How to be conscious (with pictures)

How to be conscious (with pictures)
How to be conscious (with pictures)

Table of contents:


In acting, in fashion and even in business, it is important to be conscious to attract attention. In some spiritual circles the conscience and the spirit are the same. Meditation, contemplation, acting, dance, and sports are all related to something deeper. Some schools of thought believe that consciousness can be acquired through reflection and meditation: this article will also deal with how to find the right perspective and how to behave to achieve this goal. Consciousness isn't that elusive after all! Remember that everything can be learned. In the case of consciousness, one must learn to control one's mental state. “Inside what is good, outside what is bad”.


Part 1 of 4: Channeling Your Consciousness

Have Presence Step 1
Have Presence Step 1

Step 1. Be confident

It is virtually impossible to be conscious if you are full of insecurities. Instead of getting involved in the moment and living it fully, you will find yourself in a corner waiting for the judgment of others. No article can tell you the mathematical formula for developing confidence, but it can tell you how great you are, and that you definitely have valid reasons to be confident.

It is important, in order to be conscious, to think of self-confidence as silence. It has nothing to do with stunts or arrogance, and there is no need to show how strong or brave you are. Consciousness is natural, and simply "is". The fact that you are confident is not something to show, it has to be a part of you. Think of it as if it were your height or the color of your eyes. People notice it, even if you don't say anything. Here's what it should be

Have Presence Step 2
Have Presence Step 2

Step 2. Don't get upset

Let's say Laura Pausini lines up with you to enter the bathroom. You'd love to have a conversation with her and take a picture together, but you have to pee. How conscious and present would you be at that moment? Not very much. So, in whatever situation you find yourself (Laura Pausini or not), don't get upset. Only in this way can you give your all.

This means you need to regulate your temperature, go to the bathroom, and wear comfortable pants. If you feel something in your teeth or your underwear has slipped between your buttocks, you will not be able to properly emanate your presence. Do everything in your power to remove all worries from your mind

Have Presence Step 3
Have Presence Step 3

Step 3. Be yourself

Conscience requires a good dose of genuineness. After all, if you're acting fake, it's not you in the room, but something you're trying to show the rest of the world. Many people can understand this kind of behavior, even if only subconsciously. So behave naturally. Be yourself. How about pretending to be something you're not?

People who are not comfortable with themselves always try to keep a mask that does not represent them. They feel like they should always be dressed up, with the right people in the right places. They have no vision of themselves as individuals, the only thing that matters to them are the opinions of others. These people have no conscience, conscience is not something someone else can give you

Have Presence Step 4
Have Presence Step 4

Step 4. Don't worry about how you look

Really, that's what we've written so far. If the people you hang out with don't like you, do you really think you can hang out with them for a long time? No. If you are simply yourself (the only person you will date for the rest of your life), and you don't care about your image, show off your best part.

Imagine having to impress is a patina of dust on what really represents you. Instead of perceiving you for who you are, people see dust. Dust isn't bad, but it's not good either, it's just dust. It is easy to remove some dust. And even if you manage to live with other people, the dust will always hide what makes you special

Have Presence Step 5
Have Presence Step 5

Step 5. Calm down

If consciousness were easily definable, part of its definition would be "a deep sense of calm". People with conscience and charisma never raise a fuss or get angry, and certainly do not punish others arbitrarily. Usually we let ourselves be taken by anger, but those who have conscience do not need to waste time following this emotion, they are too calm and composed to fidget unnecessarily.

Have Presence Step 6
Have Presence Step 6

Step 6. Put the phone away

Seriously. Have you ever walked into a restaurant and see a couple sitting at the table, with the boy playing Candy Crush and the girl taking pictures of food? If you want people to notice you, there's no need to hide behind a screen. Get caught up in the moment. Put your phone away (not just to the side) and give proper attention to the people around you.

Here are some scientific explanations. Most of people's judgment of you is based on how you make them feel. If you pay attention to them, they'll feel important, and they'll think you're a good listener. If you flirt with a person, they will like you because you make them feel attractive. When you put your phone away you are showing those around you that you are there, with them and for them, that you care what they say and that it really matters. Boom. You are aware of them. And what is that word that sounds exactly like conscious? Mmm …

Have Presence Step 7
Have Presence Step 7

Step 7. Take a deep breath

Let's say you're about to attend a very important meeting. You want others to look towards you, you want to be in charge of the next project, the only one with relevant questions, and not the other way around. But you feel a little nervous, and you know it well. Instead of walking in waving the white flag, take a deep breath. Fix your hair for a moment, check if the zip on your pants is up, slow down your movements and then go inside the room. You can do it. Why would anyone think otherwise?

You are right, conscience is not something to show. It is not something that is lost when you are in a hurry. But if you're nervous, if you act like a chicken that has its head cut off, people will feel it. You may still be confident and behave appropriately, but you will appear too exhausted to allow that intangible aura of leadership to come out

Part 2 of 4: Behaving Consciously

Have Presence Step 8
Have Presence Step 8

Step 1. Display body language that shows that you are involved

Take Steve Jobs for example. A very powerful character. Eloquent, charming, rich. Now imagine he goes to a meeting where he stands on the sidelines, ignores everyone else and plays with his iPhone, and has a frown. Not exactly the kind of person you would label as conscious, is he? So even if you are the only one in the room with a little conscience, you have to show it. Go ahead, the room is yours!

