4 Ways to View Shared Files on a Networked Computer

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4 Ways to View Shared Files on a Networked Computer
4 Ways to View Shared Files on a Networked Computer

To be able to view files stored on a computer connected to a LAN, you must use a user account that has the necessary permissions to access the network location where the files are stored. This principle is valid regardless of the operating system and hardware used. The level of access to network files depends on the level of permissions assigned to the user account in use. Accounts that have network administrator access privileges will be able to access any file stored on machines connected to the LAN. Standard user accounts will only be able to view files stored in shared folders on network computers. This article explains how to access a file on the network using popular operating systems.


Method 1 of 4: View Files and Folders on a Networked Computer Using Windows XP

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 1
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 1

Step 1. View the list of shared folders

Select the "My Network Places" icon located in the "Start" menu to view the list of folders and files shared within the local LAN. The "My Network Places" system window will appear.

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 2
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 2

Step 2. Access files shared on the network

Locate the folder that contains the files under consideration, then double-click the corresponding icon to access it. If your user account has the necessary permissions, you will have access to the list of files in the selected folder. Otherwise a warning window will appear and you will be denied access.

To resolve any network folder access problems, contact your network administrator

Method 2 of 4: View Files and Folders on a Networked Computer Using Windows Vista

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 3
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 3

Step 1. Open the "Network" system window

Select the "Network" option from the "Start" menu. A list of all computers and devices connected to the LAN to which your computer is connected will be displayed.

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 4
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 4

Step 2. View shared files and folders

Double-click on the computer icon that contains the desired data to access the list of shared files and folders. This information will only be accessible if the user account in use has the necessary permissions. The protocol for sharing files and folders must also be active within the network to allow remote access to shared files on a network computer.

To resolve any network folder access problems, contact your network administrator

Method 3 of 4: View Files and Folders on a Networked Computer Using Windows 7

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 5
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 5

Step 1. Access the "Start" menu and click on the name of the user account in use

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 6
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 6

Step 2. Click on the "Homegroup" item displayed on the left side of the window that appeared

The list of all computers on the LAN will be shown.

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 7
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 7

Step 3. Go to the network folder that contains the files of your interest

Click on the name of the user account assigned to the computer where the desired files are stored to have access to the corresponding shared folder. If your user account has the necessary permissions and if file and folder sharing is enabled on the network, you will have access to the required data.

To resolve any network folder access problems, contact your network administrator

Method 4 of 4: View Files and Folders on a Networked Computer Using a Mac

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 8
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 8

Step 1. Open a Finder window by clicking on the corresponding icon located on the System Dock

Note that all computers and devices connected to the LAN to which the Mac is connected will be visible in the "Shared" menu located on the left side of the Finder window.

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 9
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 9

Step 2. View the shared folders on the network

Double-click on the computer icon where the desired files are stored. A special dialog box will appear showing the list of all shared folders on the selected network computer.

View Files on a Networked Computer Step 10
View Files on a Networked Computer Step 10

Step 3. Access the shared folders

Select the directory of your interest from the list that appears and click on the "OK" button to close the "Shared Folder" dialog box. If your user account has permissions to access the selected network folder, the list of files it contains will be displayed.
