Do you want to write a text of great impact? Let yourself go, listen to your heart and… follow the steps described in this article.

Step 1. Reflect on your life
Choose a theme to cover. The love? The things you are struggling with? The desires, the hopes, the dreams? The broken hearts? Maybe you want to compose a song about your feelings, regrets, what makes you sad or happy? Choose such a topic, but only if you really want to go into it. It's best to focus the song on an experience you've already had. For example, you could write about love because someone broke your heart or because you were lucky enough to find a soul mate. Maybe you prefer to write a sad text because your parents got divorced. In any case, try to create a song full of meaning, something that manages to impress people and that remains well etched in their mind.

Step 2. Choose the title
Make sure it reflects the essence of the song. For example, if you want to call it "I'm really in love with you" the meaning is quite explicit. "Mother", on the other hand, would already be more mysterious, because it lends itself to very different readings.

Step 3. Start writing
Let yourself go, listen to your heart and put your soul into creating your song. You don't have to worry about the music yet. At this time, just focus on the text, trying to express yourself at your best. Take some time to compose so that you are proud of your creation. Remember that songs usually consist of a chorus (lines that are repeated several times), at least two stanzas and a title.

Step 4. Create a melody
Try to compose something that fits well with the spirit of the text. Generally, in the saddest songs the minor and diminished chords are used a lot, while the cheerful songs are composed in the major keys. Aggressive music often features a sustained rhythm and minor chords. Let yourself be guided by the text in the composition of the melody, in the change of chords and in the various parts.

Step 5. Get inspiration from similar songs:
close your eyes, let the emotions take over and if the time is right, you will start writing. If other people don't like your song, keep writing more, show them you don't give up. Have a positive and inspiring attitude.
- Your song doesn't have to be "great" or "perfect". The important thing is that it means something to you.
- Don't give in to frustration if you can't create the song right away. The songs seem very direct, but if you dig a little you realize that there is always a hidden meaning.
- Write with your heart. The most important thing is to convey your feelings through words; in this way, when people listen to your song they will catch your emotions and be moved. If you have decided to compose a love song, you can try to intertwine the feelings of your loved one with yours.
- Don't always listen to the same genre of music. You have to broaden your landscape to master different types of rhythms and various styles of writing. This will make the creative process easier.
- Don't be afraid to change what you've already written. It is rarely possible to compose a song without making changes to the first draft. Sometimes you have to change the rhythm to adapt it to the music and vice versa.
- Put together some chords to create the lyrics on, then you can start defining the notes and rhythm.
- Try to move! You have to externalize your emotions and the best way to do this is to think about your past. For example, if you loved a girl who later broke up with you, it's a great place to start: convey the sad emotions of that time in your song.
- References to emotions make any song special. Put your soul into it and you will get a great result.
- By writing a song you have the opportunity to express the deepest feelings and it can be useful during difficult times; in any case, don't forget that there are real people in your life that you can rely on to deal with anything.
- Look for inspiration in the works of your favorite artists.
- Don't be too explicit when you write; some people may find the lyrics obscene, uninspired and unmusical.
- If after a few days you still can't learn the text by heart, the others won't be able to either.
- If you get stuck, stop and start working on it again at another time. Don't force the creative process.
- Don't try too long if you don't find the right words. Relax and take plenty of pauses between verses if you think it helps.