Very few recipes have remained authentic because most have been modified or adapted over the decades in virtually every possible way. However, you can modify the current ones to customize them by replacing ingredients, varying the yield and portions or changing the general taste of a dish. These techniques will be discussed in the article, along with several tips that will allow you to create a tasty and successful dish. You will also find out how to write your own exclusive recipe.
Part 1 of 3: Editing Recipes

Step 1. Identify the cooking styles you like best
Which cuisine are you most passionate about? That of our country, the Mexican, the Thai, the fusion or maybe you are a barbecue fan? Around the world, dozens and dozens of different styles have been created using typical ingredients from different regions. The simplest approach to learning how to make your own recipes might be to start with the foods you are most familiar with. This way you will have less difficulty recognizing any imbalance in flavors.
You will also be more familiar with the specific cooking techniques used in that type of cuisine

Step 2. Browse a book, magazine or recipe site for inspiration
If you don't already know which dishes you would like to customize, do some research and select some recipes you would like to taste. Start with tried and tested dishes. If you have chosen to use the internet, read the opinions of those who have tried their hand at the preparation of that dish before you and give priority to those with more positive results. If many have managed to make them and the result was appreciated by the diners, success is just around the corner in your case too. However, remember that changing a recipe means experimenting, you could create the best dish you've ever tasted, but also an inedible disaster. What matters is learning from your mistakes and having fun!
- Comments on recipes posted online often include information about the variations applied by those who have tried their hand at the preparation. In many cases they also contain tips and tricks developed by amateur cooks to make the steps easier and quicker. They also highlight any problematic points, sometimes offering valid solutions.
- You can also draw inspiration from a dish you ate at a restaurant or at a friend's house. Write down the ingredients you remember and the cooking techniques you think were used on a piece of paper to begin examining the recipe. The dish you tasted should serve as the basis for your personal creation.
- Don't be surprised if the doses and instructions contained in a cookbook written decades ago seem to make little sense. Indications regarding measurements may also be confusing. You can try searching the web to translate and convert some information.
- Even recipes that come from foreign countries can include different units of measurement (for example ounces or pounds if they are of Anglo-Saxon origin). In this case it will be sufficient to do a quick online search to find a site that converts them instantly.

Step 3. Ask yourself why you want to change a particular recipe
You like its overall flavor, but some ingredients are not to your taste? Do you want to vary it to increase the yield or the size of the portions? Would you like to make it healthier or also suitable for those suffering from a particular allergy? The answer will guide you by showing you how to change it the right way. Here are some tips and links to websites that will help you vary the information on doses, yields and portions and make dishes healthier and also suitable for people who are intolerant or allergic to certain ingredients.
- Search online using the name of the dish flanked by some keywords, such as "gluten-free", "lactose-free", "vegan", "sugar-free" and so on, if you intend to change a recipe for health reasons or if you or one of the diners has a particular allergy. You'll have a clearer idea of the ingredients you can substitute after reading some of those recipes.
- There are numerous websites that list possible substitute ingredients that can be used to make recipes healthier or suitable for everyone, for example:
- You should know that food scientists have found that people don't notice much the difference in flavor when the following changes are made to a recipe: reducing the amount of sugar and fat by 1/3, eliminating or halving the amount of salt, replacement of white flour with wholemeal flour for 1/4 or half of the total quantity or with oat flour (normal or wholemeal with fine grinding) for 1/4..
- Nowadays, handy apps are available for smartphones that are very useful on occasions when you want to vary a recipe for different needs, for example to obtain a set number of portions, use a different sized pan or replace an ingredient with a more natural one. Do an online search, for example by visiting the website

Step 4. Prepare the original recipe before editing it
It's hard to improve on something you don't know well; to be able to make meaningful changes you need to know the starting point. By following the recipe to the letter you will acquire a lot of useful information, for example you will realize if there are any unnecessary steps or that you can simplify. You will also be able to evaluate if there are some ingredients that apparently do not affect the final result and understand what the original consistency of the dish is.

Step 5. Understand what factors you cannot vary
Some steps, especially as regards the preparation of baked goods, cannot be changed. The reason is that precise proportions are used between the structural and essential ingredients of the recipe. For example, the ingredient list of all bread varieties includes 5 parts of flour for every 3 parts of liquid. It is impossible to make bread without respecting this relationship. So consider the role of each ingredient to decide if you can replace it and how.
- The basic ingredients can be substituted, but be careful as they generally form the essence of a dish. For example, basil is an indispensable element in the preparation of Genoese pesto.
- Side ingredients, such as blueberries in muffins, are easier to replace without risking ruining the recipe.

