In addition to being delicious, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid, antioxidants, and fiber. They are not just part of a balanced diet - they also keep the heart healthy, reducing the risk of developing certain heart conditions. Like any other fresh food, they must be cleaned carefully before they can be eaten because they may have been contaminated with dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella or E. coli. Furthermore, strawberries are among the natural products most treated with pesticides.
Method 1 of 3: Wash the Strawberries with Water

Step 1. Discard any strawberries that have bruised or moldy parts
Don't wash them until you're ready to use them, as they act like sponges by absorbing water quickly, so they tend to rot faster.
- Discard bruised, soggy, moldy, or unripe strawberries. Keep the ones that are firm and deep red in color.
- Do not remove the stems before washing them, otherwise they will absorb even more water.

Step 2. Transfer them to a large, clean colander
It is important that they do not remain submerged in water.
- Wash them under running water.
- Move them gently with your hands so that they are clean on each side.

Step 3. Alternatively, wash them in a bowl filled with cold water
- Just pick up a few strawberries and move them gently in the water.
- Instead of letting them soak, just rinse them off quickly.
Step 4. Dry the strawberries
Like any other fruit of the forest, when wet they tend to rot quickly. Even if you let them dry in the air, they would absorb water and make them less sweet.
- Let them dry for a minute in a colander.
- Blot them with kitchen paper to dry them. Try to be gentle so as not to ruin them.
- Alternatively, place them on a clean kitchen towel and rub them gently to dry.
Method 2 of 3: Clean Strawberries with Water and Vinegar

Step 1. Do a deeper clean with a vinegar solution
It also helps prevent them from going bad too quickly in the refrigerator. It's really frustrating to buy a tub of strawberries and find them covered in white fluff two days later.
- You should throw away crushed or moldy fruits.
- Do not remove the stems until you are ready to eat them or use them in the kitchen.
Step 2. Prepare the water and vinegar solution
You need white wine vinegar and a bowl or sink.
- Fill a bowl or sink with cold water. It is important not to use hot water.
- Add 250ml of vinegar to every 750ml of water.
- Mix the two liquids with one hand.
Step 3. Take 2-3 strawberries
You only need to wash a few at a time to make sure you clean them well.
- Quickly shake the strawberries in the water and vinegar solution for about 30 seconds.
- At this point, rinse them carefully under cold water. There must be no traces of vinegar on the fruit.
- Pat them dry with kitchen paper or a clean cloth.
Method 3 of 3: Use a Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner

Step 1. Since pesticides are not water soluble, sometimes simply rinsing fruit and vegetables is not enough
If you don't want to use a ready-made cleanser, you can make it yourself using essential oils and other natural ingredients; you can find several easy recipes online.
- Half-fill a clean bowl or sink with cold water.
- Add 60ml of fruit and vegetable cleaner.
- Mix the solution with one hand.

Step 2. Take 2-3 strawberries
You only need to wash a few at a time to make sure you clean them well.
- Quickly shake the strawberries in the detergent and water solution for about 30 seconds.
- At this point, rinse them carefully under cold water. There must be no traces of detergent on the fruits.
- Pat them dry with kitchen paper or a clean cloth.
- Only buy strawberries that you will be able to eat within a couple of days, as they tend to go bad quickly. It is known that they have a very short duration.
- When buying, give priority to color, which must be bright and uniform red, without worrying about the shape and size. Also prefer the firm and plump ones.
- If you need to store them for more than two days, freeze them in a food bag or airtight container.
- Once washed and cut, strawberries will last a day or two at most, as long as you keep them in an airtight container.
- After washing them, remove the stalks by inserting a clean, sturdy straw through the tip of the strawberry, then push it towards the top.