How to Check Blood Pressure without Cuff

Table of contents:

How to Check Blood Pressure without Cuff
How to Check Blood Pressure without Cuff

The blood pressure value indicates the force exerted by blood on the vessel walls as it flows throughout the body and is an important indicator of health. It is typically measured with a cuff and a stethoscope, tools that most people don't have at home, but which are needed to get an accurate reading. If you want to know if the systolic pressure (the pressure exerted on the arteries during a heartbeat) is normal, you can evaluate the pulse to get a rough estimate. The diastolic pressure (the pressure exerted between one heartbeat and the next) must always be measured with a sphygmomanometer.


Part 1 of 4: Evaluating Systolic Pressure with Heart Rate

Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 1
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 1

Step 1. Put two fingers on the inside of the wrist

The first thing to do to estimate the systolic (or maximum) pressure is to identify the point in which to perceive the beats; in this way you can obtain the necessary information and understand if the blood pressure value is relatively normal. Remember this is only a rough estimate; this method is able to make you understand only if the systolic pressure is not low and not if you suffer from hypertension.

  • Place two fingers - preferably index and middle fingers - just below the crease of the wrist, near the base of the thumb.
  • Do not use your thumb as there is a strong throb in this finger that could interfere with the procedure.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 2
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to your heart rate

Once your fingers are in place, try to feel the radial pulse, the shock waves generated by the heartbeat. If you feel it, it means your systolic blood pressure is at least 80 mmHg and it's normal; however this information does not allow you to know if you have hypertension. If you do not feel the pulse it means that the data is less than 80 mmHg, which is still within normal limits.

  • The reason why the pressure is at least 80 mmHg is that the radial artery (present in the wrist) is small and it is enough for the blood to exert this force to be perceived.
  • Not feeling your pulse is not synonymous with health problems.
  • The assessment of blood pressure without the use of a sphygmomanometer does not provide any information on the diastolic data.
  • It should be remembered that some studies have questioned the effectiveness of this method.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 3
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 3

Step 3. Check your pulse again after doing moderate exercise

You should do this to get an idea of how heart rate increases as a result of movement; by doing this you can understand if the pressure is basically low, high or normal.

  • If you can't feel your pulse well after moderate activity, your blood pressure is likely to be low.
  • If you are concerned about any abnormalities, see your doctor.

Part 2 of 4: Using an Application and a Smartphone

Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 4
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 4

Step 1. Understand that this is not an accurate method of detecting blood pressure

While these apps are apparently a great idea, they don't actually work; they are considered "pastimes" and not legitimate medical tools for measuring blood pressure, so you should not use them thinking that the data provided is valid or accurate.

Researchers are pioneering a technology that allows doctors to measure this vital parameter without a cuff; however it is still a method under development

Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 5
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 5

Step 2. Open the phone app store

Make sure it is suitable for your operating system and mobile device; within this "virtual shop" you can find a wide range of applications to monitor health and which offer several functions.

  • Type "blood pressure check".
  • View the proposed results.
  • Choose a few and read reviews from other users. As you read the comments, focus on ease of use and people's satisfaction; if the app received a rating of three stars or less, move on to another.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 6
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 6

Step 3. Download the application

After reviewing the reviews of a couple of products, you need to select one to download. Here's how to proceed:

  • Press the "Download" button on the mobile phone screen; the key may vary depending on the operating system.
  • Be patient as the program is transferred to your smartphone.
  • The download speed depends on the speed of your data connection. To speed up the process, connect your device to a Wi-Fi network, which also saves on potential data usage charges.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 7
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 7

Step 4. Use the application to know your blood pressure

Once the program has been downloaded, open it by touching the corresponding icon; this allows you to use the app as you wish.

  • If the program offers the possibility to monitor various vital parameters in addition to blood pressure, select the key corresponding to the latter.
  • Read the instructions.
  • Make sure your index finger covers the camera located on the back of the phone. The application exploits the stability of the photoelectric signal of the pulsation to calculate the pressure; this technology basically studies heart rate, rate and other data to produce health statistics.
  • Keep your finger on the camera until the message appears that the procedure is complete.
  • Write down the results.

Part 3 of 4: Interpreting the Pressor Data

Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 8
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 8

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the optimal blood pressure values

Perhaps the most important thing you need to know when measuring this vital parameter are the normal ranges; without this information, the data collected makes no sense.

  • A score of 120/80 or less is considered normal for most people.
  • If it is between 120-139 / 80-89 it indicates hypertension; if your data falls within this range you should try harder to follow a healthy lifestyle.
  • The values between 140-159 / 90-99 are related to a first degree hypertension; if so, you need to work with your doctor and have a plan to reduce this. You may need to take medications.
  • Results equal to or greater than 160/100 are typical of second degree hypertension and it is almost essential to take medication.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 9
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 9

Step 2. Use a blood pressure monitor to take reference readings

Since the technology that does not use the sleeve is still in development, you must rely on traditional methods for basic data before proceeding with those described above.

  • Get a blood pressure measurement in your doctor's office 1-2 times a year.
  • Go to a pharmacy or other health facility that has a blood pressure measuring machine.
  • Compare the data collected at home with the reference data.
  • Record both values to monitor blood pressure data over time.

Part 4 of 4: Improving the Pressure Values

Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 10
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 10

Step 1. Ask your doctor for advice

If you are concerned about your blood pressure readings, you should contact your doctor who can provide you with suggestions to improve them or to treat low blood pressure or hypertension.

  • If the values are high, you are likely to be prescribed drugs to lower them.
  • Your doctor recommends that you follow a diet or exercise routine.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 11
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 11

Step 2. Train regularly to reduce blood pressure

One of the most effective methods to manage hypertension is movement, which improves the health conditions of the cardiovascular system.

  • Focus on cardio exercises, such as cycling, running, or fitwalking.
  • However, avoid coming to exhaustion.
  • Talk to your doctor before adopting a demanding exercise regimen, especially if you have pressure problems.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 12
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 12

Step 3. Change the power supply to reduce the pressure

If you're having trouble managing high blood pressure, making some dietary adjustments can help.

  • Reduce your sodium intake - avoid taking more than 2300 mg per day.
  • Eat 6-8 servings a day of whole grains that contain lots of fiber and help reduce blood pressure.
  • Eat 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day to improve blood pressure.
  • Eliminate fatty meats and limit your consumption of dairy products.
  • It also minimizes the sugar intake without exceeding 5 servings per week.
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 13
Check Blood Pressure with No Cuff Step 13

Step 4. Consider different dietary changes if you have low blood pressure

By changing your diet you can increase blood pressure to a normal level.

  • Increase your sodium intake by consuming at least 2,000 mg per day.
  • To raise your blood pressure, drink more water.
