Morning spasms in the back affect many people around the world. This is a frustrating problem that can interfere with sleep and daily activities, and is a common cause of absenteeism at work. Pinpointing the cause of your back spasms and treating the problem appropriately will reduce the likelihood of permanent damage, as well as preventing chronic pain and weakness.
Part 1 of 4: Identify the Cause

Step 1. Know that spasms often occur due to low back fatigue
When the ligaments, tendons or muscles of the lower back are injured, the lower back is subjected to excessive strain. This problem usually occurs due to overuse of muscles (as is sometimes the case with sports or heavy lifting) or some type of direct trauma.
- With spasms due to lumbar strain, the area of the torn muscles, tendons or ligaments becomes inflamed, causing acute pain that gets worse when you move. You will notice that it is greater after a rest period, such as when you get out of bed in the morning.
- You will notice that the pain is not continuous. It can diminish or even disappear with adequate posture and rest.

Step 2. Evaluate if there may be a herniated disc
Each spinal disc consists of an external fibrous capsule with a gelatinous material inside. Their job is to support the bony vertebrae and allow their movements. Sometimes, however, the soft internal material protrudes or exits the fibrous ring, causing compression of the nerve roots that emerge from the spinal canals and vertebral foramina. As a result, hyperstimulation can develop which causes spasms in the muscles.
- If the spasms are due to a herniated disc, you will notice that the pain is progressive, continuous and tends to get worse when you stay still, while it improves with movement.
- Note that the pain is not limited to the lower back, but can extend to the legs and buttocks, and you may notice sensory abnormalities such as tingling, burning, or numbness of the skin areas caused by the affected nerve.

Step 3. Keep in mind that spasms can occur due to bone invasion
This consists in the narrowing of the passage of the spinal cord or spinal nerves caused by excessive bone growth or in the abnormal positioning of the vertebrae. Narrowing can occur in both the spinal canal and the vertebral foramen (where the spinal nerve exits the spinal canal). The common causes of bone invasion are an outgrowth of the vertebrae ("bone spurs" whose growth is linked to osteoarthritis) or the slippage of one vertebra relative to another (a condition called spondylolisthesis).
- If your spasms are due to bone invasion, you will likely experience dull pain radiating to your legs and buttocks. It can be stronger on one side of the body.
- Unlike a herniated disc, in this case the pain decreases or disappears with rest, while it gets worse when you walk, stand, or lean backwards.

Step 4. Do not rule out the possibility of skeletal deformities
Sometimes back pain can be related to a deformity of the curvature of the spine. This defect can occur from birth, as is the case with scoliosis (a condition in which the spine curves sideways). The abnormal structure can then place excessive strain on the back muscles, causing spasms.

Step 5. Discuss your concerns with a doctor
He can help you determine the causes of your problem. They will be able to take your medical history (check if there is a family history of arthritis or osteoporosis, for example) and evaluate if you have suffered any accidents, trauma or previous surgeries that could affect your condition. In addition, you may have blood tests to check for inflammation and infection.
In some cases, your doctor may also order additional diagnostic tests, such as an X-ray or MRI
Part 2 of 4: Recovering from Severe Back Pain

Step 1. Rest your back
For nearly all back spasms, including those related to muscle strain or strain, the best initial treatment is rest. Early movement can aggravate injuries and delay healing. Stop any activity for two to three days to heal the injury and allow your muscles to start healing.
Keep in mind that "rest" is not the same as being confined to bed. You can go to the bathroom, take a shower, and sit for short moments in a chair. The important thing is that you try to spend most of your time in a comfortable position, which can vary depending on the site of your injury

Step 2. Get up slowly
After a long night of rest, the body cannot tolerate sudden jerky movements. If you get up too quickly and too vigorously, you risk compromising the benefits gained during a night's rest.
For best results, do not suddenly get up to get out of bed. Instead, stand on your back and bend your hips and knees. Bring your thighs to your chest and breathe deeply for a few seconds. This will allow your muscles to warm up. Then stand on your side and slowly stand up, supporting your body with your hands. If you are lying on your right side, for example, get up slowly as you press down on the bed with your left palm

Step 3. Avoid assuming stressful positions while you sleep
It can be difficult to control your sleeping posture, but you can try to reduce your chances of sleeping in positions that aggravate back pain. Start by lying on your side. Keep the lower leg (the one in contact with the mattress) straight and bend the other at the hip and knee level. Place a pillow under the bent leg. This position is comfortable for almost all people.
- If you have degenerative disc disease or nerve root pain, consider keeping a lumbar roll under your lower back.
- If you prefer to sleep prone, know that this can be a particularly difficult position for the back. Make it at least less harmful by placing a pillow under the pelvis and lower abdomen area.

