3 Ways to Pass Out Safely

3 Ways to Pass Out Safely
3 Ways to Pass Out Safely

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Fainting, or syncope, is a disturbing experience; it is often the result of poor blood circulation to the brain that causes you to lose consciousness and then faint. However, you can take some precautions to make sure you pass out safely. Pay attention to warning signs, such as dizziness sit or lie down immediately, ask for help from the people around you, and finally take the time to recover after such an episode. It is undoubtedly useful to collaborate with the doctor to determine a therapy.


Method 1 of 3: Reacting to Early Symptoms

Faint Safely Step 1
Faint Safely Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to the feeling of lightheadedness

You may experience a mild or intense bout of dizziness right before you lose consciousness. This is a strong warning sign that indicates an alteration in the circulatory system. As soon as you recognize the first dizziness, stop your activity and approach the floor, sitting or lying down.

Faint Safely Step 2
Faint Safely Step 2

Step 2. Check for changes in vision and hearing

The senses are somewhat affected by the situation a few minutes before fainting. You may complain of a tubular vision, that is, the sensation of observing the surrounding environment through a tube that narrows the field of vision; you may see spots or blurry areas, hear a ring, or feel a slight hum.

The other main symptoms are pale, clammy face, numb limbs and face, severe anxiety or sudden onset of nausea or stomach pain

Faint Safely Step 3
Faint Safely Step 3

Step 3. Sit or lie down immediately

When you experience any disorder related to loss of consciousness, the goal is to get close to the ground as quickly as possible. Many people suffer from severe trauma not from fainting per se, but from a related fall. It is best to lie on your back or on your side, but if this is not possible, it is also okay to sit down.

  • When you lie down on the ground, the head is more or less at the same height as the heart, so circulation to the brain and back of the head is more easily restored. If you are pregnant, you should lie down (and also sleep) on your left side to reduce the load on the heart muscle.
  • For example, if you are in a crowded area and the only safe solution is to sit down, do so. For the best benefits, bring your head between your knees to encourage the blood to follow gravity and reach the brain.
Faint Safely Step 4
Faint Safely Step 4

Step 4. Find some free space

If you are in a crowded place, you should reach a wall and slowly try to lean against it; if necessary, you can slowly slide along the wall and sit down, to avoid being stepped on while on the ground. By getting away from people you can also lower your body temperature and breathe better.

Faint Safely Step 5
Faint Safely Step 5

Step 5. Try to fall towards the wall

If it is too late to lie down in a controlled manner, you should try to manage the direction in which you fall as much as possible. As soon as you realize that you are about to pass out, do your best to lean your body towards a wall if it is within arm's length; this way, you can slide along the wall instead of falling dead weight.

You can also make an effort to bend the knees by lowering the body down and cushion the fall

Faint Safely Step 6
Faint Safely Step 6

Step 6. Be very careful on the stairs

If you find yourself on them when the first symptoms appear, move from the free handrail to the one fixed to the wall. Sit on a step; if you are near a landing, try to reach it as soon as possible, moving on your butt until you reach it and you can lie down.

If you feel faint before you can sit down, do your best to keep a firm grip on the handrail. This precaution can help you fall to the ground in a controlled manner as you lose consciousness; if nothing else, by hugging the handrail fixed to the wall, you can slow the fall and turn it into a downward slide

Faint Safely Step 7
Faint Safely Step 7

Step 7. Ask someone for help

Shout out for you to assist. If you can't speak, wave your hands in the air and move your mouth repeatedly so that other people can lip-read "help". Be careful when trying to approach someone for help, as you may fall while taking a step.

