Are you intolerant or allergic to lactose? Do you want to give up milk and dairy products to follow a particular diet? Are you vegan and do not think it is right to consume products of animal origin? Whatever the reason - ethical, dietary, or otherwise - you want to eliminate these foods from your diet, you need to learn to identify products that contain milk (there are more than you think). This way, you will know what to avoid and be able to find calcium-rich alternatives.
Part 1 of 2: Avoid Dairy-Based Foods

Step 1. Read the labels of the foods you buy
It is not enough to stop drinking milk. Dairy products are added in various products to improve their flavor. Consequently, it is best to read food labels. The European Union has established a list of potential allergens to be compulsorily indicated on food labels, including milk and lactose. This means that food businesses must clearly specify them. If you don't find them mentioned among the ingredients, you can buy the product with confidence.
Also watch out for preparations containing casein and whey. Both of these additives are of animal origin and are included in different foods. Whey is found in a wide variety of products, from supplements that are taken to gain muscle mass to canned chicken broth

Step 2. Avoid milk and cream based foods
Given that almost everyone has a palate accustomed to the milk present in a multitude of products, it is often more difficult to give it up than other foods. In fact, it is an integral part of traditional daily nutrition and is found practically everywhere. Here are some of the most popular milk and dairy products:
- Milk (whole, partially skimmed, skimmed or condensed).
- Whipped cream, especially if very greasy
- Custard cream
- Coffee cream
- Creamy sauces and soups
- Ice cream and sorbet prepared with milk
- Yogurt
- Some types of mayonnaise, mustard and other condiments
- The casein-based products are however of animal origin, therefore not suitable for vegans

Step 3. Stop eating butter and margarines that contain whey, casein or lactose
You can also find these products in the ingredient list of other packaged foods. Butter is the fat part of milk, which is separated and subjected to a condensation process.
- According to some nutritionists, butter is the least harmful derivative of milk for those who are allergic or intolerant to lactose. People with these problems cannot assimilate milk proteins. Biologically, infants need mother's milk to feed and survive, but some experts argue that it is not necessary to consume milk from other mammals thereafter. Since butter consists of 80-82% fat and contains relatively little protein, it usually does not cause particular problems for those who are allergic or intolerant.
- If you are vegan, there are many types of margarine that are produced without ingredients of animal origin.

Step 4. Don't eat cheese:
they are all dairy products. Obviously this means excluding slices and provolone, but also complete dishes such as pizza, lasagna, potato flan and calzone. Also avoid chips and cheese dips. Are you going to eat in a restaurant? Check with the waiter to find out if the dish you want to order contains any. Aged cheeses usually have less lactose, while soft and processed cheeses contain more. Ditto for the spreadable ones.

Step 5. Pay attention to baked goods:
almost all of them contain milk. This means giving up on cakes, muffins and donuts, unless they were made with soy, rice or hemp milk.
Some types of bread are prepared with emulsifiers such as monoglycerides and diglycerides or lecithin, vegan ingredients that do not contain milk derivatives. Generally these baked goods are considered vegan
Part 2 of 2: Finding Alternatives to Dairy Products

Step 1. Try replacing milk and dairy products
Milk, cheese and ice cream made with soy, rice, almonds, hemp seeds and oats (fortified or not) are viable alternatives. Many stores offer products that are suitable for vegan customers, so various ingredients are readily available at low prices.
- You can use soy milk for most cow's milk recipes. They have almost the same amount of protein. If you want to make a light yogurt, you can choose milk made from nuts (such as cashews or almonds). To replace cheese in cooking, try hemp milk. It gives a creamy, dense and elastic texture to foods, similar to that of many cheeses.
- Sunflower seed milk is another alternative that is gaining momentum. Compared to other types of vegetable milk, however, it is not the most popular on the market.

Step 2. Find out what alternatives to butter are
There are many. First of all, vegetable margarine is available in shops that sell organic products and in the most well-stocked supermarkets. Olive oil is great for greasing pots and pans instead of butter. Some more creative cooks also use apple puree in the kitchen. Just like coconut oil for cooking, this ingredient has a higher sweetening power than butter, so it allows you to reduce the amount of sugar needed to make cookies and other sweets.
If you're lactose intolerant but don't want to give up the flavor of butter, try making ghee, a clarified butter that is often entirely casein or lactose free

Step 3. Look for ice cream that was not made from cow's milk
There are different types, based on soy, rice or hemp. There is also a large assortment of flavors and sizes. You can buy cones, sticks, sandwiches and tubs of vegetable ice cream. It is generally made with soy, rice or coconut milk, and there is no added milk-derived ingredient, such as milk chocolate. It is in fact produced exclusively with dried or fresh fruit.

Step 4. Avoid cow's milk yogurt
Many people on a vegan, or at least lactose-free, diet say they miss yogurt. It is difficult to mimic the creaminess of this product using herbal ingredients. However, as with ice cream, you can buy yogurt made with soy or rice, which is just as delicious. You will see that you will get used to it immediately. Among other things, it is generally rich in vitamins B and E, fiber, potassium and antioxidants.

Step 5. Buy vegetable cheeses
Since cheese is used in many recipes (sliced, grated or melted), it is necessary to find different alternatives to satisfy the palate. To replace the Parmesan that you sprinkle on pasta or that you use to prepare stuffed aubergines, try the nutritional yeast flakes, tasty and rich in B vitamins. Mozzarella and provolone can be replaced by sliced smoked tofu. Classic tofu can be used to make sandwiches, but you can also eat it on its own or with crackers.
- There are different types of vegetable cheeses based on soy, rice or hemp: cheddar, slices, mozzarella, spreadable cheeses. Be careful: even vegetarian cheeses can contain dairy products, generally in the form of casein. For those with relatively moderate lactose intolerance, goat's or sheep's cheese may be fine.
- Those who try tofu for the first time may find it bland and chewy. As with most foods, preparation plays a key role. Try to cook it differently or season it with various spices. If you give him a chance, he'll eventually start to like you.

Step 6. Make sure you are getting enough calcium
Dairy products are the main source of calcium for most people. It is a necessary substance for healthy bones and teeth. In addition, it is vital for promoting optimal functioning of muscles and nerve cells. Fortunately, fortified milk made from dried fruit or otherwise of plant origin offers important nutrients similar to those of cow's milk. You can also buy calcium-fortified orange juice. Also, eat foods that are rich in it more often, such as dark leafy vegetables (kale, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, broccoli), sardines, and almonds.