How to Explore a Cave in Minecraft: 6 Steps

How to Explore a Cave in Minecraft: 6 Steps
How to Explore a Cave in Minecraft: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


Digging is an important part of Minecraft, but it can also be extremely dangerous. Preparation and attention are important, and this article offers you some general advice.


Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 1
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 1

Step 1. Create a base camp

If you are entering a cave that is directly next to your main house, of course you will not need a base camp. However, when exploring a cave or ravine away from home, you should always build a base. There is no need to be too sought after; it will be enough to create a room of rubble and earth. The base should be on the surface (not underground) or at least not much underground (just inside the cave would be perfect). It should be easy to access from both the surface and inside of the cave, and ideally it should be located near a wood source. This way, you can easily stop digging and go back to base, so you can stock up on supplies and collect more wood for torches and tools. You will need a furnace, a crafting table, at least a double chest and preferably a bed.

Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 2
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 2

Step 2. Get ready

In a cave or ravine, you may find yourself in many situations - you don't know how big the cave network will be, you don't know what you'll find inside, or how many monsters you'll have to fight. Don't be afraid to dedicate several days of play to collecting the tools and materials to take with you. Below you will find the list of items you should bring.

  • At least two stacks full of torches - you can never get enough!
  • At least 4-5 picks - the wooden ones are useless, and while the gold ones dig faster than the others, they wear out in less time. You should use iron picks if you have them available, stone picks otherwise, and of course diamond picks if possible.
  • 1-2 Shovels - Digging earth, sand and gravel with a pickaxe will wear the tool faster and dig less efficiently, so you should always carry at least one shovel with you. If you have an iron (or diamond) shovel, one should be enough, but if you have to use a stone shovel, you will probably need to bring two.
  • At least 50 stairs - Bringing stairs is a really good idea, especially if you are exploring a ravine. Many caves have platforms that you won't want to jump from, and a ravine will be very deep and have long overhangs.
  • Approximately 30-40 blocks of stone or crushed stone - You can easily get through small openings with a small earth or stone bridge, and if you have to cross a lava pit, you will need something that won't burn. You won't have to worry too much about carrying a large supply of earth or stone though, as you will find stone everywhere when you are underground.
  • 2-3 Swords - Stone swords are fine, but iron or diamond swords are ideal. There will probably be a lot of zombies and skeletons, and probably some creepers, so make sure you are well armed.
  • Armor - A full leather armor will do, as will boots and an iron helmet. You won't need great armor, but let's face it - not everyone can spot all creepers before it's too late. With good armor you will be more protected.
  • A bed - If you are playing with another person, you should bring a bed so that you can hide in a hole and allow the other player to skip the night if they need to.
  • At least 1 bucket of water - You won't need it if you're careful, but many cave networks have lava, and you can put out the flames with water if you catch fire.
  • A bow and as many arrows as possible - Use your bow against creepers and other monsters when you see fit.
  • At least 8 steaks, pork steaks, pieces of bread, etc. - Food is essential for digging. You will need to be able to regenerate health, because even if you leave the cave, you won't last long if you have only a few hearts left and your hunger bar will be low.
  • A crafting table - You can do without it if you've built a base camp, since you'll be able to craft torches without a table and you should have enough tools. However, if you decide to bring one, you can replenish your supply of picks, swords and shovels inside the cave and you can also create furnaces or chests to store items. If you don't, you can always go back to base camp.
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 3
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 3

Step 3. Don't get lost

When you are in a cave, it is easy to lose your bearings.

  • A really great and easy way to avoid getting lost is to place the flashlights on one side only. For example, if you are right, place the torches only on the right - you will easily remember which side it is. If you want to go deeper, proceed with the torches always on the same side. If you want to go up, proceed with the torches on the opposite side. This is a very simple but effective method.
  • Try to remember where you have been and where you are. If you forget where a passage leads, or if you have already explored the area where you are, it will be easy to get lost.
  • Always place torches and light the cave well. If you don't, you will not only lose precious minerals, but you will not be able to remember which areas you have already visited.
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 4
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 4

Step 4. Stay alert

After playing Minecraft for some time, you will be able to easily distinguish the sounds made by the various monsters - zombies grumble, skeletons flicker, spiders make a loud hiss, etc. In a cave, you will need to pay attention to these sounds to hear the enemies coming. Use your senses to your advantage. Of course you won't be able to spot the creepers unless you see them - you will only hear the "tsss" sound when they explode behind you. This sound gives you a few moments to jump away and take less damage.

Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 5
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 5

Step 5. Always block the sources of water and lava

Lava is extremely dangerous - burn your items if you die inside; the water bothers you and hides the minerals. Fill the buckets you want to have, then block the lava and water springs with stone or earth.

Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 6
Explore_Mine in a Cave in Minecraft Step 6

Step 6. Stock up on supplies as needed

If you don't have enough torches to see where you are going or if you only have a pickaxe about to break, or if you run out of swords, go back to Base Camp to stock up. It should be easy to find your way back if you followed the advice and only placed the torches on one side. Once you return to the camp, you will have the opportunity to deposit all the precious objects in a chest and resume the exploration with more space in the inventory.