  • If you see someone, you can say "Help, I'm going to pass out!" or "Can you help me? I think I'm going to pass out." Don't be afraid to approach strangers, as they may help you stay safe.
  • If you are lucky and there is someone who can help you, they should help you get to the ground, if you haven't already. If you fall and get hurt, he should apply pressure to the bleeding area and call an ambulance.
  • He should also take off any tight-fitting clothing that reduces blood circulation to the brain, such as a tight tie. he must also make sure that your airways are clear and clear. You may need to roll onto your side in case you start throwing up. The rescuer should check that you are breathing correctly even if you are unconscious. If you notice anything alarming, you should immediately call 911 and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Method 2 of 3: Recovering Immediately After a Faint

Faint Safely Step 8
Faint Safely Step 8

Step 1. Stay on the ground for a while

Don't be in a hurry to get up immediately after fainting; the body and mind need time to recover. You should keep the position assumed on the ground for at least 10-15 minutes; if you get up earlier, you may pass out again.

Faint Safely Step 9
Faint Safely Step 9

Step 2. Lift your feet if possible

A simple fainting episode usually resolves quickly by lifting the "victim's" feet and legs. While still on the floor, try to figure out if this simple maneuver is possible. If you are lying down, try putting a jacket under your feet (or ask the rescuer to do so); in this way, you improve blood circulation to the head and accelerate recovery.

Faint Safely Step 10
Faint Safely Step 10

Step 3. Take deep breaths

As you wait to get up again, take a series of deep, calming inhalations; fill the lungs to their maximum capacity by inhaling through the nose and releasing the air from the mouth. If you are still in a hot or crowded area, you should carefully monitor your breathing until you can walk safely to a better place.

Faint Safely Step 11
Faint Safely Step 11

Step 4. Drink plenty of fluids

Dehydration is a possible cause of fainting. To prevent another episode, you should therefore drink plenty of water immediately after recovering from a standing position and for the rest of the day. Do not consume alcohol after fainting, as it dehydrates even more, aggravating the initial problem.

Faint Safely Step 12
Faint Safely Step 12

Step 5. Eat several small meals throughout the day

Eating less but more frequently and avoiding skipping meals helps prevent blackouts. Aim to eat five to six small meals a day instead of two or three more substantial ones.

Faint Safely Step 13
Faint Safely Step 13

Step 6. Stay away from alcohol

Alcoholic beverages increase the risk of fainting; if you are susceptible to this disorder, then do your best not to consume them. If you must drink, do so in moderation, which means no more than one drink a day for women of all ages and men over 65, and no more than two drinks for men under 65.

Faint Safely Step 14
Faint Safely Step 14

Step 7. Pay attention to medications

Some medicines can cause dizziness and fainting. Consult your doctor to find out which products may be causing the disorder. Certain active ingredients to control hypertension should be taken before bedtime, just to avoid fainting.

Faint Safely Step 15
Faint Safely Step 15

Step 8. Slow down for the rest of the day

Accept that your body needs time to recover and give yourself a break for the next few hours. Walk slowly and carefully; you should also abstain from physical activity for the next 24 hours. Minimize stress by putting off important commitments until the next day.

Do something that helps you relax, like going home and taking a bubble bath. alternatively, sit on the sofa and watch a good movie

Faint Safely Step 16
Faint Safely Step 16

Step 9. Call the ambulance if necessary

If you wake up from fainting and experience other symptoms, such as shortness of breath or chest pain, you or your carer should call 911 immediately, as these are all signs that you are suffering from a more serious condition and that you have need a medical evaluation in the hospital.

Method 3 of 3: Protect yourself in the future

Faint Safely Step 17
Faint Safely Step 17

Step 1. Talk to your doctor

Whether it's the first episode or a recurring event, it's worth making an appointment with your doctor to talk about what happened; he can decide if further action is appropriate and, thanks to his opinion, you can feel more comfortable for the future. He may ask you to monitor for particular warning signs, in addition to fainting, such as increased thirst.

