How to Make a Worksheet in Excel (with Pictures)

How to Make a Worksheet in Excel (with Pictures)
How to Make a Worksheet in Excel (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


This article explains how to create a new document using Microsoft Excel. It is a spreadsheet consisting of a series of columns and rows that is used by users to organize and manipulate their data. Each cell of the sheet has the purpose of storing data, for example a number, a character string, a date or a formula that refers to the contents of other cells. The data within the sheet can be sorted, formatted, plotted on a chart, or used within another document. Once you have mastered the basic functions of a spreadsheet and learned how to master them, you can test your skills by creating an inventory for your home or your monthly spending budget. Refer to the wikiHow Excel article library to learn how to use the program and its advanced features in more depth.


Part 1 of 3: Create a Simple Spreadsheet

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 1
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 1

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Excel

The corresponding icon is stored in the "Start" menu (on Windows) or in the "Applications" folder (on Mac). The main program screen will appear, allowing you to create a new blank document or open an existing file.

If you have not purchased the full version of Microsoft Office which also includes Excel, you can use the web version of the program by visiting this address To use the web app you simply need to log in with your Microsoft account and click on the icon Excel displayed in the center of the page.

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 2
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 2

Step 2. Click the Blank Workbook icon to create a new workbook

This is a standard Excel document featuring one or more spreadsheets. This will create a blank spreadsheet named Sheet1. The name is shown in the lower left corner of the program window or web page.

If you need to create a more complex Excel document, you can add more sheets by clicking on the icon + placed next to the existing sheet. To switch from one sheet to another, use the tabs with the corresponding name.

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 3
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 3

Step 3. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the sheets

The first thing you will notice is that the sheet is made up of hundreds of small rectangular cells organized in columns and rows. Here are some aspects of a sheet layout to consider:

  • All rows are characterized by a number placed on the left side of the sheet grid, while the columns are indicated by a letter at the top.
  • Each cell is identified by an address consisting of the corresponding column letter and row number. For example, the address of the cell located in row "1" of column "A" will be "A1". The address of cell "3" of column "B" will be "B3".
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 4
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 4

Step 4. Enter some data in the sheet

Click on any of the cells and start entering information. When you have finished entering data, press the Tab ↹ key on your keyboard to move the cursor to the next cell in the row, or press the Enter key to move to the next cell in the column.

  • Note: As you type the data to insert into the cell, the content will also appear in the bar at the top of the sheet. This is the formula bar, which is very useful when you need to insert a very long string in a cell or when you need to create a formula.
  • To change the contents of a cell, double-click it to select it. Alternatively, click once on the cell, then make the changes you want using the formula bar.
  • To delete the data contained in a cell of the sheet, click on the cell in question to select it and press the Delete key. In this way the selected cell will be emptied of its content. All other cells on the sheet will not be changed. To clear the contents of multiple cells at once, hold down the Ctrl key (on Windows) or ⌘ Cmd (on Mac) while clicking on the cells to include in the selection, then press the Delete key after selecting all of them.
  • To insert a new column between two existing columns, select with the right mouse button the letter of the column placed after the point where you want to insert the new one, then click on the option insert displayed in the context menu that appeared.
  • To add a new blank line between two existing lines, select with the right mouse button the number of the line placed after the point where you want to insert the new one, then click on the item insert context menu appeared.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 5
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 5

Step 5. Discover the advanced features available

One of the most useful features of Excel is the ability to search for data and perform calculations based on mathematical formulas. Every formula that you can create is based on built-in Excel functions representing the action that will be performed with the data you will select. Formulas in Excel always start with the mathematical equality symbol (=) followed by the function name (for example = SUM, = SEARCH, = SIN). At this point it is necessary to specify any parameters of the function by inserting them in round brackets (). Follow these instructions to get an idea of the type of formulas you can use within Excel:

