The need to perform a colon cleanse is based on the theory that meat, other undigested foods, drugs, chemicals, or otherwise cause mucus to build up in the colon. Over time, this build-up produces toxins that spread throughout the body through the circulatory system, poisoning it. Colon cleansing may sometimes be required before a particular medical treatment, such as surgery or colonoscopy, or to cope with certain conditions. Whatever your reasons for wanting to have a colon cleanse, there are methods that can also be done at home.
Part 1 of 4: Understanding What It Is

Step 1. Choose the correct form of cleaning
There are several varieties. You can do colon hydrotherapy (or colonic irrigation). In this case, a small tube will be inserted into the rectum to let a gentle jet of hot water flow into the last section of the intestine. To promote greater excretion, you can take an oral solution, essentially based on home laxative remedies.
- Unless an experienced physician instructed you, it is not recommended to practice a home enema (or enemas) with plain or salt water.
- Speaking of healthy people, most doctors advise against having regular colonic irrigations. Some naturopaths and other alternative medicine experts recommend instead doing a colon cleanse once or twice a year to help expel toxins.

Step 2. Be careful not to get addicted
Cleansing the colon can be very helpful, but over time it could become a harmful practice. Even the most natural or homemade methods could prove harmful. Just because a treatment can be called natural doesn't mean it's safe. Entrusting the health and functionality of your colon to regular bowel cleansing sessions, rather than a healthy lifestyle, can cause serious problems.
- This addictive state is called "laxative abuse" and represents an addiction like any other.
- Overuse of laxatives can cause damage to the kidneys and circulatory system, putting your life at serious risk.
- Unless under the careful supervision of a doctor, it is important to never perform more than one colon cleanse every six months.

Step 3. Get ready to refuel your body
After undergoing a colon cleanse, it is imperative to restore the correct levels of some specific nutrients, known as prebiotics and probiotics. Be prepared to supply colon bacteria with a good bacteria diet for at least a month or two after treatment. Foods that contain them include:
- Bananas.
- Garlic.
- Leeks.
- Wheat bran.
- Asparagus.
- Sauerkraut.
- Kefir.
- Yogurt.
- Kimchi.
- Aged cheeses.

Step 4. Talk to your doctor
Before experimenting with any colon cleansing method, ask your doctor for advice. Describe the type of treatment you choose to make sure it is right for your health condition. Some varieties of herbs, vegetables and fruits may negatively interact with the medications you normally take, so please read the side effects section of their respective package inserts carefully.
- As a general rule, anyone with any condition affecting the digestive tract, kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system should be very cautious about having a colon cleanse, and should also always consult your doctor before using such treatment.
- If your bowel movements exceed three or four per day, stop any colon cleansing practices and see your doctor.
Part 2 of 4: Fruit and Vegetable Recipes for Colon Cleansing

Step 1. Choose the appropriate ingredients
To perform a natural, diet-based colon cleanse, it is important to choose the right foods. Vegetables contain fiber, which is essential for healthy and frequent bowel movements. Choose the freshest fruit available, preferring organically grown fruit. The goal is to ingest as many nutrients as possible while staying away from additives. To be effective in cleansing the colon, fruits and vegetables must be eaten only raw. Among the best foods we can include:
- Spinach.
- Asparagus.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Cabbage.
- Celery.
- Black cabbage.
- Leeks.
- Peas.
- Swiss chard.
- Mustard leaves.
- Dark green leafy salad.
- Wheatgrass (wheatgrass).
- Cabbage.
- Chinese cabbage.
- Parsley.
- Coriander.
- Cucumbers.
- Beets and beetroot leaves.

Step 2. Prepare the ingredients
The best way to use fruits and vegetables in a colon cleansing treatment is to turn them into fresh juices and smoothies. In addition to promoting natural bowel movements, the juice, pulp and peel of fresh vegetables will provide the body with a significant amount of energy and fiber. You can also add organic apple juice to it to make your drinks more drinkable. Apple juice contains pectin, a variety of fibers that is very useful when you want to provoke a complete bowel movement.
- You can combine fruits and vegetables to your taste. The important thing is to try to drink three 250ml glasses of juice each day for a period of 5-7 days.
- Add flavor with fruit. You can use bananas, oranges, cherries, berries, plums or apples. Avoid peeling the fruits from the edible peel, it will ensure a greater supply of fiber.

Step 3. Do a "green" style colon cleanse
If you have doubts about the recipe to start with, rely on green vegetables. Slice two apples, four leafless celery stalks, one cucumber, six cabbage leaves, then pour them into a blender or juicer. Add a teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger and lemon juice. Prepare and enjoy your delicious drink.
If the result is a bit too bitter, try sweetening it with a teaspoon of honey

Step 4. Blend fruit and leafy vegetables
If you don't like the idea of drinking vegetable juice, experiment with a recipe with a large dose of fruit. Blend or centrifuge two peeled oranges, a quartered apple, two teaspoons of lemon juice, 225 grams of spinach and a kale leaf. Prepare and enjoy your mouthwatering drink.
- If you need to make it a little more fluid, you can add some apple juice.
- For an extra dose of color, fiber and sweetness, you can add a few small new carrots.