  • The doctor may request some tests, such as a blood count, to evaluate for anemia and nutritional deficiencies, a blood glucose test, and an electrocardiogram (to make sure there are no heart problems). This is a standard diagnostic procedure.
  • Your doctor may also advise you to limit certain activities or behaviors until they have established the cause of the fainting and set a therapy; for example, it may ask you not to drive, not to use any type of heavy or complicated machinery.
  • It may be helpful to bring with you a statement or short note written by someone who has witnessed the fainting; after all, you were unconscious most of the time and that person could "fill in the blanks" about what happened to you.
Faint Safely Step 18
Faint Safely Step 18

Step 2. Take preventative medications

There is a possibility that the doctor will prescribe medicines to treat you and prevent future fainting; for example, corticosteroids help improve hydration by increasing sodium levels.

Be sure to strictly follow the directions given to you for each medication you are prescribed, otherwise you could run the risk of your fainting becoming even worse

Faint Safely Step 19
Faint Safely Step 19

Step 3. Stay well hydrated and full

This is good general advice, but it's especially helpful if you've passed out in the past. Bring snacks rich in salt and sugar with you; for example, you can drink some juice or eat some dried fruit. This way, you prevent your blood sugar from becoming too low, a common cause of fainting.

Faint Safely Step 20
Faint Safely Step 20

Step 4. Take supplements or herbs

Focus on substances that improve circulation and the general well-being of the heart. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are perfect, because they reduce the level of inflammation and allow the blood to circulate more efficiently; you can also try herbal remedies, such as green tea, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Talk to your doctor about supplements or herbs, as they can interfere with ongoing drug therapy or induce serious side effects

Faint Safely Step 21
Faint Safely Step 21

Step 5. Put on a medical bracelet

You've probably seen one before and can easily buy it online; it is a bracelet that shows the serious conditions you suffer from, such as allergies, heart problems, diabetes or epilepsy, and a contact number. If you often suffer from fainting or plan to travel, this device is a good solution.

Faint Safely Step 22
Faint Safely Step 22

Step 6. Practice relaxation techniques

Fainting can also be triggered by stress or emotional events. Learn to control the body's reactions through deep breathing techniques; sign up for a yoga or meditation class to learn the methods that work best for you. Some people find that even hypnosis can reduce stress levels and regulate blood pressure.

Faint Safely Step 23
Faint Safely Step 23

Step 7. Put on elastic stockings

They improve blood circulation by promoting flow from the legs to the heart and brain; however, do not use corsets, suspenders or other constricting clothing that can reduce venous return.

Faint Safely Step 24
Faint Safely Step 24

Step 8. Slowly change your position

Getting up too quickly from a sitting or lying position can trigger a faint; try to move from one posture to another gradually and slowly, to avoid losing consciousness.

For example, sit on the edge of the bed in the morning before standing up

Faint Safely Step 25
Faint Safely Step 25

Step 9. Get the blood flowing

Get into the habit of periodically contracting your leg muscles or moving your toes when standing or sitting for a long time. These simple exercises improve blood circulation and allow the heart to strain less. You can also try swaying from side to side while standing.

You can wear compression stockings to promote blood circulation from your lower extremities to your torso and head

Faint Safely Step 26
Faint Safely Step 26

Step 10. Avoid situations that trigger fainting

Whenever you lose consciousness, evaluate the possible underlying causes with the help of your doctor. The problem could arise from the sight of blood or when you expose yourself to excessive heat; alternatively, the trigger could be staying on your feet for a long time or maybe you get overwhelmed by fear and faint; when you know the immediate causes, you can make sure to avoid them.


  • There is no routine exam recommended specifically for people who suffer from fainting; however, the doctor may request an EKG to rule out heart problems, such as arrhythmias.
  • Your doctor may also order a fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin, electrolyte, and thyroid function test, based on your situation.
  • Sleep with the head of the bed raised.
  • Take a structured course of exercises to improve physical fitness.
  • If you are attending school, let the teacher know so that he can call a nurse or doctor.
  • Fainting can be caused by sudden changes in position; for example, instead of getting out of bed right away when you wake up, roll over to the edge, sit for a few moments, and then get up.
