The violin and the viola are similar in many ways. They both have the same shape and color, however, if you look closely, you will be able to tell the difference. They sound similar, but sound different, while both creating beautiful sounds.

Step 1. Distinction on greatness
Is it big or small? The violin typically has a smaller structure than the viola.

Step 2. Observe and weigh the bow
The bow is the long wooden stick that is used to play the instrument. If the final part of the bow you grab (the heel) forms a straight 90 degree angle, it is a violin bow; the bow of the viola instead has an angle of 90 degrees but with a curved edge. Also, the viola has a heavier bow.

Step 3. Listen to the tone
Is it acute or severe? The violin has the highest E string, while the viola has the lowest C string.

Step 4. Check the strings
The violin has an E string and no C, while for the viola it is the other way around.

Step 5. Pay attention to the tone
Violins generally play high pitched parts of the music while violas play lower parts. However, both instruments use many of the same sound techniques, and require the same level of training and dedication to control.

Step 6. Investigate
- If it is a solo, check the printed program to identify the instrument that will be played.
- If it's an orchestra, the string instruments closest to you on the left are the violins. The first instruments to the left of the conductor are the "first" violins. The next section is that of the "second violins". The next section usually contains the violas, but from time to time the violas might be placed directly in front of the first violins.

Step 7. If you can, check the musical keys
Violins read treble clefs, while violas read mostly alto clefs (and occasionally treble clefs).
When deciding for yourself whether you want to learn to play the violin or the viola, consider the size of the hand.
The viola, being the largest instrument, can work better than the violin for someone with large hands. While this is sometimes helpful in making a decision, the choice also reflects the personality. For a very sociable person, who likes to be the center of attention, the violin is usually the right choice, but if you are a little more shy and quiet but passionate, then the viola is the perfect instrument for you. If you want to play a wide range of music, the violin is the way to go. The viola has a smaller, but still very extensive music library.
- If you are looking for a scholarship possibly through music, the viola is perfect because there are not many decent musicians and as a result you may be admitted to college just to do what you like to do. Competition in large orchestras is less for violas, because there are simply fewer violists than violinists.
- The most important consideration is the love for the sound of the instrument. The love for sound will make the necessary hours of practice pass more peacefully.
- Check for the ability to play. An indispensable instrument will have more opportunities to play than one that has many musicians available.
- If you are in school, you could join the orchestra, and learn to play both instruments before deciding which one you like best.
- Check for qualified teachers. Both the violin and the viola need lessons from passionate and experienced masters to gain mastery. However, you may not find a good viola teacher near you, so search the phone book to see if there is one near you.
- Violins and violas can be very expensive and fragile. Many of the high quality tools are hundreds of years old. Be very, very careful when you sit down and move quickly around an instrument.
- Musicians are very often sensitive artists. They may not want others to touch or play their instrument. By treating both the instrument and the person with respect, it is possible to learn a lot about the history and nature of the instrument they play.
- If you call a viola Violin, the violists will get very angry. The equivalent would be to mistake a Canadian for an American.