Step 4. Consider taking a short break from sleep
Even those who do not suffer from this problem feel stiffness and pain in the back after a long sleep. This is because some muscles shorten or stretch over a prolonged period; they may also receive less blood supply due to an abnormal sleeping position. If your spasms seem to get worse when you sleep for long periods of time, break your sleep hours halfway.
To break sleep into two parts use an alarm clock. When you turn it off, apply heat or massage your back and gently stretch. Then go back to sleep

Step 5. Apply ice
Cold therapy works like magic on muscle fatigue. It soothes pain, reduces swelling and minimizes tissue inflammation.
- Apply ice when the pain is acute, three times a day (morning, afternoon, and before bed) for 15-20 minutes. Be careful not to put it in direct contact with the skin (use a cloth or a barrier) and do not apply it for longer than recommended; but above all do not fall asleep when you use it, you could end up freezing.
- Note that ice does not soothe pain if back pain is caused by nerve irritation.

Step 6. Try applying heat
When the acute pain subsides and the condition stabilizes, you can apply heat. At this point, the healing process is underway and the heat allows to relax the muscles and stimulate the local nerves, leaving a calming effect; it also dilates blood vessels, facilitating better blood circulation.
- One way to warm the injured area is to take a hot shower in the morning. For best results, also do some stretching exercises at the same time: bend your back forward so that the water falls directly on the painful part of the back, then stretch your arms and try to touch your toes without trying. ache. A twenty minute shower should give you relief for the next few hours.
- You can also use an electric warmer to hold in the evening for 15-20 minutes. If you don't have one available, you can place a towel under a heated iron and, once it reaches a sufficiently warm temperature, hold it against your back.

Step 7. Do some strengthening exercises
When the acute pain subsides, you can start doing some exercises. This improves blood flow to the affected area and speeds up recovery. They also allow you to strengthen the neck, shoulders and back and increase strength and flexibility. In addition, in the case of degenerative diseases, exercise helps the unstable spine to find more support from the muscles.
- Always consult a doctor or physiotherapist to find a set of exercises suitable for your specific case. Some wrong movements could cause further damage to the muscles and discs.
- Start with a very light workout and gradually increase the intensity. Begin by stretching until you feel a slight tension, then stay in place for two to five seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times. Don't push yourself to the point of pain.

Step 8. Make a light massage
When you get out of bed in the morning, take the time to massage your lower back muscles with your fingertips. This increases blood flow and releases endorphins, chemical mediators that act as the body's natural pain relievers.
For best results, take 10-15 minutes each day to massage your back. If you wish, repeat when it's time to go to bed
Part 3 of 4: Taking the Medications

Step 1. Start with acetaminophen
If the pain is mild or moderate, your doctor may advise you to start with an over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen (also known as acetaminophen). Typical dosage is one tablet three times a day after meals.
If you are taking acetaminophen regularly, you should add an acid suppressant, such as omeprazole or ranitidine (respectively 20 mg or 150 mg twice a day). However, ask your doctor if this additional drug is suitable for your situation

Step 2. Try anti-inflammatory drugs
If you can't manage pain with acetaminophen, you may need something to help reduce inflammation. You can take 400 mg of ibuprofen twice a day or 500 mg of naproxen three times a day. These are available without a prescription, but you should still consult your doctor before taking them regularly.

Step 3. Ask your doctor about antispasmodic medications
If the spasms are severe, an antispasmodic may be helpful, in combination with an anti-inflammatory drug. Always consult with your doctor. The typical dosage is 5-10 mg of baclofen three times a day or 2 mg of tizanidine three times a day.
For best results, take the anti-inflammatory drug immediately after dinner and the antispasmodic drug before bed. This makes it easier to control morning spasms
Part 4 of 4: Seeking Alternative Treatments

Step 1. Try acupuncture
It consists of a natural Chinese treatment, used for many years, which involves inserting needles in particular areas of the body. Needles are thought to be able to stimulate the release of natural opioids by sending signals to the nervous system, which then releases hormones and neurochemicals. To start, try 2-3 sessions per week.
Check with your region's health facility or health insurance company (if you have one). Some companies provide coverage for acupuncture treatments

Step 2. Undergo professional massage therapy
This can be particularly useful for people with chronic, non-specific pain and spasms. It is also capable of relieving anxiety and depression.
Massage therapy is especially effective for back spasms that occur during pregnancy. Seek out an experienced prenatal massage therapist

Step 3. Get examined by a chiropractor
Chiropractors are trained in spinal manipulation, improving reduced muscle mobility around the spine and increasing flexibility. Regular chiropractic sessions, along with exercise and other medical treatments, can be helpful in reducing pain and spasms.

Step 4. Learn the Alexander technique
This form of therapy teaches people to improve their posture, thereby relieving pain and increasing mobility. Research has found that this technique is capable of relieving pain over the long term and reduces the chances of permanent disability.

Step 5. Pay attention to your diet
There is no particular diet to treat back spasms, but a healthy diet is always good for muscles, bones and health in general. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist if you are unsure what you should eat.