3 Ways to Get Rid of Knots on the Back

3 Ways to Get Rid of Knots on the Back
3 Ways to Get Rid of Knots on the Back

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Whether you have to lift weights for a living or sit eight hours a day in front of your computer, you are still prone to developing what are commonly called 'knots' in your back. Also known as "trigger points" ("trigger points" in which tension builds up), they form when muscle tissues cannot relax. They are normally found in the trapezius muscle, which extends from the base of the skull, running down the back and laterally towards the shoulders. You can try some techniques to remove them yourself or seek professional treatment.


Method 1 of 3: Massage the Knot to Make It Disappear

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 1
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 1

Step 1. Locate the node

Most of the knots develop in the upper back and shoulders. They tend to look tighter and more compact than the surrounding muscles, similar to the knots of a rope (hence the name).

If you put pressure on a knot, it can cause pain that radiates outward. This feature suggests that it is a "trigger point". On the contrary, the so-called "tender spots" (literally "delicate points") usually do not project pain to other areas of the body

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 2
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 2

Step 2. Massage the knot by applying pressure to the area where it extends

Gently rub along its extension, making circular motions with your fingertips. Apply light pressure, but not so much that it hurts. It can help loosen tight muscle tissue.

  • You may also find that simply compressing the knot helps relieve the pain. Apply firm pressure, holding your finger for about a minute.
  • If you are having difficulty or are unable to massage it yourself, ask someone to help you.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 3
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 3

Step 3. Help yourself with a tennis ball

You can lean against the wall or lie on the ground. In both cases, place the ball between the body and the surface. Align it over where you feel the most tension. You should feel some discomfort at first that subsides as you continue to apply pressure.

  • Hold the tennis ball against the knot until the pain subsides. Take breaks if you feel the need. At first it will be difficult for you to hold the position for more than a few seconds. By continuing the exercise, however, you will be able to increase the time.
  • You can use other types of balls, although there is a risk that the harder ones, such as rubber racquetballs, will exert too much pressure, at least at first.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 4
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 4

Step 4. Get a foam roller

It is a latex tube which, while functioning like a tennis ball, acts on a larger area. It can help relax tense and contracted muscles. Usually, it is about 3m long and the thickness is similar to that of the floating tubes used in swimming pools.

  • Go slow at first. Pressing on a sore spot for too long can actually cause more muscle damage, especially if you are unfamiliar with roller techniques. It will take 15-30 seconds on one node before moving on to the next one.
  • Place the foam roller on the ground in a horizontal position. Lie down perpendicular to the pipe. Find the sore spot and slowly roll over. Do not use this tool for more than 3 minutes at a time.
  • Do not use the roller on your lower back, as it may cause nerve damage.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 5
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 5

Step 5. Help yourself with a tool to reach the sore spot

Using an umbrella with a curved handle or a specially designed back massage tool, such as the "Body Back Buddy", you can push yourself over hard-to-reach areas.

If the knot is on the shoulder, simply place the end of the handle over the knot. Just like with the tennis ball, hold it on the sore spot until the knot comes loose

Method 2 of 3: Stretch the Knot

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 6
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 6

Step 1. Do stretching exercises to stretch the muscles

While stretching itself does not make the knot go away, it can reduce pain and prevent other contractures from forming. Try the following exercises:

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 7
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 7

Step 2. Do the shoulder elevation

These exercises, also known as the "shrug" used in gyms, can help relieve tension in the neck and shoulder area, where knots usually form in the back.

  • Sit in a chair, preferably with a straight back. You can sit on the ground or stand upright, but make sure you maintain good posture.
  • Lift your shoulders up to your ears. Rotate them forward and then down clockwise.
  • Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction: up, back, down (counterclockwise).
  • Do 2-4 repetitions, several times a day.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 8
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 8

Step 3. Stretch your shoulders by moving your elbows

This exercise promotes blood circulation in the shoulder blade area, where knots often develop.

