Once the child has grown too large to fit in the car seat, it is still not old enough to be carried in normal seats using seat belts. The Highway Code provides that children under 12 years of age and with a stature of less than 1.5 m must use an approved restraint system. In this case, you can use adapters, also called boosters, which lift the baby greatly reducing the risk of injury in the event of an accident. To enjoy all the benefits of this tool, you need to choose the suitable model for your child and install it correctly in the vehicle.
Part 1 of 2: Choosing the Right Raise

Step 1. Go shopping and read reviews of the various models
There are several types of restraint systems to choose from which may vary in invoice, material and price. Choose a booster that fits your vehicle, child and meets current and future needs.
- Those without backrest are mounted on the rear seat; the child can lean directly on the back of the car seat.
- Those with backrest resemble traditional car seats and fully support the child's body. They are installed on the rear seat like restraint systems for smaller children and are recommended for cars that do not have rear headrests.
- The combined models can initially be used as child seats and then be converted into boosters when the child is old enough.

Step 2. Choose one that ensures your child's comfort
This device does not attach to the car seat in the same way as a traditional car seat; usually, it is held in place by the seat belts and by the weight of the small passenger itself. For this reason, it is essential that the child can sit comfortably; make sure the safety device is neither too big nor too small.

Step 3. Verify that the riser is suitable for your car model
It must rest on the rear seat more or less like a child seat and must be secured with seat belts; consequently, it is essential that the shape and dimensions are compatible with the vehicle. Check that:
- The riser rests completely on the seat and does not hang over the edge;
- Either in a flat position, which is not inclined or leaning;
- At least one of the rear seat belts (the ones that also lock the chest and not just the waist) completely wraps the booster to secure it in place.

Step 4. Register your device warranty
As soon as you buy it, send the warranty card or follow the online procedure respecting the instructions on the package; in this way, you are sure that the product is covered for any manufacturing defects and that the manufacturer will contact you in case a recall campaign is necessary.
Part 2 of 2: Assemble the Riser

Step 1. Read the instructions
Although the general assembly procedures are similar for the various models, each product has slight differences and comes with specific instructions; consult them to find out how the device works, how to install it and always read the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer at the time of purchase.

Step 2. Place it on the back seat
The boosters should never be mounted on the front seat; the ideal seat is the central portion of the rear seat as long as the related seat belt ensures optimal fastening. If your vehicle only has a lap belt for this seat, install the booster on the right or left side.
If you cannot mount it in the center of the rear seat, choose the side that allows you to see the child better from the driver's seat and that allows the small passenger to get off safely even on the busiest roads

Step 3. Use any clasps or buckles included in the package
Some models, but not all, are equipped with guides or clips that help insert the seat belt; Read and follow the assembly instructions on the package regarding the use of these items.

Step 4. Check that the baby is comfortable
Once the booster is installed in a safe way, have the child sit (with the vehicle stationary) to make sure that he can travel comfortably; position the seat belt as usual and check that the child is well restrained by the devices (without feeling discomfort).
- If necessary, change the position of the belt; you should use the one that holds both the pelvis and the torso. The lower portion should lock the baby's torso (not abdomen) and the upper portion should rest diagonally across the chest.
- You can consult the website of the State Police to get advice on the safe installation of the device; if in doubt, you can even ask an agent to help you.

Step 5. Inspect the rise regularly
As the child grows, the seat belt position or seat position may need to be adjusted; in addition, the device may slip a little during transport. For all these reasons, it is worth checking it out and making the necessary corrections on a regular basis. Always make sure that the seat belt restrains the child correctly and that the seat is securely attached to the rear seat.

Step 6. Store the riser securely when not in use
Whenever you carry the baby, you have to use the device; but when you don't need it, you should make sure it remains securely locked in the vehicle (e.g. stowed in the trunk or left on the seat with seat belts). If you let it loose in the cockpit, it could shift while you drive, cause injury and become a dangerous distraction.

Step 7. Use the riser for as long as necessary
The Highway Code provides that children under 12 years of age and with a height of less than 1.5 m must be transported with approved restraint devices. Once your child has passed these legal requirements, you can make them sit in the car seats and use the normal seat belts supplied.