Having more energy will allow you to have more fun with your friends, achieve more results at work and feel healthier and happier throughout the day. If you want to know how to feel more energetic, simply follow the steps outlined in this article.
Part 1 of 3: Eat Well

Step 1. Have a healthy breakfast every morning
Make a commitment to a healthy breakfast every morning, even when you're in a hurry or feel like you're not hungry. In addition to giving you more energy in the early hours of the day, a healthy breakfast has also been scientifically proven to help lower stress. Avoid foods that are too fatty or heavy, preferring those that can make you feel more energetic and vital. The list of recommended foods includes:
- A bowl of cereal
- Oat flakes;
- Hard-boiled eggs;
- Green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and celery
- Lean ham or roasted turkey breast;
- Berries, apples or bananas.

Step 2. Eat every 3-4 hours
Even on busy days, you can always find a minute to grab a snack, especially if you have one on hand. Instead of having three large meals that risk weighing you down, plan three light meals with two snacks: one between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner. Adopt this pattern and try to notice if you are feeling more energetic. If you don't eat anything between meals, it is inevitable that you will have a mid-morning or mid-afternoon drop in energy.
- It is important that every snack consists of healthy foods and the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins and good fats.
- Berries and nuts are among the most suitable foods for a snack.
- Another good choice is a combination of yogurt and granola.
- A small square of dark chocolate is also fine which, in addition to stimulating the release of endorphins, guarantees a slight increase in the energy level thanks to the presence of a small amount of caffeine.

Step 3. Avoid heavy foods and don't binge at the table
Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day, lunch should be the lightest, and dinner should be moderate. In the morning you need more calories to feel strong throughout the day, lunch should be light to avoid feeling sluggish or sleepy in the afternoon, while dinner needs to be measured, but able to give you nourishment and fill yourself, otherwise you may wake up too early because you are hungry.
Each meal should consist of a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fruit or vegetables. Furthermore, it should never be too heavy or abundant, to prevent digestion from absorbing all the energy of the body

Step 4. Increase your fiber intake
Fiber moves around and releases energy at a slower, more steady rate than carbohydrates, so you will feel energized throughout the day. When it's time to choose what to eat for lunch or as a snack, you should go for foods that are known to be high in fiber, such as:
- Bran and raisins;
- Multigrain bread;
- Black beans;
- Apples;
- Wholemeal pasta.

Step 5. Eat Omega-3s
Blue fish and salmon, walnuts and linseed oil are rich in it. Omega-3s keep brain cells healthy and clear the mind. Aim to eat fish at least once every two days and munch on a handful of nuts when it's time for a snack.

Step 6. Drink lots of water
It's very important to keep your body hydrated throughout the day, so try to drink at least 10 8-ounce glasses of water each by evening. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and exhausted, so make sure you always have a bottle of water on hand even when you're out and about. You can also increase your fluid intake by eating foods that are naturally high in water, such as oranges, grapefruits, yogurt, and carrots.
Remember that alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine dehydrate the body, so be sure to replenish lost fluids by drinking even more water

Step 7. Limit your caffeine intake after noon
While it's true that it can make you feel more energetic for a couple of hours, coffee after lunch, or worse in the evening, negatively interferes with sleep. On occasions when you feel very tired in the middle of the afternoon, try to resist the temptation to use caffeine again, to avoid tossing and turning in the sheets and unable to fall asleep during the night; otherwise the next day you will be even more tired. After a sleepless night, most people try to regain strength by increasing the dose of caffeine and become addicted to it.
Switching from coffee to black (or low-caffeine) tea can also have a positive impact on your energy level

Step 8. Avoid energy drinks
Energy drinks can be useful on occasions when you have to stay up all night or when you need an extra charge to celebrate with friends, but they are bad for both body and mind as they are high in sugar. After a few hours the fatigue will return, accompanied by a state of malaise and tension and in some cases by a severe headache. If you are an avid fan of this type of drink, however, limit yourself to drinking them only in cases of absolute emergency, avoiding them in everyday life.
Part 2 of 3: Improve Sleep

Step 1. Avoid alcohol before bed
Sipping a glass of wine after dinner may give you a temporary feeling of relaxation, but alcohol actually negatively interferes with sleep. Alcoholic beverages can help you fall asleep, but they make sleep much lighter; so stop drinking at least 2-3 hours before going to sleep if you don't want to find yourself awake in the middle of the night.

