How to Eat Quickly (with Pictures)

How to Eat Quickly (with Pictures)
How to Eat Quickly (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Various studies show that eating fast is bad for your health. However, some people want to learn how to do this to train for a race to eat the most or to be able to finish a meal quickly on busy days. While anyone can learn fast eating techniques, it is important to remember to do so only when absolutely necessary.


Method 1 of 2: Savor a Meal the Fast and Efficient Way

Eat Fast Step 1
Eat Fast Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the food at home

If you are away from home, eating at a fast food restaurant is often a seemingly quick and easy way to have lunch or dinner when you have a busy schedule. However, it takes a long time to choose a restaurant, stand in line before ordering and wait for the food to be cooked. If you prepare your meals in advance, you can save yourself a lot of time.

Eat Fast Step 2
Eat Fast Step 2

Step 2. Prepare the food in advance

If you are going to eat an orange, peel it, cut it into slices and place it in a container. When you get home from the grocery store, wash and chop vegetables like carrots or celery to have them ready to use. Preparing food in advance can save you precious minutes when you don't have much time to eat.

If you find that you always have little time in the morning, make breakfast the night before. Similarly, if you are having a hard time making time for work, cooking at home could benefit you

Eat Fast Step 3
Eat Fast Step 3

Step 3. Have a snack before your meal

The vagus nerve takes about 20 minutes to transmit the satiety signal to the brain. If you eat too fast, you will keep thinking that you are hungry. Having a snack about 30 minutes before the actual meal can help block these signals. In this way you will be able to have a reduced meal that will take less time. When you finish eating, you will still feel full and satisfied.

Eat Fast Step 4
Eat Fast Step 4

Step 4. Eat healthy portions

Eating fast often leads to overdoing it. You can avoid this by taking or ordering a reasonable amount of food. If you prepare a small portion, you can still have a relatively healthy meal while eating fast.

Look for pre-packaged single-serving servings of foods like Greek yogurt, crackers, and chunks of cheese. These products are practical and help moderate portions

Eat Fast Step 5
Eat Fast Step 5

Step 5. Eat nutritious foods

Stay away from fizzy drinks, junk food, and sweets as you prepare meals rich in nutritious foods that allow your body to absorb all the substances it needs to get through the day.

  • Boiled eggs, which are filling and nutrient-rich, can be eaten in a minute or two.
  • Dried fruit is also a fast, nutrient-rich snack that promotes a longer-lasting sense of satiety than a packet of potato chips.
  • Cheese is filling, healthy and can be eaten quickly.
  • Fruits such as apples and bananas give energy in a natural way and satisfy the desire for sweet.
Eat Fast Step 6
Eat Fast Step 6

Step 6. Eat the leftovers

When you start cooking, cook copious amounts of food. This way you will have leftovers that will allow you to make quick and easy meals when time is running out.

Eat Fast Step 7
Eat Fast Step 7

Step 7. Try replacing a meal with a protein shake

Protein shakes are quick and easy to make, plus they substantially shorten the length of a meal. They're also handy to drink on the go if you're short on time.

  • Choose a drink rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats that will satisfy your caloric needs.
  • It is recommended to use the smoothie to replace only part of the meal. Supplement it with a fruit or vegetable snack to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need.
Eat Fast Step 8
Eat Fast Step 8

Step 8. Make good use of your time

Don't focus on how fast you eat. Instead, get used to planning meals in advance, so as not to waste the little time you have available. If you cook ahead and make healthy choices, you can still eat healthy and fast.

Method 2 of 2: Enter a Competition

Eat Fast Step 9
Eat Fast Step 9

Step 1. Train with water

Water is the most effective tool ever to train yourself to eat fast. Try drinking lots of water at one time to increase the amount you can ingest. It is safer to start by trying to ingest more fluids, as the risk of choking is lower.

Eat Fast Step 10
Eat Fast Step 10

Step 2. Exercise your jaw

Chew several gums at a time. Instead of introducing just one gum into your mouth, try chewing on the entire package. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles needed to chew food quickly. To be able to eat quickly, you must first chew quickly.

Eat Fast Step 11
Eat Fast Step 11

Step 3. Practice your breathing

Identify the breathing techniques that are right for you. You may need to take a breath every two, three, or four bites. This depends on your personal needs. The best way to determine them? Analyze the pace at which you eat. Once you have identified the best rhythm for breathing correctly, focus on it. Don't get caught up in the heat, otherwise you risk losing it and you'll have to stop to catch your breath.

Eat Fast Step 12
Eat Fast Step 12

Step 4. Study some videos

Videos while you eat and evaluate your performance. Try to understand in which moments you can save a few seconds. You can also check out a pro competition to try and borrow a few tricks.

Eat Fast Step 13
Eat Fast Step 13

Step 5. Fast the night before

Avoid eating solid foods as much as possible for at least 24 hours before the race. Hunger may give you a little extra motivation to finish the meal earlier.

However, it is advisable to eat a piece of fruit or other small food a few hours before a meal. This trick will slightly quench your hunger, but it won't fill you up ahead of time

Eat Fast Step 14
Eat Fast Step 14

Step 6. Make sure you keep a glass of water next to you

Water helps cleanse the palate and digest. Sipping it also avoids drying out the throat. However, don't finish the whole glass, as it can fill you up and waste valuable time. Use water as a food lubricant.

Eat Fast Step 15
Eat Fast Step 15

Step 7. Chew as little as possible

Put large amounts of food into your mouth at one time, but chew a little, enough to swallow it. While you need to prevent possible suffocation, you also don't need to waste time chewing more than necessary. As soon as you are sure that the food can flow smoothly into the esophagus, swallow it, so that you can move on to the next bite.

If you are eating a food that you cannot put in your mouth at once, such as hot dogs, hamburgers or pizza, find the most effective way to break it with your hands in order to speed up its consumption. For example, you can split hot dogs or burgers in half, dip them in water to soften the bread, and introduce both parts into your mouth at once

Eat Fast Step 16
Eat Fast Step 16

Step 8. Avoid talking while eating

This will cause you to slow down and waste oxygen. Focus on breathing between bites, while avoiding all external distractions.

Eat Fast Step 17
Eat Fast Step 17

Step 9. Lift your head as you swallow your food

Use the force of gravity in your favor to get food to get to the esophagus quickly. Tilt your head back so it can slide easily into the canal.

On average, the esophagus measures only 5 or 8 cm. After long workouts you will be able to expand it slightly and ingest larger quantities of food

Eat Fast Step 18
Eat Fast Step 18

Step 10. Use the tools in your favor

If you eat with a spoon, use a large one and fill it completely before taking it to your mouth. If you eat spaghetti, wrap a generous amount around your fork.

Try to insert large quantities of food into the oral cavity with the help of a utensil. This method is easier to apply with a bowl

Eat Fast Step 19
Eat Fast Step 19

Step 11. Fill your mouth

If time is running out and you still have some food in front of you, introduce it all into your mouth. You can always chew it at the end of the event. The important thing is to ingest as much as possible in a short time.


  • If you're not in the habit of eating fast, your tummy could hurt.
  • Be careful. Eating too fast can cause choking.
  • Eating fast is not a good technique to implement if you want to lose weight. Eating slowly allows the body to digest more easily, and you can also avoid binging, as it will be easier to register the sense of satiety.