  • Click on the tab Formulas located at the top of the screen. Within the "Library of Functions" group of the toolbar you will notice the presence of several icons. Once you understand how the different Excel functions work, you will be able to browse the contents of this library with ease using the icons in question.
  • Click on the icon Insert function characterized by the initials fx. It should be the first toolbar icon on the "Formulas" tab. The window for inserting a function will be displayed (called "Insert function") which will allow you to search for the function you need or to locate it in the list of all the functions integrated in Excel divided by the category to which it belongs.
  • Select a category from the "Or select a category:" drop-down menu. The default category that is displayed is "Recently Used". For example, to view the list of available mathematical functions you will need to select the item Mathematics and Trigonometry.
  • Click on the name of the function you want, listed in the "Select a function" panel to view its syntax and description of the action it performs. For more information on a specific function click on the link Help on this function.
  • Click on the button Cancel when you have finished consulting the various functions.
  • To learn more about using Excel formulas, read this article.
  • To find out how to best use the most common Excel functions, read the articles on the search function and the sum function.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 6
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 6

Step 6. After making changes to your document, save it to disk

To save the file you worked on, click on the menu File located in the upper left corner of the window and choose the option Save with name. Depending on the version of Excel you are using, you will have the option to save the file directly to your computer or to OneDrive.

Now that you've learned the basics of how to use Excel, continue reading the next method in the article to find out how to create an inventory using a simple Excel spreadsheet

Part 2 of 3: Create an Inventory

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 1
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 1

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Excel

The corresponding icon is stored in the "Start" menu (on Windows) or in the "Applications" folder (on Mac). The main program screen will appear, allowing you to create a new blank document or open an existing file.

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 3
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 3

Step 2. Name the columns

Suppose you need to create a sheet that contains an inventory of the objects in your home. In addition to reporting the name of these objects, you may need to indicate in which room of the house they are located and perhaps mention the make and model. Start by reserving the first row of the sheet for column headings so that the data is clearly legible and interpretable.

  • Click on cell "A1" and type in the word Objects. In this column you will enter the list of all the objects in the house.
  • Click on cell "B1" and type in the word Location. In this column you will report the point of the house where the indicated object is located.
  • Click on cell "C1" and enter the Brand / Model text string. In this column you will indicate the make and model of the object.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 4
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 4

Step 3. Enter a subject for each row of the sheet

Now that you have labeled the columns of the sheet, entering the data into the corresponding cells should be very simple. Each object present in the house should be inserted in its own row of the sheet and each single information about it in the appropriate cell of the row.

  • For example, if you need to enter your studio's Apple monitor, you will have to type HD Monitor in cell "A2" (in the "Objects" column), Studio in cell "B2" (in the "Location" column) and Apple Cinema 30 Inches M9179LL in the "B3" column (of the "Make / Model" column).
  • Insert the other objects in the subsequent rows of the sheet. If you need to delete the contents of a cell, click it to select it and press the Delete key.
  • To delete an entire row or column, select the corresponding number or letter with the right mouse button and select Delete from the context menu that will appear.
  • Most likely you have noticed that if the content of a cell is too long it will be displayed on the cells of the following columns (or truncated if the latter are not empty). To work around this problem, you can resize the column so that it can adequately contain the text of the cell in question. Position the mouse cursor on the dividing line of the column in question (placed between the letters that characterize the columns of the sheet). The mouse pointer will take the form of a double arrow. Now double-click where the mouse cursor is located.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 5
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 5

Step 4. Turn the column headings into drop-down menus

Imagine that your inventory is made up of hundreds of objects scattered throughout the rooms of the house, but you only want to view those located in your study. Click on the number

Step 1. placed on the left of the first row of the sheet to select all matching cells, then follow these instructions:

  • Click on the tab Data located at the top of the Excel window;
  • Click on the option Filter (it is characterized by a funnel-shaped icon) of the toolbar that appeared: on the right of each column heading a small arrow pointing downwards should appear;
  • Click on the drop-down menu Location (located in cell "B1") to display the corresponding filter options;
  • Since you want to view the list of all the objects present only in the study, select the check button next to the "Study" item and deselect all the others;
  • Click on the button OK. The inventory list will now consist exclusively of objects in the selected location. You can do this with all inventory columns, regardless of the type of data they contain.
  • To view the complete inventory list, click again on the menu in question, select the "Select all" check button and click on the button OK.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 6
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 6

Step 5. Click on the Page Layout tab to customize the appearance of the sheet

Now that the inventory is complete with the data, you can choose to customize its visual appearance by changing the colors, font type and cell borders. Here are some ideas to start with:

  • Select the cells you want to format. You can choose to select an entire row by clicking on the corresponding number or an entire column by clicking on the corresponding letter. Hold down the Ctrl (on Windows) or Cmd (on Mac) key to select multiple rows or columns at once.
  • Click on the icon Colors in the "Themes" group of the "Page Layout" toolbar to view the colors of the available themes and choose the one you prefer.
  • Click on the menu Characters to view the list of available fonts and choose the one you want to use.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 7
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 7

Step 6. Save the document

When you have reached a good point and are satisfied with your work, you can save it by clicking on the menu File located in the upper left corner of the window and choosing the item Save with name.