  • Start by placing your hands on your shoulders with your palm facing down. The right hand goes to the right shoulder, while the left hand goes to the left shoulder.
  • Bring your elbows together, keeping your hands on your shoulders. You should feel some tension in your shoulders and upper back.
  • Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, taking deep breaths, even as you tense your muscles. Then relax. Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 9
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 9

Step 4. Squeeze your shoulders

This exercise can help release tight, tight muscles in the upper back and shoulders.

  • Sit or stand with your arms at your sides. Bring your shoulder blades together, compressing them. Hold this pressure for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat several times throughout the day.
  • Imagine a rope pulling the shoulder blades back and down. It is not enough to widen the chest, making it protrude forward.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 10
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 10

Step 5. Stretch your shoulder with the other arm

This exercise will help you stretch and release the tension in your shoulders.

  • Bring your left arm to your chest. Stretch it in this position as much as you can.
  • Keep your left arm still using your right elbow.
  • Hold the tension for 30 seconds, then relax.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 11
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 11

Step 6. Try to curl up swinging

This exercise can help stretch your lower back muscles, although it is not effective for your upper back or shoulders.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs to your chest.
  • Hold them and rock back and forth to stretch your lower back.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 12
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 12

Step 7. Do the knee to chest exercise

It will help you relieve tension in the lower back. If it causes further back pain, don't do it.

  • Lie on your back on the floor. You can use a yoga mat to be more comfortable.
  • Bend your knees, keeping the soles of your feet flat on the floor.
  • Grab one knee with your hands and bring it to your chest. Try to keep your lower back close to the ground during the exercise. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then relax.
  • Repeat the movement with the other leg. Do 2-4 repetitions with each leg.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 13
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 13

Step 8. Make use of some pilates movements

Pilates exercises can help you stretch the tight muscles in your back that cause knots. A particular combination of movements goes from the prayer position to that of the cat and the camel, and is very useful for relieving muscle tension.

  • Start by standing on all fours. Inhale and lean back on your heels as you exhale. Extend your arms out in front of you and lower your head towards the floor. This is the position of prayer. You should feel some tension in the lower back.
  • Come back on all fours, inhaling. Arch your back towards the ceiling. Tilt your head and contract your abdominal muscles. This is the position of the cat. You should feel some tension through the back muscles.
  • Exhale and arch your back towards the floor, lifting your hips and chin towards the ceiling. This is the position of the camel. You should feel the upper back stretch.
  • Return to the prayer position. Repeat this sequence of movements 5 times.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 14
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 14

Step 9. Interlace your hands and stretch them out in front of you

Keep your elbows straight and arch your back. Place your palms outward, turning your back inward, facing you. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 15
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 15

Step 10. Stretch your neck

Bring your ear to your shoulder, pushing gently with your hand on the same side. You should feel some tension, but not pain. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat on the other side.

Bring your chin to your chest until you feel some pull. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds

Method 3 of 3: Continue to Have Good Habits

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 16
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 16

Step 1. Apply cold to the painful area

If the knot is caused by an injury or inflammation, a cold compress is best. Apply the compress for 20 minutes, at least three times a day. Repeat for the first two to three days after the accident.

  • You can make a cold compress with 3 cups of water and 1 cup of alcohol. Mix and pour the solution into a resealable bag. Make sure you get rid of all the air before freezing it.
  • You can also use a pack of frozen vegetables. Choose one that is small and uniform in size, such as peas or corn.
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 17
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 17

Step 2. Apply warm compresses to the painful area to loosen the muscles

If the pain is frequent or chronic, heat works better than ice. Use a heating pad, take a hot bath or shower.

  • The application of the hot compress should not last more than 15-20 minutes at a time, no more than three times a day.
  • If you prefer humid heat, you can heat a damp towel for thirty seconds in the microwave. Don't overdo it, otherwise you risk getting burned.
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Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 18

Step 3. Check your posture

Poor posture, especially if you sit for long periods of time, can cause back pain and cause knots to form. Try to notice when you assume a wrong posture: remember that you are putting excessive pressure on the muscles.