Feel free to expand a little. Safe people feel comfortable taking a little more space. Put your arms on the table. Lean forward a little towards the person who is speaking to let him know that you are involved. Give your head a nod when it is clear that he is trying to communicate something to you. Look him in the eye. Be present with your body, spirit and mind

Have Presence Step 9
Have Presence Step 9

Step 2. Walk straight

If you have never thought about the way you walk, now is the time to do it. Indeed, it is time for experimentation! The mind responds to the body's behavior, so you may even feel more confident if you walk with a proud gait. Try it, come on!

  • Walk back and forth around the room with your head bent at 90 ° and your shoulders turned back. Walk at a moderate speed. How does it feel?
  • Now walk back and forth around the room with your head down and your shoulders bent forward. Walk slowly. At the end of the walk, hold that position. How do you feel now? Do you feel any differences?
Have Presence Step 10
Have Presence Step 10

Step 3. Maintain eye contact

To really show that you are involved when you are talking to a person, to make them understand that what they are saying is important and that you care, you need to maintain eye contact. Many nice guys can't find a girl because they can't look her in the eye, many merchants fail in their sales because their sidelong glances betray their intentions, and many people don't seem confident and can't approach others. because they are too afraid to make that connection. People look at you, regardless of whether you look at them or not, so what reason is there not to return their gaze?

For the record, there is a huge difference between maintaining eye contact and staring. A simple rule is to look at a person (and blink!) When he is making an observation. While answering, you can look away a little, and if the other person gestures or if the conversation is casual you can easily look wherever you want

Have Presence Step 11
Have Presence Step 11

Step 4. Dress conscientiously

When it comes to conscience, the habit does not make the monk. However, clothing is the first filter that people use to try to frame you. So even if the dress cannot make you gain consciousness, it can still open many doors for you, and through those doors you will find consciousness there waiting for you.

It is not about wearing designer clothes, nor about luxury stuff. Just dress up and be tidy. If you've showered, shaved, put on deodorant, and wore decent clothes, then you're fine

Part 3 of 4: Showing Consciousness

Have Presence Step 12
Have Presence Step 12

Step 1. Be there

If you've read the first two sections, you already know how. It means you have to put your phone away, participate in body language, shower, and stay grounded. There is a reason why it is called "conscience", and it is that you have to be "aware" of the moment you are living. You can't be there if you don't show up!

Stay connected in the moment. Think of it as your time. If you are on stage, that stage is yours, that moment is yours, and that character is yours. There is nothing to worry about. You are there, present in body, mind and spirit. There is no judge, no quarrel with the girl, no football match, there is only the moment you are living

Have Presence Step 13
Have Presence Step 13

Step 2. Do not let anyone notice that you are upset

Don't give them this satisfaction. A person with conscience is always calm and relaxed. When everyone around you is pulling out their hair from stress, you are the one who takes things as they come with a smile on your face. You could even do it with your eyes closed. Situations like this you eat them for breakfast. Nothing worries you.

This is especially true if you are on stage or in front of a camera. Any sign of agitation or nervousness is interpreted as giving in. You've probably seen some actor who can't get into character just because he's too busy thinking he can't, or figuring out if he's doing everything right. When you start to fidget, you've already lost the confidence you used to have, and others can't help but follow suit

Have Presence Step 14
Have Presence Step 14

Step 3. Don't soften your words

This is a problem that plagues most of the people. We were taught to say "I think maybe this thing could help", instead of "here's the solution". We always try to explain our words and very often we start a sentence by saying "sorry". Don't care! While it may show some education at times, often this way of speaking is just useless. If you try to show that you are confident, you will have to abandon these language formalities.

If your boss said to you, “You know, I was thinking maybe we should change direction. I know it's a big chore for you, and I'm sorry, but I really think it's a good idea, don't you think?”How would you interpret that? But what if he said: “Guys. Listen. We have to change direction. There will be work to be done, but it will be worth it. Then? What do you think?”, How would you interpret this? Exactly

Have Presence Step 15
Have Presence Step 15

Step 4. Don't be afraid of silence

You know those embarrassing first dates in which the conversation seems a bit silly and both parties are looking for something interesting to say to avoid that cumbersome silence? Don't worry about it. You have to want them to hang on your lips, but if you talk all the time they'll just try to get closer and closer to the door to leave. Choose your words carefully, so you will make them more powerful.

Have Presence Step 16
Have Presence Step 16

Step 5. Speak clearly

Every word that comes out of your mouth must be audible. Don't leave half-sentences like… See how annoying it is ?! You believe in your words, there is no reason to hide them. Speak clearly to be heard, otherwise what are you speaking to do?