Step 6. Respect the proportions to avoid mishaps and create more recipes
You can avoid wasting time getting unsightly results by learning what the fundamental balances are. Virtually, once you have learned the main proportions and measures you can use them as a basis to create hundreds of different recipes.
- Some recipes specify the dose of the ingredients using the relative unit of measurement, while others simply indicate the proportion; in these cases the proportion refers to the weight. In any case, if you use a measuring cup or a measuring cup instead of the scale, keep in mind that the weight can also vary according to the degree of compactness of the ingredient, pressed or sifted flour is a clear example.
- For this reason it is best to think in terms of grams and use an accurate digital scale.
- Also remember that when the quantities of ingredients are expressed in ounces, if it is a recipe that comes from America, it refers to the weight using the ounces and the volume using the liquid ounces. Obviously these two units of measurement are not equivalent and interchangeable, so liquid ingredients must always be dosed using the correct units of measurement, making the necessary conversions.

Step 7. Study the proportions for broths and sauces
Below is a list of those of the most common preparations.
- Broth: 3 parts of water, 2 parts of bones;
- Consommè: 12 parts of broth, 2 parts of meat, 1 part of mirepoix (diced onions, carrots and celery), 1 part of egg white;
- Roux: 2 parts of fat (usually butter), 3 parts of flour;
- Brine: 20 parts of water, 1 part of salt;
- Mayonnaise: 20 parts of oil, 1 part of liquid, 1 part of egg yolk;
- Vinaigrette: 3 parts of oil, 1 part of vinegar;
- Hollandaise sauce: 5 parts butter, 1 part liquid, 1 part egg yolk.

Step 8. Study the proportions of bread and dough
Even these indications, which include any flour-based food (from pizza to crepes), will be of great help in creating successful personalized recipes.
- Bread: 5 parts of flour, 3 parts of liquid;
- Egg pasta: 3 parts of flour, 2 parts of egg;
- Shortcrust pastry: 3 parts of flour, 2 parts of fat, 1 part of liquid;
- Biscuits: 3 parts of flour, 1 part of fat, 2 parts of liquid;
- Cookies: 3 parts of flour, 2 parts of fat, 1 part of sugar;
- Donut: 1 part of flour, 1 part of fat, 1 part of egg, 1 part of sugar;
- Choux pastry: 1 part of flour, 1 part of fat, 2 parts of liquid, 2 parts of egg;
- Muffins: 2 parts of flour, 1 part of fat, 2 parts of liquid, 1 part of egg;
- Pancakes: 2 parts of flour, 2 parts of liquid, 1 part of egg;
- Pancakes: 2 parts of flour, ½ part of fat, 2 parts of liquid, 1 part of egg;
- Crepes: ½ part of flour, 1 part of liquid, 1 part of egg;
- Chinese dumplings: 2 parts of flour, 1 part of liquid;
- Crackers: 4 parts of flour, 1 part of fat, 3 parts of liquid.

Step 9. Study the proportions of the main sweet creams
It is a basic knowledge essential especially for all lovers of sweets, especially after having created the base of a cake based on the indications relating to the dough.
- Custard: 2 parts liquid, 1 part egg;
- English cream: 4 parts of milk or cream, 1 part of egg yolk, 1 part of sugar;
- Chocolate cream: 1 part of cream, 1 part of chocolate;
- Caramel: 1 part of cream, 1 part of sugar.

Step 10. Spend some time considering how you can change the recipe for the better
Before randomly substituting ingredients or preparation techniques, taste the result of the original recipe and consider which aspects you prefer and which ones you don't like. Do you think that using a different spice or in different quantities could make the dish tastier? Do you think it is possible to obtain a better consistency by substituting a certain ingredient? In this case, consider what elements can be changed without altering the already ideal aspects of the recipe.
If you want to cook for friends or family, ask what they think of the original dish. It is essential to know which aspects they like and which they do not like

Step 11. Understand that flavor and taste are not equivalent
If you intend to change a recipe, it is a must to understand the difference between the two because replacing ingredients can significantly alter the flavor of the dish. Taste is what the taste buds perceive when a food comes into contact with one of the five areas of the tongue where these receptors are located. Scientists have so far identified five basic tastes: salty, sweet, bitter, sour and umami. Otherwise, flavor is a combination of taste and flavor / texture of the food.
For a dish to be good it is necessary to find the right balance between the different tastes. Knowing which flavor balances another will help you decide how best to tweak recipes and correct flavor imbalances. This topic will be explored in the third part of the article

Step 12. Make any desired changes to the original recipe
In many cases, what you will need to do is replace one or more ingredients or vary the doses. Initially focus on using items with a similar flavor and texture. Also don't forget to respect the basic proportions indicated above. After the first few attempts, you can try using ingredients that have a different flavor or density. In any case, remember that it is very important that in the end the flavors are balanced, otherwise your intervention will not give the desired result.
- Take detailed notes every time you edit a recipe, otherwise if it is successful you won't be able to recreate it the same way later.
- Your notes will help you understand why the changes you made didn't work and what are the wrong steps you don't need to repeat next time.
- Here is what information you need to include when taking notes: the need for a certain ingredient, the impact it has on the final flavor, how it reacts to the other elements of the recipe (for example raisins that soften when placed in a product oven) and if it is a fundamental element, support or side dish.

