How to Make a Project: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Project: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make a Project: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The projects are easy and simple to do, they are fun, and you can make your own!


Do a Project Step 01
Do a Project Step 01

Step 1. Choose a topic, or discuss one that has been assigned to you

Read any relevant sources.

Do a Project Step 02
Do a Project Step 02

Step 2. Search

For example, if your project is about black holes, Google them or read related books in the library. Write down all the necessary sources.

Do a Project Step 03
Do a Project Step 03

Step 3. If necessary, print the images

You will need at least one image and diagram for your project. Print a title if necessary but do not print copied sheets. This goes against school regulations.

Do a Project Step 04
Do a Project Step 04

Step 4. Write in a notepad what you will do for this project

Do a Project Step 05
Do a Project Step 05

Step 5. Now put the books aside

You will only need a notepad and a few other things such as markers, pens, pencils and paper.

Do a Project Step 06
Do a Project Step 06

Step 6. Create the title

Write what you are doing, your name and class below. Paste an image and write all around facts on it making things aesthetically creative.

Do a Project Step 07
Do a Project Step 07

Step 7. Write down the facts, trying to compose sentences with complete meaning

That is, FACTS: Light does not escape from black holes. will become: Inside the black holes everything is imprisoned, not even the light can escape. This format is fine except if you want to make boxes with information in them.

Do a Project Step 08
Do a Project Step 08

Step 8. Continue writing like this, leaving spaces for the photos to paste

Don't glue them yet though.

Do a Project Step 09
Do a Project Step 09

Step 9. You can try writing in the Question / Answer format

That is, Q: How much space is there inside a black hole? A: Very little!

Do a Project Step 10
Do a Project Step 10

Step 10. When you have written enough, paste the images

You can use colors around the images to make them more eye-catching. Write subtitles to inform readers what it is.

Do a Project Step 11
Do a Project Step 11

Step 11. Finally, report the sources if necessary


  • The images and diagrams give life to a project.
  • Make it interesting for readers and for the people you show it to.
  • Present your work neatly.
  • Have fun and enjoy your masterpiece!
  • Make sure you check your spelling and grammar.
  • Work on it early to avoid finding yourself having to complete it the night before the deadline.
