How to Prepare a Good Dish: 10 Steps

How to Prepare a Good Dish: 10 Steps
How to Prepare a Good Dish: 10 Steps

Table of contents:


There are very few people who do not like good food, and sit at the table to enjoy a good dish. This article provides a brief introduction to anyone who would like to spend some time cooking.


Cook Good Food Step 1
Cook Good Food Step 1

Step 1. Start thinking about which dish you would like to prepare

You have several possibilities: from more refined things like soups or velvety, to simpler things like salads or stuffed wraps, meat dishes, sandwiches or sandwiches, or pasta dishes, and so on.

Cook Good Food Step 2
Cook Good Food Step 2

Step 2. If, on the other hand, you are following the instructions of a recipe, make a list of the ingredients, and the tools you will need for its realization

Cook Good Food Step 3
Cook Good Food Step 3

Step 3. Based on the ingredients, choose whether to go to the supermarket or to a more specific shop, for example to buy organic vegetables

Cook Good Food Step 4
Cook Good Food Step 4

Step 4. Arrange the ingredients and tools you will need to prepare your recipe neatly on the kitchen counter

Cook Good Food Step 5
Cook Good Food Step 5

Step 5. Now, it's time to cook:

some ingredients must be mixed, others cooled, still others defrosted, blanched, boiled, etc.

Cook Good Food Step 6
Cook Good Food Step 6

Step 6. When the preparation is almost done, taste the dishes to decide if and how much to add salt, pepper, spices or herbs to complete the dish

Cook Good Food Step 7
Cook Good Food Step 7

Step 7. While cooking, try to tidy up the workspace:

put the ingredients you no longer need in their place, put everything that needs to be washed in the sink or dishwasher, and clean the kitchen counter you worked on. It is better to arrange during the work, than having to go through a general cleaning after cooking, especially if you intend to eat the meal in the same room.

Cook Good Food Step 8
Cook Good Food Step 8

Step 8. If a dish is inedible, don't be disheartened, try again

Your first attempts may fail, but for sure, by gaining experience, your efforts will bring their results.

Cook Good Food Step 9
Cook Good Food Step 9

Step 9. The preparation of the dish is also very important:

try to serve the dish in a nice and elegant way.

Cook Good Food Step 10
Cook Good Food Step 10

Step 10. Enjoy your meal


  • Don't throw in the towel. Try cooking different foods and dishes. You can't know in advance what dish it will turn out, so experiment.
  • When you're done, your kitchen will probably be a mess, try to make peace with this necessary inconvenience.
  • Pay attention to safety rules, not only when it comes to preparing certain foods, but also when using power tools.
  • Consult cooking sites and bookmark the recipes that inspire you the most. You can also write them down, or print them and paste them into your cookbook. This way you will always have them available when you want to replicate a dish.
  • Buy some cookbooks; you can look for them in bookstores, but if you want something cheap you can buy them used in flea markets or at village fairs.