Step 5. Make a recipe with aloe vera
To cleanse and nourish the body at the same time, experiment with this aloe vera preparation. Mix 240 ml of aloe vera juice, 80 grams of oat flakes, 225 grams of spinach, two kale leaves, five chard leaves, one peeled banana, ½ medium sized cucumber, 50 grams of blueberries and a teaspoon of cinnamon. You can use the blender or the juicer, in any case you will get a healthy and delicious drink.
If you want an even sweeter result, add some honey
Part 3 of 4: Cleanse the Colon with Minerals

Step 1. Learn about bentonite
Popular colon cleansing recipes include psyllium and bentonite. Bentonite is a variety of clay made up of a mixture of mineral salts, including calcium and sodium bentonite. It is a clay capable of absorbing a quantity of water equal to its own weight, as well as minerals, toxins and organic substances. This property makes it very effective in colon cleansing. Natural medicine practitioners use it extensively, while traditional doctors use it to treat different types of poisoning and overdoses.
Bentonite and psyllium cuticle, a high-quality soluble fiber, can be purchased online or in health food stores

Step 2. Be aware of the risks
Pay attention to the doses of bentonite used. An excess of product can cause an imbalance in electrolyte or mineral levels. The health consequences could be serious. Before attempting a mineral colon cleanse, talk to your doctor. It is not a suitable treatment for everyone, so follow your doctor's instructions carefully. By being aware of your health condition, he will be able to predict any unwanted effects.
Also, carefully read the instructions on the product you purchased

Step 3. Perform colon cleansing
To prepare the mineral treatment, pour one large teaspoon of psyllium cuticle, usually brown or dark yellow, and one teaspoon of bentonite powder into an empty glass. Add 240ml of water or pure organic apple juice, stirring rapidly to dissolve the powder. Drink quickly before the contents of the glass have time to thicken.
- Immediately take another 240ml of water or apple juice.
- Bentonite is also available in liquid form.
Part 4 of 4: Additional Methods for Colon Cleansing

Step 1. Gather information about the "Master Cleanse" diet program
This is a great way to cleanse the colon, which is sometimes also used for weight loss. It has been practiced since the 1940s, but generates some known side effects, including: vitamin deficiencies, changes in blood sugar levels, muscle breakdown and frequent bowel movements.
- Before embarking on the "Master Cleanse" program, it is important to always consult with your doctor. Also remember that it should never be extended beyond four or five days.
- If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, under the age of 16 or over the age of 50, suffer from chronic conditions affecting the heart, kidneys, liver or digestive system, you should avoid the "Master Cleanse" diet program.

Step 2. Follow the "Master Cleanse" diet
The traditional program has a fixed recipe. Start by squeezing a lemon to extract about 2 tablespoons of juice. Pour them into a cup, then add two tablespoons of pure organic maple syrup. At this point, add a pinch of cinnamon, equal to about 1/10 of a teaspoon. Add 300ml of filtered water, then mix vigorously. Once ready, drink all the drink.
Take 6 to 12 glasses a day, preferably when you feel hungry or feel like you need to cleanse your colon

Step 3. Try laxative herbal teas
In addition to the methods described here, you can try taking purifying herbal teas just before going to sleep. Opt for herbs with laxative and detoxifying properties, such as senna. Herbal purifying teas contain ingredients that help detoxify the body, while also giving you energy. Senna is a herb that has been used for millennia in Arabic and European medicine, primarily as a laxative. You can buy it online, at a herbalist's shop, or in health food stores.
- To make a detox tea, boil a tablespoon of leaves, or a sachet, in 240ml of water for 15 minutes. Wait for it to cool, strain it and drink it.
- To make senna tea, take a teaspoon of dried leaves or three tablespoons of fresh leaves, add them to 240ml of boiling water, steep for 5-10 minutes, then strain and drink your tea.
- Nutrition plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy colon. Get 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily, through whole grains, oat flakes, fruits, vegetables. Drink enough fluids, while also limiting your alcohol and red meat intake.
- Follow the detox program with a friend. Describe your experiences each day, analyzing discoveries and sensations. Listen to the other person carefully, taking their health to heart. Fatigue, dizziness, mood swings, unusual behavior and hunger pangs are common symptoms, try to support each other; by taking care of each other you will be able to make the process safe and effective.
- Be very cautious if you decide to do a colon cleanse at home. The most common risks are intense dehydration and an imbalance in electrolytes, dangerous conditions for those suffering from heart or kidney disease. As always, consult your doctor before experimenting with any diet or detox programs found online.