Now that you've practiced your first Excel spreadsheet, read the next method in the article to find out how to create a monthly budget so you can learn more about the program

Part 3 of 3: Create a Monthly Budget Using a Template

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 8
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 8

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Excel

The corresponding icon is stored in the "Start" menu (on Windows) or in the "Applications" folder (on Mac). The main program screen will appear, allowing you to create a new blank document or open an existing file.

This method uses a predefined Excel template to create a sheet in which to keep track of all your monthly expenses and income. There are hundreds of Excel sheet templates divided by type. To view the complete list of all official templates, visit the website

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 9
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 9

Step 2. Search using the keywords "simple monthly budget"

There is a free model produced directly by Microsoft that will make it extremely easy to create your personal monthly budget. Search by typing simple monthly budget keywords into the search bar at the top of the window and pressing the Enter key. This procedure is valid for most versions of Excel.

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 10
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 10

Step 3. Select the "Simple Monthly Budget" template and click the Create button

A new Excel sheet will be created already formatted for data entry.

In some cases it may be necessary to click on the button Download.

Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 11
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 11

Step 4. Click on the Monthly Income sheet to be able to enter your monthly income

The model consists of three sheets (Summary, Monthly income And Monthly expenses), located in the lower left of the workbook. In this case you will have to click on the second sheet. Suppose you have two monthly receipts from two different companies named "wikiHow" and "Acme":

  • Double-click the cell Entrance 1 to place the text cursor inside it. Clear the contents of the cell and type the wikiHow string.
  • Double-click the cell Entrance 2, delete the current content and replace it with the Acme text.
  • Enter the salary you receive monthly from the "wikiHow" company by typing it in the first empty cell of the "Amount" column (the number "2,500" is present in the indicated cell). Perform the same operation to enter the amount of salary received by "Acme".
  • If you do not have any other monthly income, click on the cells below (relating to the item "Other" for an amount of "250 €") and press the Delete key to delete its contents.
  • You can expand the content of the "Monthly income" sheet by adding all the other income you receive monthly by inserting them under the lines of the already existing ones.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 12
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 12

Step 5. Click on the Monthly Expenses sheet to be able to enter your expenses

It is the third sheet of the model visible in the lower left corner. In this section there is already a list of items and amounts relating to normal monthly expenses. Double-click on any cell to edit its contents according to your needs.

  • For example, if you pay a monthly rent of € 795, double-click on the cell that contains the amount "€ 800" relating to the item "Rent / Mortgage", delete the content and enter the new value € 795.
  • Assume that you have no debt to pay. Simply select the cell with the amount on the right of the "Loans" item (which contains the value € 50) and press the Delete key to delete its content.
  • If you need to delete an entire row, select the corresponding number with the right mouse button and choose the item Delete from the context menu that will appear.
  • To add a new row, select with the right mouse button the number of the row under the point where you want to insert the new one and choose the option insert from the menu that will appear.
  • Check the "Amounts" column to make sure there are no expense items that you don't actually have to incur on a monthly basis, as they would otherwise be automatically counted in your budget.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 13
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 13

Step 6. Click on the Summary sheet to view your monthly budget

After completing the data entry, the chart on this template sheet will automatically update and reflect the relationship between your monthly income and expenses.

  • If the data doesn't update automatically, press the F9 function key on your keyboard.
  • Any changes made to the "Monthly Income" and "Monthly Expenses" sheets will have an immediate impact on the contents of the "Summary" sheet of the template.
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 14
Make a Spreadsheet in Excel Step 14

Step 7. Save the document

When you are satisfied with your work you can save it by clicking on the menu File located in the upper left corner of the window and choosing the item Save with name.
