Teaching in fourth grade classes can be a daunting task and can be intimidating. This is one of the last years before pupils go to middle school. Here are some tips to help fourth grade teachers engage their students to make the most of their study at a crucial time in a child's education.
Part 1 of 5: Creating a Comfortable Learning Environment

Step 1. Chat with students during the lesson
Avoid lecturing them. Often their attention spans are low and they need help staying focused. Encourage them to actively participate in the lesson. This will keep them interested and give them the confidence to speak in class.
Try to converse with students even when you are not teaching something. Introducing you to students and showing them that you want to get to know them will make them feel comfortable during the lesson

Step 2. Ask questions
Try to make your students think as much as possible. Ask questions about their life, the world around them, and the things you read in class. The more questions you ask, the more they will be forced to reflect on the subject and find personal answers.

Step 3. Be accommodating
Each student learns in their own way. It is important to understand this and to make the daily schedule as flexible as possible according to the needs of the students. If they are clearly interested in a certain topic, give them more time than you originally planned. If a business isn't doing well, move on to something else. Always try to choose the option that most engages the students. Unplanned active learning is preferable to imposing activities that do not pique their interest.

Step 4. Show off their work
Students tend to be more engaged when they feel appreciated and rewarded. Make a commitment to prominently display their works and projects in your classroom so they know how much you appreciate what they do. This will make them feel proud of their achievements and give them the motivation to keep working.

Step 5. Consider special strategies for teaching various subjects
Each subject is different and may require a specific teaching method. The longer you teach in fourth grade, the better you will understand what is right for you. Here are some tips on how to approach the different subjects:
- Italian. Fourth grade Italian involves a lot of vocabulary use, as well as reading and writing.
- History. The story revolves around events, dates, people and places. These notions can be difficult to remember, so in some cases it can be helpful to show educational videos to help students "put a face on names".
- Science. To help students learn, science should have a straightforward approach whenever possible. Have the students create a science project, ask them to draw the stages of mitosis and anything else that involves them in the learning process.
Part 2 of 5: Making Learning Fun

Step 1. Use games as a learning medium
We all get bored during classic lessons. Primary school pupils also have much shorter attention spans than older pupils, so this is not an effective teaching method for that age group. Try organizing games in the classroom to increase pupils' attention spans and improve their active involvement in the learning process.
On the internet you can find many examples of educational games. Look for some that your students may be interested in and adapt them to the topic you need to cover. When you use the game in the classroom, you will understand what works and what to fix. You will be able to modify the activity for the future to suit your specific teaching style and subject. Here are some useful websites (in English) that offer games suitable for fourth grade pupils:
- www.learninggamesforkids.com
- www.funbrain.com
- www.abcya.com
- www.knowledgeadventure.com
- www.education.com
- www.vocabulary.co.il
- www.jumpstart.com
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 7 Step 2. Use rewards as incentives
Unfortunately, many fourth grade students have yet to discover the joys of learning as an end in itself. Try to implement a reward system that motivates your students to engage and complete projects with satisfaction.
Note: Try to give incentives for activities (things that take students time, like reading and homework) rather than for results (like grades and scores). This is a more effective system, because students have complete control over the time they spend on activities, while they may have trouble achieving certain grades. Therefore, if you give students incentives for something that is out of their control, such as the grade they receive for an assignment, they may lose faith in the reward system and stop wanting them
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 8 Step 3. Offer your students an experience-based activity
Most fourth grade pupils learn best when they can have direct experience. Ask your students to bring an item from home that ties into the subject of study. They will be forced to reflect on the subject and relate it to their life in order to find a suitable item to bring to class.
For example, if you are discussing the history of the Alpini, try to find an authentic feather from their hat and show it to the class. Then ask the students to bring something they have at home that is linked in some way to the history of the Alpine troops. They could bring photos, hats, toy soldiers, uniforms or any other object related to the subject
Part 3 of 5: Provide Explicit Instructions
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 9 Step 1. Be direct
Make sure you provide direct and clear instructions when assigning homework to students. Don't assume they can read between the lines or understand anything you don't explicitly state. Say exactly what you want them to do and how you expect them to do it.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 10 Step 2. Show examples
Students can have many different learning styles. Some of them are visual learners, while others learn from practice. Almost always, there are pupils in a class with different learning styles and it is important to encourage everyone. One of the easiest ways to do this is to show examples that can help students practice the skills you are teaching. Teaching the skill, then showing how to implement it is an effective way to imprint it in memory.
For example, if you are teaching your pupils to multiply fractions, it is important to teach the problem solving method and then go through many examples with them. You can do this with charts in addition to the chalkboard problems, so they have more ways to practice and learn
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 11 Step 3. Repeat the directions twice
In some cases, children don't understand the explanation the first time they hear it. Realistically, it is always possible that someone is distracted and not really listening to what you are saying. Therefore, make sure they pay attention and repeat the directions a second time.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 12 Step 4. Give students time to ask questions
After giving your directions, be sure to give them time to ask questions. That way, if something isn't clear, they might ask for further explanation.
Part 4 of 5: Engaging Students with Reading
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 13 Step 1. Take the class to the library
The library is a great place to help students develop an interest in reading and learning. Give them several trips to the library each week so they can pick up books, return those they've read, and spend time reading.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 14 Step 2. Spend a lot of time reading in class
Let the students have time to read their books in class. You can decide whether to have library books read or books they can bring from home. The most important thing is to get the children interested in reading and to give them time to read in class. They will understand that reading is an important skill that they need to improve over time.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 15 Step 3. Assign a book to read for the whole class
It can be a fun experience to get them all involved. Students will be able to discuss the book with each other and improve their understanding of the text, all while having fun.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 16 Step 4. Get students to exercise
Studies have shown that children learn to read and write by reading and writing. This is why it is vital to give them time to practice these important skills in the classroom and encourage them to reinforce them with homework and reading.
Part 5 of 5: Provide Structure with a Routine
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 17 Step 1. Create a schedule and stick to it
Students improve when they have plans to follow. Knowing what they will do at a given time on a given day will give them a sense of stability that will make them feel more comfortable in the classroom.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 18 Step 2. Consider the pace of the lessons and the endurance of the pupils
It is important to think about how long students can sit, how long they should spend between snacks, how long certain activities should take, etc. Giving too much space to a business can mean drastically reducing productivity. It is often helpful to schedule short breaks to break off periods that require concentration. If you keep this advice in mind, you will be able to plan more effective lessons, which balance periods of active participation with periods of listening.
Be the Best Fourth Grade Teacher Step 19 Step 3. Set aside time for physical activity
Students need to be able to move around throughout the day. Stimulating blood circulation with a little movement can greatly increase their ability to concentrate and their energy.