Step 13. Evaluate the result you get
After tasting the modified recipe, ask yourself the following questions. Is the dish better than before? What has or has not worked and why? Are you satisfied with the result or would you change something? Evaluating the answers to these questions will help you to consider the process of editing a recipe as simply wanting to adapt it to your personal taste. Improvising will gradually become an increasingly simple and spontaneous process.
The last step is to rewrite the recipe after changing it to your liking
Part 2 of 3: Write Your Own Recipe

Step 1. Name the recipe
Start by writing, by hand or on your computer, the name of the dish you invented. You can let your imagination run wild, but try to choose words that at least broadly describe what you have created. If you have been inspired by one or more recipes, specify it in the description of the dish (immediately below the title); it is right that they have their merit! If you think it is appropriate, also add information about the number and weight of the portions.

Step 2. Write the list of ingredients
It is essential to allow those who read the recipe to get everything they need to cook. It will also serve you when you decide to prepare the dish again. List the ingredients in the order in which they are to be used during preparation, using precise doses; it also indicates whether they should be prepared in any particular way. For example, instead of writing "1 clove of garlic", if the instructions below say "add 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped garlic", write "1/2 tablespoon of garlic, finely chopped".
- If an ingredient is to be used in multiple steps in the recipe, list it where it will be used for the first time. Then add the word "split" after the name, separated by a comma. For example, if a recipe calls for 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, which will be used first to sauté the vegetables and then to prepare a vinaigrette, you will have to write: "6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, divided".
- If a dish is made up of several elements, such as a savory pie that requires you to prepare both the shortcrust pastry and the filling, divide the list of ingredients and add themed titles, in this case "Pasta Brisèe" and "Stuffing".
- Do not use two consecutive digits, separate the second using parentheses. For example: "1 (250ml) pack of cream cheese".
- Be precise in indicating the doses. A "spoonful of chopped pine nuts" is not the same as a "spoonful of chopped pine nuts". As you can guess, in the second case the quantity (i.e. the actual weight) would be lower because the volume is lower.
- If a period begins with the name of the ingredient and not with a number, the first letter must be capitalized. For example: "Sea salt to taste".
- If the preparation of an ingredient is simple, write it after the name of the latter separated by a comma. For example: "1 stick of butter, melted".
- Use generic names instead of naming brands. For example, just write cream instead of cream Chef.

Step 3. Write the instructions
Thoroughly analyze the steps, including the time it takes to heat the oven, bring the water to a boil, or turn on the barbecue, and organize them to reduce downtime. Also make sure they are in the right order. It is not necessary to write real sentences, but you can do it if you want. This is your recipe, so use whatever style and terms you prefer. Try to be descriptive by providing visual details, such as "translucent", "golden", "iridescent", "grainy", etc. It also specifies to be careful when a passage is difficult or dangerous.
- It indicates precise or approximate cooking times, adding indications that allow you to understand when something is ready.
- Each single step must correspond to a paragraph. If the first thing to do is to mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl, after the point go to the top and dedicate a new paragraph to the next step.
- As with the ingredient list, separate the different parts of the process with their respective titles.
- The penultimate step should contain instructions on how to serve and decorate the recipe, in addition to the ideal serving temperature.
- The last step must include the storage instructions, if the dish can be eaten at a later time. For example: "Freeze muffins individually with plastic wrap and eat within 30 days".

Step 4. Reread what you wrote, then date and your signature
Before wrapping up, make sure you haven't made a mistake, then add your personal touch, if you wish, your signature and creation date. If you've used a cardboard recipe card, you can purchase a vintage-style metal box online and start filling it. If you typed the recipe into your computer, you can print it out and create a cookbook using a scrapbook or photo album. You can also create your cookbook online or on your smartphone using sites and apps such as:,, or
Part 3 of 3: Balancing the Flavors of Recipes Using the Fundamental Tastes

Step 1. Learn what salt does
Unlike what many people think, salt is not used to make a salty dish. It actually has three functions: to reduce the bitter taste, to increase the sweetness and to intensify the natural aromas and flavors of the other ingredients. Although not all dishes need salt, in general the latter increases the overall flavor of most preparations, avoiding them being flat or banal.
- If a dish feels tasteless or bitter to you, try adding a pinch of salt first, then try it again. If you still don't like it, add some more and try again. It might be all it takes to make it perfect. If not, try to balance the flavors in another way.
- Salt is gradually absorbed from food. If you have used too much, you can try increasing the dose of sweet or acidic ingredients or you can dilute the preparation with a little water.
- You can also try to counterbalance the flavors by intervening on the preparations that will complete the dish. For example, not salting the accompanying rice or adding a side dish with a predominantly sweet or sour flavor.
- To prevent a dish from becoming too salty when you reduce it for a long time, add the salt only after the liquid part has thickened.