Step 2. Avoid heavy or heavily spiced foods in the hours leading up to sleep
You should have dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, after which you can have a light and healthy snack before bed, but only if you feel really hungry. Avoid foods that are particularly spicy, heavy or creamy, otherwise you will have a hard time digesting them and, consequently, falling asleep.

Step 3. Avoid any kind of visual stimuli in the hour before bedtime
Even if you love watching television until you fall asleep, you need to keep in mind that visual stimuli can negatively interfere with the onset and quality of sleep. That's why you should turn off your TV, computer, cell phone, and any device with a bright screen so your body can begin to relax.

Step 4. Don't take work to bed
Don't take notes, don't do research, don't write to your boss and, in general, don't do anything related to work while you're in the sheets, otherwise your brain will end up getting confused by associating that place with work and not sleep. Carry out all work commitments from your home or office desk. Ideally, you should avoid working inside the bedroom, but if that's not possible, at least stay at your desk.

Step 5. Create an evening routine that helps you relax
Plan a series of rituals to help you relax and put your routine in place each night. This can be drinking a cup of chamomile tea, reading the newspaper, or listening to jazz music. Decide what to do based on your preferences and stick to your routine whenever possible so your body learns to associate it with sleep. You should start doing your rituals at least an hour before bed as it is difficult for the brain to go straight from work or play to sleep.

Step 6. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
It may seem easier said than done, but try to make an effort and go to bed at about the same time every night and set the same alarm every morning. You should know that sleeping 8 hours during two consecutive nights, but in very different time slots, will make you feel less rested than sleeping 7 but in the same time slot.
At least try to go to bed at the same time every night, for example between 10pm and 11pm, and get up between 6am and 7am

Step 7. Adopt the 15 minute rule
It's very simple: if you've been tossing and turning in bed for 15 minutes and unable to sleep, get up to engage in an activity that helps relax your mind, such as reading or listening to classical music. Turn on a dim light to the maximum so as not to completely awaken the mind. If you want to read, it's best to go for something slightly boring and avoid the overly compelling stories.

Step 8. Lower the temperature in your room before going to bed
Your body temperature drops while you sleep, and the ambient temperature should do the same. Before going to bed, set the thermostat to a temperature below 23 ° C (but above 12 ° C). If it's cold outside, you can leave the window slightly open.

Step 9. Shut the cat out of the bedroom while you sleep
Even if you love letting him sleep between your legs, during the night he may want to jump up and out of bed, play with the things you have on your nightstand, or walk on your pillow. Over half of people who sleep with their pet report being disturbed at least once a night, so even if you love your cat or dog very much, lock them out of the bedroom.
Your pet may not like the new rule, but the next day they will appreciate that you have a lot more energy to put into it

Step 10. Do not postpone the alarm
Stop hitting the snooze button five times before standing up; turn off the alarm, stretch your arms and legs, take a long, deep breath and start your day right away. Turning off and postponing the alarm is a real waste of time, since in those extra minutes your sleep will be superficial, unsatisfactory and you will find it even harder to get up afterwards.
If despite trying, you are unable to get up right away and keep turning off and postponing the alarm, you may be suffering from a chronic lack of sleep
Part 3 of 3: Improving the Daily Routine

Step 1. Change your socks mid-day
You got it right, get into the habit of changing your socks before or after lunch. You will be surprised to see how such a simple gesture can make you feel more alert, clean and energetic.

Step 2. Spend some time outdoors
This is especially important if you work in the office and spend most of the day sitting at your desk. Take a break and get out into the fresh air, breathe deeply and let yourself be kissed by the sun. Spending just 20-30 minutes outdoors every day will have a major impact on your energy levels. Consider if there is any work you can do outdoors and do it in the park.
Of course, spending all day in the blazing sun could drain your energy and make you feel more tired

Step 3. Take a multivitamin supplement at lunchtime
If you use a multivitamin (and you should), take it at lunchtime while you eat, so that with its little energy boost it gives you an extra boost. If you take it at dinner time, it could negatively interfere with your sleep quality.

