weight and accelerates intestinal transit. It is also used as an ingredient in certain laxatives.
Take Isabgol Step 2
Take Isabgol Step 2

Step 2. Follow the instructions given to you

If your doctor prescribes psyllium, follow their instructions regarding doses and frequency of use. If you are using it without a prescription, follow the instructions provided on the label.

  • Usually, it is necessary to take 1 to 2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) of psyllium with 250 ml of fluid per day until constipation subsides. However, the exact doses may vary depending on age, physical condition and response to treatment.
  • It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before starting psyllium treatment, regardless of intended use.
  • If you have any concerns or questions, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
Take Isabgol Step 3
Take Isabgol Step 3

Step 3. Take the supplement with a full glass of water

You can usually take psyllium in the form of a powder, tablet, or tablet. Whatever the form of the product, you should always take it with 250ml of water or other liquid to avoid choking.

  • Swallow psyllium tablets with at least 250ml of water.
  • If you are using the powder, dissolve it in 250ml of water. Add it to the water, mix well and drink immediately. Note that psyllium can swell and become compact if you give it time to rest and absorb water.
  • If you take psyllium tablets, chew them well before swallowing them. Then drink 250ml of water.

Part 2 of 3: Other Digestive Uses

Take Isabgol Step 4
Take Isabgol Step 4

Step 1. Treat diarrhea by mixing psyllium into milk rennet

Mix about 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of psyllium with 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of fresh rennet until well combined. Eat the mixture immediately after meals.

  • You should do this twice a day for good results.
  • The consistency of the rennet causes psyllium to react differently in the intestine. Instead of further softening the stool, it adds to the bulk and helps make the stool firm.
  • The combination of rennet and psyllium also provides the stomach with a healthy dose of probiotics, which can cure the underlying cause of diarrhea.
  • In professional medical settings this product is commonly used to treat diarrhea in tube fed patients.
Take Isabgol Step 5
Take Isabgol Step 5

Step 2. Rely on psyllium to regulate your digestive system

If you suffer from some form of colonic irritation syndrome or other chronic digestive problems, mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of psyllium with 250 ml of water and drink immediately. Repeat this once a day until the discomfort is under control.

  • You could also drink it with whey or regular milk for a similar effect.
  • Because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, psyllium helps cleanse the stomach regularly, improving the bowel's ability to expel fecal mass faster.
  • By having a healthy, toxin-free stomach and a colon that evacuates stool regularly, you can see an overall improvement in your digestive system within a few weeks.
Take Isabgol Step 6
Take Isabgol Step 6

Step 3. Relieves pain associated with anal fissures and hemorrhoids

Just before bedtime, dilute 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of psyllium powder in hot water. Drink the mixture immediately.

  • The soluble and insoluble fibers contained in psyllium help cleanse the intestines. By absorbing the water contained in the intestine in its passage, it allows you to have softer stools and, therefore, easier to excrete without pain.
  • Both anal fissures (which tear the anus) and hemorrhoids can occur due to chronic or acute constipation. If you continue to have hard stools, this problem can end up getting worse.
  • The anus will not need to put too much effort into stretching out if the stools are softer. As a result, you will be able to heal more easily from these injuries.
Take Isabgol Step 7
Take Isabgol Step 7

Step 4. Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux

If you have problems with gastroesophageal reflux or any other problems resulting from high stomach acid, take 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of psyllium mixed in 1/2 or 1 cup (120 to 240 ml) of cold milk after each meal.

  • Both milk and psyllium help eliminate excess gastric juices in the stomach.
  • Psyllium husk acts on the walls of the stomach, intestines and the lower part of the esophagus, limiting the heartburn and damage caused by high stomach acid.
  • Psyllium also regulates the amount of stomach acid secreted by the body. Moderate stomach acid also means less irritation.

Part 3 of 3: Non-Digestive Benefits

Take Isabgol Step 8
Take Isabgol Step 8

Step 1. Lose weight by drinking psyllium with lemon water

Mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of psyllium with 250 ml of hot water, combined with 1-2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) of freshly pressed lemon juice. Make the mixture before eating and drink it right away.

  • Likewise, you can drink the same mixture as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • The mass produced by psyllium makes you feel fuller, so you will definitely eat less during meals.
  • Psyllium is also a natural cleanser for the colon, as it helps cleanse it of toxins that accumulate in the digestive system slow down metabolism.
Take Isabgol Step 9
Take Isabgol Step 9

Step 2. Keep your heart healthy

Eat one psyllium tablet once a day right after meals to help with heart health.

  • Alternatively, for similar results, you could take it as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • The fibers contained in psyllium help you reduce cholesterol in the body. Since the supplement is also low in lipids, it won't cause cholesterol problems.
  • Theoretically, psyllium covers the walls of the intestine and helps prevent the blood from absorbing cholesterol from the foods you eat. As a result, the blood cholesterol rate will drop.
Take Isabgol Step 10
Take Isabgol Step 10

Step 3. Fight diabetes by consuming psyllium regularly

Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) of psyllium powder in 250 ml of milk or water after each meal. Do it regularly.

  • When the digestive system assimilates psyllium, a gelatinous substance forms which lines the walls of the intestine. This coating slows the assimilation and absorption of glucose into the blood. Since your body will absorb glucose more evenly and slowly, your blood sugar levels are less likely to spike.
  • When you have diabetes, you should avoid eating psyllium with rennet. Due to imbalances within the body, psyllium is more likely to lead to constipation when taken with rennet if you have diabetes.


  • You can buy psyllium at most health food stores and stores that sell herbal products.
  • Prepared in single packs it is safer to use than the free one which may contain impurities.
  • The natural version of psyllium is generally more effective than the flavored ones, but if you are absolutely unable to tolerate the taste, you can choose the latter solution.


  • Too much psyllium can cause excessive bloating, gas, or diarrhea.
  • Tell your doctor if your problem persists or gets worse.
  • Psyllium may slow the absorption of other medications you are taking, making them less effective. Therefore, you should take it at least two hours before or after using other medications.
  • Always take psyllium with plenty of fluids to avoid choking, otherwise it could actually block your esophagus, throat, or intestines.
  • Do not take psyllium for more than seven days in a row without your doctor's permission.
  • Avoid using psyllium as a treatment for chronic constipation. If used too often, the digestive system may become addicted and not function effectively without it. It is much better to regulate your fiber intake with a balanced diet of fruits rich in fiber, vegetables and whole grains.
