Do you have a strong desire to change the world but don't know where to start? First of all remember that a simple statement like this can have many different meanings. You can change and improve it with a revolutionary idea or with small everyday gestures. It's important to think big, but you also need to be able to manage your expectations. More importantly: find a cause you believe in and take the first step.
Method 1 of 3: Think Big

Step 1. Understand what's wrong
Read the newspapers and learn about political issues. Ask questions. Find out about as many topics as possible and try to form your own opinion on it. The world is a big, beautiful place, and it won't be that easy to change something if you don't fully understand what's going on out there.
- Don't just read the local newspapers; also find out about what is happening in other countries. Read the views and opinions of as many people as possible from around the world.
- Watch documentaries and some TED Talks, focus on specific topics and study as much as possible.

Step 2. Identify what the specific problems are
It is important to know how to name the problems that you want to solve specifically. Try to find which issues are most important to you at the moment. It could be the war in Palestine, the drought in California, the situation of refugee camps in Africa or the islands of the Indian Ocean being evacuated due to rising sea levels. There is so much to change!

Step 3. Travel
If you get the chance, travel. Discover the wonders of the world and talk to the locals about their way of life. Visit people in need or those who live differently from you and immerse yourself in cultures and religions different from yours. Use the internet to connect with others and share your experiences. Immerse yourself as much as possible in this planet and what it has to offer. Learn to love him.
- To see the world it is not compulsory to travel. Think about what you can only discover by taking a different route to work or by choosing a trail in the mountains that you have never taken. If you really want to travel, you will find a way to do it.
- Learn something new from each experience. When visiting a new country, try to learn as much as possible from its culture. Immerse yourself!
- If the thought of traveling seems too hedonistic, consider volunteering. You can build houses, protect ecosystems, join the Peace Corps, Doctors Without Borders or other international aid organizations, and help local farmers with wwoofing in exchange for room and board. Find a way to do your part!

Step 4. Consider what you want to change
Find issues that involve and personally affect you. Ask yourself what's really important to you. You could fight global warming, eradicate world slavery or save endangered animal species. Remember that you can change the world with revolutionary ideas but you can also do it with small gestures.
There are many ways to change the world. You just have to find a way to turn a stone into a beautiful diamond
Method 2 of 3: Manage Your Expectations

Step 1. Ask yourself what it means to change the world
It is certainly a noble intention and you can certainly find a way to make a difference, if you have the necessary will and the means to do so. However, it is important to remember that "changing the world" often does not mean "solving all the world's problems". Usually, it means "finding a problem and trying to solve it".

Step 2. Remember that change doesn't happen overnight
Even the most rapid and lightning-fast revolutions took months to prepare. be patient. Don't expect to change the world with a heroic act like in the movies. Live by your values every day, even though you may not notice a big difference initially. Be consistent, committed, and don't give up. Patience is the virtue of the strong.
Even if your actions don't change the world, you can say with your head held high that you have lived a life you are proud of. Your example can help and teach others how to live their lives. You will find that change happens when you least expect it

Step 3. Don't lose sight of your ideals
Be patient and proceed with caution - but not too much. Set yourself realistic goals but don't get too lost in detail. The desire to change the world is as intense as the flame that burns within you.

Step 4. Think about what your natural talents are
A phrase often attributed (erroneously?) To Picasso reads: "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away". Consider what you love to do most: what makes the fire of your passion burn and on which you can stay focused without making any effort. Do it, even if you are the only one doing it. But most importantly, find a way to share it with the world.
- Think of all the ways people have changed the world in the past. Nelson Mandela did it by fighting apartheid, Henry Ford by developing the automobile industry, Steve Jobs by changing the way we see computers, and Marco Polo by traveling the seas and mountains and discovering new cultures. You can draw inspiration from the exploits of past heroes or find your own.
- Read biographies of the people who changed the world. Draw inspiration from their stories. It can be anyone you truly admire and not just Gandhi, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.

Step 5. Be specific with your dreams
Try to understand what you really want in your heart. What, in your opinion, does "change the world" mean? Is it writing a book, inventing something, managing people or saving an animal species? There are tons of ways to make a difference on a myriad of levels. Some will suit you better, some less. This does not mean that one is better than the other.

