How to Get a Flat Abdomen: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Get a Flat Abdomen: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get a Flat Abdomen: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

If you dream of having a flat stomach, know that you are not the only one. You can tone your abdominal muscles by exercising and eating properly. However, you cannot eliminate fat locally because the body eliminates fat in a generalized way when it is put in a position to burn calories. Therefore, if you want to achieve your goal, it will be more beneficial for you to make changes in nutrition, exercise and adopt a more balanced lifestyle.


Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Tighten Your Stomach Step 1
Tighten Your Stomach Step 1

Step 1. Determine the calories your body needs to lose weight

Calorie needs vary from person to person and, specifically, based on weight and daily activities, as well as metabolism. To lose weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you need to maintain your current weight. So, first of all, try to find out the number of calories your body needs to maintain its weight mass, then eliminate 250-500 a day in order to determine how many pounds you need to shed.

  • For example, if you are underweight and lead a rather sedentary lifestyle, multiply your body weight by 16 to see how many calories you need to maintain it in this condition. If your daily activity level is moderate, multiply it by 18, while if you're always on the go, multiply it by 22.
  • If you are of normal weight, multiply your body weight by 14, 16 and 18, which is one of the coefficients established respectively in the case of low, moderate and intense physical activity, while if you are overweight, the coefficients to be considered in the calculation are 11, 14 and 16.
  • The activity level is low when a person exercises little or no physical activity per week; it is moderate when you do 30-60 minutes of aerobic movement three times a week; finally, it is high intensity if you practice at least one hour of aerobic exercise, at least 3 times a week.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 2
Tighten Your Stomach Step 2

Step 2. Avoid sugar

Sugar contributes to the increase of fatty tissue in the abdominal area, and even drinks that have a healthy appearance can promote this. For example, you may think that fruit juices are an excellent food option. However, they are sweetened like sodas and do not contain the healthful fiber found in fruit. If you want to eat something sweet, a fruit is preferable.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 3
Tighten Your Stomach Step 3

Step 3. Start by consuming greens and vegetables

Vegetables are the healthiest part of any meal and, eaten first, leave little room for other dishes that can be harmful to health. In fact, their fiber content tends to fill the stomach.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 4
Tighten Your Stomach Step 4

Step 4. Increase your vegetable intake

If you focus on plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, you'll have less difficulty decreasing your overall calorie intake. These foods contain far less fat than other foods, so they fill you up with fewer calories.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 5
Tighten Your Stomach Step 5

Step 5. Consider how much a serving of meat weighs

When eating animal-based foods, limit your serving to 85g, which is roughly the size of a deck of cards. Also, choose lean meats, such as chicken breast (skinless) and fish.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 6
Tighten Your Stomach Step 6

Step 6. Go for low-fat dairy products

As for dairy products, limit yourself to the leanest ones. For example, buy yogurt made with skim milk instead of whole milk and choose cheeses with a low fat percentage.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise to Shed Fat

Tighten Your Stomach Step 7
Tighten Your Stomach Step 7

Step 1. Move your whole body

While you may think it is better to focus on your abs, it is actually preferable to practice exercises that move the whole body: they promote overall weight loss which, in turn, eliminates visceral fat. In addition, they help strengthen the abdominal muscles.

If you want to play a sport that activates the whole body, try swimming, running or walking

Tighten Your Stomach Step 8
Tighten Your Stomach Step 8

Step 2. Play a team sport

In many cities there are sports clubs for adults who love to play sports. Alternatively, try organizing a soccer or tennis tournament with your co-workers. Being able to be part of a team helps keep you active and have fun.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 9
Tighten Your Stomach Step 9

Step 3. Include abdominal exercises in your workout

Although crunches and sit-ups promote muscle work that is good for general health, they are not enough to flatten the belly because they tone the lean mass in the affected areas, but do not burn fat locally. Therefore, while they are great, don't limit yourself to these kinds of exercises if you want to shed visceral fat.

If your main goal is to shed intra-abdominal fat, you should focus solely on aerobic exercise. Get at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. If you want to work your abs as well, add 10-20 minutes of exercise to your routine

Tighten Your Stomach Step 10
Tighten Your Stomach Step 10

Step 4. Learn to overcome boredom

Many people tend to eat when they are bored. Instead of indulging in a snack, go for a walk. Keeping moving instead of eating helps reduce body fat.

Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Tighten Your Stomach Step 11
Tighten Your Stomach Step 11

Step 1. Get used to being in motion

Even if your mother has always told you not to fidget, liveliness can actually be very good for your health. While not considered exercise, it helps burn calories that are stored throughout the day.

Tighten Your Stomach Step 12
Tighten Your Stomach Step 12

Step 2. Stay active throughout the day

Even if you have a sedentary job, try to move more. For example, you can park away from the entrance to the shops or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • You can also take a walk at lunchtime.
  • Alternatively, you could ask your employer if they can equip you with a height-adjustable desk that allows you to work standing up (standing desk) in order to facilitate movement instead of sitting all the time.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 13
Tighten Your Stomach Step 13

Step 3. Try clothing with belly support

If you want your stomach to look flatter, try wearing clothes with a bustier or belly. However, this solution is not enough to permanently flatten the belly.

  • You can also try wearing looser tops, especially around the abdomen.
  • Use pants. High-waisted pants can provide more support to the tummy, helping to flatten it.
  • Choose darker colors and simpler patterns. Whimsical hues and patterns can draw attention to the waist instead of hiding it. Try small polka dots or vertical stripes.
Tighten Your Stomach Step 14
Tighten Your Stomach Step 14

Step 4. Accept your silhouette

Not everyone can have an absolutely flat stomach. Genetics play a vital role in the shape of the body. Learn to love it by appreciating everything it allows you to do, such as living, working and enjoying the sun.
