How To Have Gorgeous Hair By Eating Healthy

Table of contents:

How To Have Gorgeous Hair By Eating Healthy
How To Have Gorgeous Hair By Eating Healthy

Nutrition affects hair health. Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can make them appear less healthy. In addition to increasing the consumption of these substances, it is good to take healthy proteins to keep them shiny and beautiful. Instead, we need to limit sugars and junk food, which damage them.


Part 1 of 3: Get Healthy Protein

Eat Like a Body Builder Step 7
Eat Like a Body Builder Step 7

Step 1. Follow a high protein diet

Increasing the consumption of proteins allows for beautiful and strong hair. The shaft is in fact composed of proteins, so it is essential to take it to show off a healthy hair.

  • Include a serving of protein with each meal. Eat foods like chicken, beef, eggs, nuts, and legumes.
  • Snack on protein. For example, eat a small piece of low-fat cheese for a snack. When you're hungry, make hard-boiled eggs or munch on a handful of nuts.
Get More Testosterone Step 5
Get More Testosterone Step 5

Step 2. Eat the eggs

They contain biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin. A deficiency can cause hair to fall out and make it brittle. Try eating a couple of eggs a day. Remember that biotin is contained in the yolk.

Liver, soybean meal, and yeast are other sources of biotin

Control Asthma Without Medicine Step 4
Control Asthma Without Medicine Step 4

Step 3. Try eating fish and seafood

They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which allow you to maintain good hydration. Oysters are rich in zinc, which can prevent dryness and dandruff.

  • Generally, oily fish, such as salmon, herring, sardines, trout and mackerel, are preferred.
  • In addition to fish, omega-3 fatty acids are found in avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
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Count Carbs on the Atkins Diet Step 11

Step 4. Also consider plant-based sources of protein, which are also rich in vitamins and minerals needed for strong hair

Opt for nuts, legumes, and soy products to maintain healthy hair.

  • Dried fruit is especially good for your hair. Contains zinc, selenium and vitamin E, all excellent substances for healthy hair. Eat it mid-morning or as a snack.
  • But try not to overdo it: dried fruit is high in calories.

Part 2 of 3: Get the Right Nutrients

Detox Your Colon Step 4
Detox Your Colon Step 4

Step 1. Fill up on iron, which is essential for promoting hair growth and keeping it healthy

An iron deficiency can make them brittle. To keep them healthy, make sure you get enough.

  • Dark leafy vegetables are high in iron, so consume plenty of it. When making a sandwich, stuff it by adding a handful of spinach. For lunch, eat a salad as a side dish. When you go to the restaurant, replace the fried or baked potatoes with a portion of grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts.
  • Red meat is also rich in iron. Go for lean cuts to avoid taking in harmful fats.
  • Whole grains are also high in iron, so eat them whenever you can. For example, you prefer wholemeal pasta and bread to white versions. Make oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Although it is possible to take iron supplements, it is best to talk to a doctor first to make sure they are suitable for your specific situation.
Die with Dignity Step 1
Die with Dignity Step 1

Step 2. Learn about vitamin D supplements, which are essential for hair health

Unfortunately, few foods contain it. To have a beautiful healthy hair you can take this vitamin through juices and fortified milk, alternatively your doctor can prescribe you some supplements. The body synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to the sun, so in winter it is not uncommon to have deficiencies.

  • Before starting to take supplements it is always good to talk to your doctor, as they can have unexpected interactions with certain medicines.
  • If you can't take supplements, try to stay out in the sun for longer, but remember to use adequate protection. UV rays are dangerous.
Control Asthma Without Medicine Step 31
Control Asthma Without Medicine Step 31

Step 3. Increase your consumption of vitamin C, which promotes proper circulation and therefore stimulates hair growth

If you want them strong and healthy, take more.

  • All citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, limes and clementines, are rich in vitamin C.
  • Many vegetables and greens are also rich in it, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens and red peppers.
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 9
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 9

Step 4. Get your fill of vitamin A, which is equally important for beautiful and healthy hair

Many foods are naturally rich in it.

  • Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin A. Green or yellow vegetables and greens are particularly rich in it, so opt for green and yellow peppers, bananas, leafy greens, and so on.
  • Other rich sources of vitamin A? Sweet potatoes, broccoli and apricots.
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 7
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 7

Step 5. Drink plenty of water, which is essential for strong, healthy hair

In addition to improving nutrition, it increases the consumption of liquids.

  • Only accompany meals with water. If you have trouble drinking it straight, try flavored soda water, or flavor it with fruit, vegetables, or herbs (like lemon, cucumber, or mint).
  • Always carry a bottle of water with you and make a commitment to drink regularly.
  • Drink whenever you can. For example, stop as soon as you see a drinking fountain.

Part 3 of 3: Limit Harmful Foods

Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 3
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 3

Step 1. Limit refined sugars, which are bad for the body in general

The body uses vitamin B, important for hair health, to metabolize sugar. Make a commitment to consume less.

  • Read food labels. Many contain surprising amounts of added sugar. Seemingly healthy products like granola or ready-made sauces are often full of sugar.
  • Satisfy sweet tooth cravings in moderation. Prefer mini portions or light drinks to regular ones.
  • Do you fancy sweet? Eat some fruit: it contains natural sugars, vitamins and minerals that allow you to have beautiful and strong hair.
Gain Weight Naturally Step 11
Gain Weight Naturally Step 11

Step 2. Avoid junk food, filled with empty calories, salt, and harmful preservatives that can have a detrimental effect on nutrients that promote hair growth

  • Don't buy junk food. If you have chips and candy in the pantry, it will be tempting.
  • If you are surrounded by machines that dispense sweets and junk food at work, bring healthy food from home, this way they will fill you when you are hungry and you will not succumb to temptation.
  • If you have a craving, satisfy it sensibly. For example, eat a bag of potato chips that doesn't exceed 100 calories, so you don't overdo it.
Get More Testosterone Step 18
Get More Testosterone Step 18

Step 3. Limit your intake of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, which can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients and have negative effects on hair health

  • Smoking is bad for your health in general, so try to quit. If you are a smoker, talk to your doctor about how to break the habit.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Don't drink more than an aperitif or two with colleagues. Try not to keep alcohol in the house, as it can tempt you.
  • Don't drink more than one or two cups of coffee in the morning. Avoid caffeinated drinks throughout the day, such as sodas, energy drinks, and some types of tea.
