Subtraction is one of the most important knowledge we have. We use it all the time. This article explains the fundamentals of subtraction.
Method 1 of 3: Steps for subtracting integers

Step 1. Find the major number
A problem of type 15 - 9 will require a different technical display than for problem 2 - 30.

Step 2. Determine if the result will be positive or negative
If the first number is larger, the result is positive. If the second number is larger, the result is negative.
- Example: 14 - 8 will give a positive result
- Example: 6 - 11 will give a negative result

Step 3. Calculate the interval between the two numbers
- Example: 14 - 8. Imagine you have a stack of chips; remove 8; 6 remain; therefore 14 - 8 = 6.
- Example: 6 - 11. Imagine a number line; you are on the right on 6; you move to the left 11 spaces; you find yourself at -5; from which 6 - 11 = -5.
- Example: 39 - 55. Imagine a number line; there are 16 spaces between 39 and 55; 55 is the second number and is greater, so the result is negative; it follows that 39 - 55 = -16.
- Example: 4 - 7. Swap the two numbers; 7 - 4 = 3; since 7 is the second number and greater, the result is negative; so 4 - 7 = -3.
Method 2 of 3: Subtract decimals manually

Step 1. Write the numbers on top of each other, aligning the decimals
If the number of decimals a right comma is not the same, add zeros to the end than the shorter one so that the two numbers have the same length.

Step 2. Begin the borrow and subtract procedure, starting with the rightmost column
- In our example, the column on the right has 0 above 8. Since 0 is smaller than 8, we borrow the 5, changing the 5 to 4 and the 0 to 10. Subtract 8 from 10 to give 2 in the third place after the comma.
- The 4 that used to be a 5 now subtracts the 3 to give 1 in the second place after the decimal point.
- The.7 subtracts the 1 from giving.6
The next column has a 2 over a 9. Since 9 is greater than 2, we borrow from the 4, changing the 4 to 3 and the 2 to 12. 12 - 9 gives 3, so we have 3 instead of the units.
- The 3 which was a 4 is aligned above a 6. Since 6 is greater than 3, we borrow again, this time from the 8. Change the 8 to a 7, and the 3 to 13, then calculate 13 - 6 to give 7 as a ten.
- The 8 that became 7 has nothing to align with, so the subtraction is now over. Final result: 773, 612
Method 3 of 3: Steps for subtracting fractions
Subtract Step 6 Step 1. Find a common denominator
The numbers below must be the same. Finding the lowest common denominator is a complex enough subject to require a wikiHow of its own. We therefore assume that you have already converted fractions to fractions with the same denominators.
Subtract Step 7 Step 2. Subtract the numerators (the numbers at the top)
Subtract Step 8 Step 3. Do nothing to the denominators (again, let's assume they are already the same) but remember that the denominator will have to stay
Example: 13/10 - 3/5 becomes 13/10 - 6/10 which is equal to 7/10
Simplify the larger numbers into smaller parts.
63 - 25. You don't necessarily have to remove all 25 chips at once. You could:
Remove 3 to give 60; subtract 20 to give 40 and then subtract 2. Result: 38. And you didn't have to borrow anything