Let's go back to the example above: "Guys. Listen. We have to change direction. There will be work to be done, but it will be worth it. Then? How about?". Now imagine the speech is this: “Ehmm, hey, guys. Listen. We have to, like, take a, um, different direction. Yes. It will be, well, a bit difficult, you know, all that work and so on, but it will be worth it. " No, no, no, no! Don't make noises! You're sure of your point, so spit the toad

Part 4 of 4: Finding Your Balance

Have Presence Step 17
Have Presence Step 17

Step 1. Get comfortable

You can lie on your stomach on the floor or get into any other comfortable position. Make sure there is nothing distracting you (unplug the phone, close the door, ask people not to disturb you, etc.).

Have Presence Step 18
Have Presence Step 18

Step 2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing

Allow air to enter and exit the body without any obstruction. Try to imagine how far your breath goes. Allow your breath to get there, and relax.

Make sure you are not judging your observations. Allow yourself to remain in the state you are in. Also understand that the state you are in is flexible and can change

Have Presence Step 19
Have Presence Step 19

Step 3. Shift your attention to the facial muscles

Start at the top of your head and work your way down. Are your eyebrows raised? Do you keep your eyes too narrow? Are the lips curled? Are you smiling? Is the jaw relaxed? And the neck?

Have Presence Step 20
Have Presence Step 20

Step 4. Focus on any tension in your face and take a deep breath; imagine directing all the oxygen you inhale directly to the tense point of your face

Continue until your face and neck are completely relaxed. You should begin to notice an improvement in circulation and inhalation (your nose should clear and you should feel a tingle on your skin). Your expression may also look different. Don't judge yourself, just notice what happens

Have Presence Step 21
Have Presence Step 21

Step 5. Take some time to relax your whole body

Let any tense areas fill with your breath. Allow these areas to open up and relax. Pay close attention to the state your body is in, because it tells you a lot about how you live your life.

If at some point while you are studying this new state of consciousness you find yourself stiffening again, take another deep breath and relax

Have Presence Step 22
Have Presence Step 22

Step 6. After you are done, go to the mirror and observe yourself

You may be shocked, because you will see yourself different in some way. Do nothing, just observe what has changed.

Have Presence Step 23
Have Presence Step 23

Step 7. Talk to someone you know

He may find that you look a little different. Your voice may have changed too. You feel more confident, calmer. Don't let that upset you. If you find that the tension is returning, take a deep breath and relax again.

While talking to a friend or family member, try to express yourself with both your face and body, but don't keep that expression for long. Always try to be natural, and stay relaxed

Have Presence Step 24
Have Presence Step 24

Step 8. When you have succeeded in perfecting the way you talk to loved ones, maintain this state of consciousness at school, at work and in the world in general

People may tell you that you look a little different. Don't be discouraged.

The tension is very likely to return. Just make sure you don't judge yourself. This process varies from person to person. Become aware of the tension and relieve it

Have Presence Step 25
Have Presence Step 25

Step 9. When walking down the street, try to maintain eye contact with strangers

Do not force yourself to react in a particular way, let an expression fill your whole body. Then think about it, did you manage to keep the smile? Has some tension returned to the face or body? Practice until you can stay relaxed when greeting strangers.

In any situation it is important to be conscious and to remain conscious. If you feel anxiety or fear, rationalize your emotions and let them go. Focus on your breathing and exhale all your tensions


  • We often feel the tension of the surrounding world that forces us to conform to a state of consciousness that does not belong to us. This is normal, and everyone has to deal with this situation. When you notice someone watching you, try to accept what you perceive. There is no need to block your perceptions, because no one has the power to change the way you feel, unless you allow them to do so.
  • The goal is to relax. If you can be yourself, others will notice your presence. Tension is a mechanism that allows you to keep your shape and be elusive at the same time. Remember that you are beautiful, regardless of how you are, beauty comes from acceptance.
  • Consciousness is usually considered a rare quality, but in reality every person has it, and has the potential to cultivate it. Conscience can make even less attractive people intriguing or beautiful. As you develop your consciousness, people will start to notice you more. Don't worry, they will admire you.
  • Another great exercise is to look in the mirror and smile for a full minute. It requires some practice.
  • Try to compile a list of words that describe your conscience, and ask other people what words they would use (put them on the list only if you think they are correct).
  • In the process of acquiring awareness, you may come across people who are jealous of your new state of being and who may say unpleasant things to you. People who are unable to acquire and maintain a state of consciousness develop deep resentment towards those who have succeeded. Remember that consciousness is something more powerful than physical beauty.
  • It's important that you don't start pumping up when you start achieving success. It is the fastest way to lose the consciousness you have acquired. Judging others is as wrong as judging yourself, and it is only when you are able not to spit out judgments that you are free from any kind of judgment.
  • Your expressions must be dynamic. Being relaxed doesn't mean staying still. You always have to make small movements. The actors use some techniques to move even when they are stationary. You can try some of them:

    • Rotate your head with your neck in one direction.
    • As you rotate your head, you reduce the amplitude of the rotation, making smaller and smaller circles.
    • Continue to reduce the amplitude of the rotation until it seems to have vanished. If you feel that your head has locked up, start rotating it again slowly, until you feel a sense of dynamism while remaining still.