Step 4. Start the day bright
Turn on the chandelier as soon as you wake up and, if possible, expose yourself to natural sunlight. Studies carried out by experts confirm that any type of light is capable of making you feel more awake, alert and energetic.

Step 5. Take a break every 90 minutes or less
Most people are unable to stay focused on a task for more than 90 minutes. Do not force yourself to finish the work in progress if you are very tired or if you simply feel you can't do it. If possible, take a 10-15 minute break every hour or every hour and a half to get some fresh air, distract yourself from monotonous tasks, and regain energy.
- Ideally, do some light physical activity during breaks, such as a short walk.
- Interacting with others, such as chatting with a colleague, can also help you regain the focus you need to keep working.

Step 6. Make yourself beautiful
Fully dressed, you will automatically take yourself more seriously and feel more alert and energetic. This doesn't mean you have to dress smart even when you're home alone, but wearing a pair of jeans you like and a shirt that looks good will make you feel more productive than staying in a tracksuit.
If you intend to go out, wear some colorful clothes. Colors project your energy outwards and stimulate others to approach you with greater vitality

Step 7. Listen to your favorite song
If you are feeling very tired, nothing beats listening to one of your favorite tunes to cheer you up. Turn up the volume, grab your imaginary microphone and go wild to the beat of the music.

Step 8. Socialize
Talking to other people makes you more alert and energetic. In meetings or classes, don't just sit and listen; ask questions to stimulate your mind and feel actively involved. Call a friend in the middle of the afternoon to recharge your batteries and meet friends after work to stimulate ideas and dialogue. When you are in the office, get up and go to your colleague's desk if you need to ask him something instead of sending him an email; walking and talking will make you feel more vital.
Make a commitment to socialize at least once a week, regardless of how tired or busy you are

Step 9. Exercise to feel more energetic "and" happier
You should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, in the morning or during the afternoon hours. If you work out in the evening, the adrenaline might keep you up late. Any form of exercise will help you feel more energetic, as long as you don't overdo it.
- Move as much as you can. Take a short walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator and reach the bathroom on another floor of the building when you are at work. Try to integrate exercise into your daily routine.
- Even just walking 20 minutes a day instead of using a car can have a major impact on your energy level.
- Practice yoga. Yoga is known to have a positive impact on physical and mental energy.
- Stretch, even when you're not exercising. Stretching helps to awaken the muscles and at the same time also the mind, it also has the advantage of being able to be performed even while sitting at the desk.

Step 10. Rinse your face with cold water
If you still feel incredibly sleepy after all, rinse your face several times with cold water. It will suddenly awaken your senses and you will immediately feel more alert, wherever you are.

Step 11. Stop smoking
Many former smokers confirm that they have seen their energy levels double or even triple after they quit smoking. You may feel that the mild arousal from nicotine makes you more energetic, but smoking actually aggravates fatigue. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will have a positive impact on your energy level, not to mention the health benefits.

Step 12. Take advantage of the energetic properties of lavender
Purchase a lavender plant or scent that you can smell when you feel the need to prevent or stave off fatigue. This method is also known among students to improve their productivity in the exam stage.

Step 13. Take a power nap if you feel the need
Sleeping for 15-20 minutes during the day when you feel really tired can give you the clarity and energy you need to face the world. If you feel exhausted, set your alarm, silence all other notifications and rest for 15-20 minutes with your eyes closed and your arms stretched out at your sides. If you were to sleep for more than an hour you would wake up feeling rested, but the effect would only be temporary and after a while the tiredness and lack of energy would make you feel stronger than before.
Try talking to more people, it's a surefire way to get more energy
- The effects of energy drinks are only temporary. In the long run you will feel more tired than before, so it is best to avoid them and rely only on a healthy diet and physical activity to feel strong.
- Don't drink more than two energy drinks in one day.