  • If you work at your desk, find a time to get up, walk (and stretch) roughly every hour.
  • Do not slump with your head forward when standing or sitting. This position can put some strain on the shoulders and back and promote knots.
  • If you lift weights, check how you lift them. Dropping the weights too quickly causes the muscles to contract deleteriously.
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Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 19

Step 4. Start doing yoga

Yoga is very helpful when it comes to performing exercises to strengthen the back. It can relieve pain, as well as strengthen muscles and increase their flexibility. Here are some positions to try:

  • The downward facing dog helps the lower back. It focuses on the extensors of the back, those muscles that help you stand and lift objects. Start by getting on all fours. Make sure your knees are hip-width apart and your hands only slightly in front of your shoulders. As you exhale, straighten your knees, stretching your legs. Bring your heels closer to the floor. Straighten your legs, keeping your knees bent. The body has to form a kind of arc.
  • The "baby position" stretches your back muscles. Get on all fours, sit down with your buttocks on your heels. Extend your arms forward and lower your head to the floor.
  • The pigeon stretches the rotators and flexors of the hips. Sometimes we forget that our whole body is connected: poor hip alignment can completely ruin a healthy back. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Bring your left ankle to your right thigh. Cross your hands around the back of your right thigh and pull your right knee towards your chest. Keep your torso relaxed as you stay in this position. Repeat on the other side.
  • The triangle strengthens the back and legs, stretching the hips of the torso and the muscles of the pelvis. Stand upright on a yoga mat, feet apart about 120cm apart. Turn your right foot outward so that it is parallel to the long side of the mat. Line up your heels as if you want to place them in a straight line. Raise your arms so that they form a "T" with your torso. Bend and lower to the right, extending the right arm towards the right foot. Maintain this position as long as you are comfortable. Repeat on the other side.
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Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 20

Step 5. Do aerobic exercises

Regular, moderate aerobic activity will help keep knots at bay. Try swimming, elliptical machines or even so-called jumping jacks, which involve arms and legs.

Aim for moderate aerobic activity for about 30 minutes a day

Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 21
Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 21

Step 6. Use over-the-counter pain relievers

Paracetamol (Tachipirina) is the best to start with, as it tends to cause fewer side effects than other pain relievers. If that doesn't work, try an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Among the most used NSAIDs are ibuprofen (Moment, Brufen, Nurofen), naproxen (Momendol, Synfex, Aleve) or aspirin.

  • Do not exceed the recommended doses in the package. NSAIDs and acetaminophen can cause serious side effects if used incorrectly.
  • If your back pain continues beyond a week, despite taking over-the-counter pain relievers, see your doctor. It is unsafe to use this category of drugs for too long. It is likely that your doctor will need to prescribe you a stronger medication.
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Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 22

Step 7. See your doctor if back pain is chronic

If back pain has been going on for a few weeks or has been part of your daily life for as long as you can remember, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe you a stronger treatment or medication.

  • He will most likely recommend that you do physiotherapy first. Physiotherapists can recommend exercises and procedures to relieve pain and improve back health. Some also specialize in particular techniques, such as "dry needling", which can decrease back pain by stimulating "trigger points"..
  • Your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants if your back pain continues or doesn't improve. They can be addictive, so take them as directed.
  • Usually, injections and surgery are used as a last resort and only when the pain is radiating to different parts of the body. The doctor may inject cortisone into the epidural space (around the spinal cord). The relief from these injections usually only lasts a couple of months. The use of surgery is rare to treat back pain if it is not associated with a more serious condition, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.
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Get Rid of Knots in Your Back Step 23

Step 8. Contact the emergency health services if needed

Sometimes, back pain indicates the existence of other conditions that require urgent care. Call 911 or go to the emergency room if any of the following occur:

  • Back pain accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, sweating. They can indicate a heart attack.
  • Back pain after trauma, such as a car accident, fall, or sports injury.
  • Back pain accompanied by bowel or bladder problems.
  • Back pain accompanied by fever.


Stretch and massage three to five times a day. Keep going and you will see the benefits


  • Don't move in a certain way if you feel twinges. Stretching is good, pain is not.
  • Do not exert direct pressure on the spine!
