How to Make Sashimi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Make Sashimi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make Sashimi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Sashimi is a fresh fish carpaccio typical of Japanese cuisine. Various fresh vegetables and other complements are placed on the plate next to the fish to highlight its taste and color. If you want to try your hand at making sashimi, the first thing to do is go to the fish shop and buy the freshest fish available.


  • 110 g of fresh salmon
  • 110 g of fresh tuna
  • 110 g of yellow fin tuna
  • 1 bunch of coriander, washed and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of sesame oil
  • 1 daikon root
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 carrot
  • 230 g sushi rice (optional)
  • 1/4 of avocado
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 4 shiso leaves
  • 1 scoop of wasabi
  • 60 ml of soy sauce


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the Ingredients for Sashimi

Make Sashimi Step 1
Make Sashimi Step 1

Step 1. Purchase 110g of tuna, salmon and yellow fin tuna respectively

The fish you use to make sashimi must be incredibly fresh. Go to the fish shop or market and specify that the fish must be of the highest quality because you intend to eat it raw.

  • Generally, fish intended to be eaten raw is subjected to a particular instant freezing process that allows it to keep its organoleptic characteristics intact and kills all parasites.
  • Tell the fishmonger that you intend to make sashimi and ask him to cut the fish into chunks so that you can only buy the portion you need.

To assess if the fish is fresh, look at the following details …

The skin must be moist and shiny

The meat has to be soda to the touch

You have to feel the scent of the sea

Make Sashimi Step 2
Make Sashimi Step 2

Step 2. Choose fresh vegetables to go with the sashimi

Usually, sashimi is served with a selection of raw vegetables to harmonize the taste of fresh fish. Choose the freshest vegetables available. Recommended options include:

  • Daikon root;
  • Cucumber;
  • Carrot;
  • Avocado;
  • Shiso leaves.
Make Sashimi Step 3
Make Sashimi Step 3

Step 3. Choose which toppings to flavor the sashimi with

If you want, you can accompany the fish with typical seasonings to give it more flavor. The options include:

  • Lemon slices
  • Marinated ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • Soy sauce.
Make Sashimi Step 4
Make Sashimi Step 4

Step 4. Cook the sushi rice to use as a base for a few slices of sashimi

It is an optional, but very pleasant combination. Cook the rice according to the instructions on the box. Once ready, let it cool completely, then shape into balls about 3 cm in diameter.

If you want, you can season the rice with a teaspoon (5 ml) of rice vinegar, half a teaspoon of salt and a small spoonful of sugar

Part 2 of 3: Slicing the Fish for Sashimi

Make Sashimi Step 5
Make Sashimi Step 5

Step 1. Get a very sharp knife

To make good sashimi, you need a razor sharp knife. Choose the sharpest one you have available or sharpen your best knife before you start cutting fish.

Absolutely avoid serrated knives, otherwise you will end up tearing and tearing the fish. The goal is to cut it cleanly and with a smooth motion to prevent the pulp from being damaged

Make Sashimi Step 6
Make Sashimi Step 6

Step 2. Coat the block of tuna with the sesame oil, coriander and quickly brown it in a pan

This is an optional step, but recommended, to give more flavor to the fish. Grease the tuna block with sesame oil and then press it against the chopped fresh cilantro. Heat a non-stick skillet over high heat and brown the tuna on all sides for 15 seconds each. Make it rotate 90 degrees each time.

  • Continue to rotate the block of tuna and let it cook each time for 15 seconds until it is evenly browned on all 4 sides. At that point, remove it from the pan and place it on a clean cutting board.
  • You can also sauté salmon and yellowfin tuna if you like.

If you don't like the taste of raw fish, you can cook the fish completely for a revisited version of sashimi.

Make Sashimi Step 7
Make Sashimi Step 7

Step 3. Cut the fish into thin slices

Place the raw or cooked block of fish on the cutting board and cut it into slices about 1 cm thick. The cut must be clean, with a single smooth movement. Let the blade slide with very little force and continue until you have sliced all the fish.

  • When cutting salmon, angle the knife 45 degrees to the cutting board. Hold the blade at an angle to get slightly diagonal slices. Be careful to cut the fish perpendicular to the veins of fat so that they are clearly visible in the sashimi slices.
  • Do not move the knife back and forth to cut the fish. Otherwise you will inevitably end up tearing and spoiling the slices. If you find that the knife is not sharp enough to allow you to cut the first slice in one motion, sharpen it or use a different one.
Make Sashimi Step 8
Make Sashimi Step 8

Step 4. Arrange the slices in a row so that they overlap slightly

When you have finished cutting the fish, arrange the slices: they must form a sort of fan and be slightly overlapping. Imagine that they are poker cards or dominoes and arrange them in such a way that they are all visible at the same time.

Keep the three varieties of fish separate

Part 3 of 3: Serve the Sashimi

Make Sashimi Step 9
Make Sashimi Step 9

Step 1. Slice the daikon, carrot and cucumber

Cut the vegetables into very thin strips using a grater. Transfer the grated vegetables to a bowl or food bag and refrigerate them until ready to use. Arrange the vegetables on the plate with elegance, keeping them separate.

  • If you prefer to use only one type of vegetable, place it in the center of the plate.
  • If you are using two or more varieties of vegetables, arrange them in the center of the plate in a linear fashion.

For an elegant presentation, serve the sashimi in a decorated serving plate. For a casual dinner, you can serve it on a wooden cutting board.

Make Sashimi Step 10
Make Sashimi Step 10

Step 2. Cut the lemon, avocado and cucumber into slices about half a centimeter thick

Prepare the lemon, avocado and cucumber by cutting them into very thin slices. Arrange them on the plate next to the grated vegetables forming a sort of fan.

Try to create color contrasts on the plate. For example, arrange the lemon slices next to the daikon, the avocado next to the grated cucumber, and the cucumber next to the carrots

Make Sashimi Step 11
Make Sashimi Step 11

Step 3. Arrange the sashimi slices in a fan over the grated vegetables

After you've arranged the vegetables and other ingredients decoratively, it's time to add the fish. Place the slices so that they are halfway between the grated vegetables and the complementary ingredients of the sashimi.

  • Take into account the color of the fish to choose where to place it. For example, you can arrange the red tuna slices on the white daikon, the orange salmon slices on the grated cucumber, and the yellow fin tuna slices that are white on the carrots.
  • If you have made rice, you can use the balls as a base for each individual slice of sashimi or serve it separately and combine it with the fish during the meal.
Make Sashimi Step 12
Make Sashimi Step 12

Step 4. Add the ginger, shiso leaves and wasabi scoop if desired

These traditional sashimi toppings can be placed directly on the plate. Place them next to the ingredients that accompany the fish to be able to reach them easily.

For example, place the wasabi ball next to the lemon slices, the marinated ginger next to the avocado, and the shiso leaves next to the cucumber slices

Make Sashimi Step 13
Make Sashimi Step 13

Step 5. Pour 60ml of soy sauce into a small bowl

Soy sauce is also part of the traditional sashimi condiments. Pour it into a small bowl and place it in a corner of the plate so you can dip the ingredients easily.