Step 6. Remember that you are not alone
Martin Luther King marched and delivered his speeches in front of millions of passionate activists. He is a man who has revolutionized the way of thinking of millions of people also thanks to his ministers and advisers. Maybe John Lennon couldn't have helped so many people "imagine" without the rest of the Beatles. Live passionately and value your principles. Over time you will find like-minded people who will be drawn to your lifestyle.
- Organize a club or discussion group. Gather a couple of friends to volunteer with you. Share your thoughts on social networks and always try to spread the word. The more people involved, the faster a problem can be solved.
- Some bookstores provide spaces where it is possible to meet with peaceful associations. If you can't, look for a town hall with a room for rent. Or, more simply, organize meetings at your home!
- Join an existing organization. Volunteer for a nonprofit or make a donation to a charity. If you don't know where to start, take a cue from the people who are already out there making a difference.
Method 3 of 3: Getting Started

Step 1. Start with the small gestures
Find at least one way to make a difference every day. Maybe every now and then we feel part of a huge system that we cannot change and, initially, it will also be like this. Be patient. Everything starts somewhere. Make activism a fundamental part of your life and practice it every day.
- Vote for candidates you think will help your cause. Sign a petition or write a letter to a member and find out on the internet.
- Download the Tab for a Cause extension. Every time you open a new web page you earn a "little heart" (worth between 1/10 and 1/3 of a cent) that you can donate to a charity of your choice.

Step 2. Spread the word
Write letters to newspapers and politicians, post a Facebook status update with an article, video or unique idea or wear a t-shirt for your cause and deliver flyers to passersby at the supermarket. If you think your cause is important and worth sharing, talk to as many people as possible to let everyone know about the problem. Don't worry if you're initially not comfortable with this type of activism. There are even less public ways to show your support!

Step 3. Donate to charity
If you don't have a lot of time to get involved in associations or organizations, consider giving a portion of your earnings to charity to people in need. Even a few cents are enough to make a difference over a long period and many associations accept any type of donation. Find out on the internet about the possibilities and choose the ones you think are closest to your idea of changing the world.
Learn what "effective altruism" is. This movement uses evidence and reason to find the best ways to change the world. An example: if you already have a lot of money it might be more "effective" to donate half (or part) of your income instead of quitting and volunteering for a nonprofit in India

Step 4. Participate actively
Take part in events dealing with your cause or marches where you can meet like-minded people. Ask a non-profit organization if they need your help in any way. If you are really serious about it, look for a job at an organization with a positive social impact that allows you to live by following your principles.

Step 5. Volunteer
The intensity of your commitment directly depends on how much time you have available. If you have the opportunity to travel to the other side of the world to help build houses and schools, do it! If, however, you only have time on the weekend or for a couple of days a month, do what you can! Volunteering even for a short time is definitely better than not doing it at all.
- Ask churches, canteens, homeless shelters, or animal welfare if they need your help in any way. Offer to collect signatures for a cause you believe in. If you don't know where to start, a simple search on the website will help you get a clearer idea of the possibilities that exist.
- Remember that you don't need anyone's permission to volunteer with your time. You can do just about anything at any time to value what you believe in. You can start by picking up the trash from your neighborhood street when you have an afternoon off.

Step 6. Consider a career
Think about what kind of work might give you the best chance of changing the world. You could become a politician, activist or religious pastor; there are many ways to get paid to do something good for the world. Search to find jobs dealing with socially important topics.
If you are not yet ready for a career like this, you could take part in a long-term service position. Consider the Civil Peace Corps or similar associations. They can be a great way to make a difference, learn more about the world, and prepare for a future with a big impact
- Don't limit yourself to the advice in this article. If you think there is another way to change the world, you are free to follow it.
- Remember that there are many problems that are not covered by the normal mass media. People continue to suffer even after they stop appearing in the newspapers. The example of Haiti shows us that there are still many homeless people due to the earthquake that occurred in January 2010.
- Visit your city's Chamber of Commerce. Ask about local non-profit organizations for volunteering or charity.
- Don't forget about the people. Helping an elderly lady cross the street, opening a door, or a simple smile can be gestures that encourage others to do the same. Small actions can really bring big changes.
- Get informed. If someone asks you a question, it's important to have a ready answer.
- Don't get too obsessed. If you forget to take care of yourself for your cause, you risk not being able to give your all in situations that require your attention.
- Make sure that when you do charity you know exactly where your money is going. Make sure your information remains confidential. There are many malicious people who just want your money.