Step 2. Find alternative ingredients to sugar
The sweetness creates an effective contrast to both sour and salty flavors. It can be used to balance a dish that contains ingredients of this type or to correct one in which you have added too much salt, vinegar or lemon. Although in most cases the sweet taste we perceive in foods is given by sugar (extracted from cane or sugar beet), it can also come from molasses, maple syrup, honey, carrots, mangoes and other sweet foods. Therefore, consider them alternatives when imagining a recipe.
- The acidic ingredients enhance the sweet ones and it is for this reason that adding some lemon juice to a fruit salad or cheese glaze generates such amazing results for the palate.
- Unfortunately, as more and more convenience foods are consumed today, which often include high doses of high fructose corn syrup, our degree of tolerance to sweetness has increased, so we need more and more sweet foods to be able to perceive it.

Step 3. Enhance your recipes with a hint of acidity
In every restaurant vinegar is available on all tables and in many dishes it is possible to find a slice of lemon. The reason is that the sour-tasting ingredients enhance the natural flavors of the food. They also balance sweetness and spiciness, while enhancing the flavor. To add a sour note to a dish, you can use lemons, limes, oranges, sour cream, yogurt, and even pickles. The same goes for the different varieties of vinegar, including balsamic, apple, sherry and rice. Many other fruits are also classified as acidic, for example raspberries, blueberries, currants and grapes.
- If a dish is too acidic, add a sweet or fatty ingredient to rebalance the flavor.
- The acidity also helps to tone down the flavor of foods that are too spicy.

Step 4. Learn to handle bitter flavors wisely
Bitter dishes are unpleasant when it is good, and inedible when it is bad. Therefore you have to be very careful not to use bitter ingredients in excessive or unbalanced quantities. On the other hand, when they are in harmony with all the others, especially the sweet ones, they add complexity and richness to the dish. In addition, their stimulating note lights up the taste buds. Chocolate and coffee are naturally bitter, as are olives, hops and some varieties of fruit and vegetables such as radicchio, rocket, dandelion, cabbage, chicory, turnips, grapefruit and bitter melon (or karela). Pomegranate juice is also often used.
Experiment with adding arugula, chicory, or endive to the common salad. Use bitter chocolate to thicken sauces or deglaze the bottom of the pot with a bitter liqueur, such as Campari, instead of water or broth

Step 5. Discover the fifth flavor:
the umami. This is the latest taste discovered and in Japanese it means "tasty, appetizing"; there is no exact word to translate it into Italian. It amplifies the flavor of a dish and is found in a wide variety of meats (such as beef, pork, chicken and ham), vegetables (such as shitake mushrooms, truffles, Chinese cabbage, mung beans and sweet potatoes), fish and fruits of sea (such as shrimp, squid, tuna, mackerel, seaweed and shellfish) and cheeses (such as Parmesan and Gruyere). It is also present in green tea, tomatoes and soy sauce. Bacon also stimulates the taste buds' perception of umami.
- Maturing, aging, maturation and fermentation enhance umami.
- Be careful not to overdo the quantities otherwise it will be difficult to recover. The best way to do this is to add other ingredients that contain a minimal amount of umami.

Step 6. Don't forget the other "flavors" in your recipes
While spicy, floral, peppermint, buttery, fruity and so on are not technically tastes, in the sense that they are not processed by the taste buds, they are in the sense that they are part of the nuances of flavor that our brain identifies in dishes. For example, if a preparation is too spicy, you can balance it by adding a sweet flavor; this is the case of Mexican chocolate which contains a small amount of cayenne pepper.
- Symptoms of anaphylaxis, a serious and life-threatening allergic reaction to certain foods, include: difficulty breathing, drop in blood pressure (which can lead to paleness, weak pulse, confusion or loss of consciousness), swollen lips, gastrointestinal upset (such as dysentery, cramps or vomiting) and adverse skin reactions.
- If anaphylaxis is suspected, call 911 immediately and inject the required dose of epinephrine if prescribed by your doctor.