How To Make Cayenne Pepper Tea

How To Make Cayenne Pepper Tea
How To Make Cayenne Pepper Tea

Table of contents:


Cayenne pepper is a hot and very tasty red or orange spice. It can be used to flavor ready-made dishes or incorporate it into a recipe to enrich it and add a spicy touch to the dish. Cayenne pepper also has healing properties, for years herbalists have used it to strengthen the immune system, fight colds, treat ulcers and detoxify the body. Recently, a cleansing diet called "The Master Cleanse" used cayenne pepper to help the body flush out toxins and to lose weight. Make cayenne pepper tea with water, lemon, and other ingredients that will help you reach your health goals.


Method 1 of 2: Make Cayenne Pepper Tea to Strengthen the Immune System

Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 12
Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 12

Step 1. Measure one teaspoon (4.9 ml) of cayenne pepper and place it in a cup

Start with minimal amounts if you find it is too strong and then move on to the full teaspoon once you get used to it. If you've never used it, you may find it strong enough

Cook Fiddleheads Step 6
Cook Fiddleheads Step 6

Step 2. Pour hot water into the cup

Use water that is almost boiling.

Make Frozen Yogurt Step 9
Make Frozen Yogurt Step 9

Step 3. Mix well until the chili is dissolved in the water

You may notice flakes floating around, don't worry.

Open a Lemonade Stand Step 15
Open a Lemonade Stand Step 15

Step 4. Add the juice of half a lemon to the cup and mix

Drink Green Tea Properly Step 1
Drink Green Tea Properly Step 1

Step 5. Let the tea cool for 1 to 2 minutes before sipping it

When the cup is no longer hot and you can hold it, the tea is ready to drink.

Be Energetic and Fun Loving Step 3
Be Energetic and Fun Loving Step 3

Step 6. Drink your cayenne pepper tea

Sip it calmly until you finish it. People who drink it in the morning say they have more energy and a faster metabolism throughout the day. Some people drink it before exercising for more energy.

Grow a Ginger Plant Step 3
Grow a Ginger Plant Step 3

Step 7. Add other ingredients to your liking

Some people put fresh, peeled ginger in the bottom of the cup and let it steep with hot water before adding the chili and lemon. Ginger can help you eliminate harmful bacteria from your body.

Try adding molasses or stevia if you want to sweeten your tea without using sugar or chemical sweeteners

Method 2 of 2: Make Cayenne Pepper Tea for Weight Loss and Detox

Drink Green Tea Properly Step 8
Drink Green Tea Properly Step 8

Step 1. Start with about 280ml of water

This tea can be drunk hot or cold.

Relieve Indigestion Step 4
Relieve Indigestion Step 4

Step 2. Add 2 tablespoons (28g) of lemon juice and two tablespoons (28g) of grade B maple syrup

Maple syrup must be sugar-free and untreated. Look on the label for grade B classification.

Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 11
Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 11

Step 3. Add one-tenth of a teaspoon (0.05ml) of cayenne pepper and mix

Drink Green Tea Properly Step 2
Drink Green Tea Properly Step 2

Step 4. Drink 6 to 12 servings of this tea per day to detoxify your body, lose weight and be healthier

Decaffeinate Tea Step 4
Decaffeinate Tea Step 4

Step 5. Try not to eat anything and only drink sugar-free water or tea while drinking cayenne pepper tea as part of a detox program

Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 10
Use Cayenne Pepper to Lower Your Blood Pressure Step 10

Step 6. Drink the tea for at least 3 days, but no more than 10

You will begin to feel lighter and healthier.


  • Buy powdered cayenne pepper at any grocery store or market. You can also find it in health food stores or on the internet.
  • Consult your doctor before embarking on a cayenne pepper detox and fasting program. Make sure your body can handle such a diet for a few days.
