Know the truth: you spend all your time singing and your hidden dream is to break through as an artist. You probably already know that becoming a professional singer is difficult and requires a lot of work. The good news is that you can do it: develop your voice and your personal style, invest in the right equipment and promote your image to become a successful singer!
Part 1 of 3: Developing Your Skills

Step 1. Take singing lessons
Whether you are already convinced that you are the next music star or you are just starting out, lessons can be very useful. By working with a teacher you will not only learn to sing better, but also to control your voice to modulate it as you wish. Look for music schools or professionals that offer classes in your area.
To find the right teacher, consider your desire to sing and your goals, then find someone who specializes in the items you hope to improve. Search online or get recommendations from several singing teachers in your area and take a lesson with at least three. Finally, choose the teacher you connected the most with

Step 2. Practice
The voice is a singer's instrument. If you want to become a virtuoso, you will have to do a lot of practice. Sing in the shower, in your car, for your grandparents, in your church choir, or in your bedroom alone, but never stop practicing.
- Practice singing your favorite songs, but also songs that don't belong to your style. You can learn a lot by trying out different genres of music.
- Singing is an art that requires a lot of physical effort. In addition to working on intonation, practice breathing correctly while performing, taking the right posture, etc.
- With practice, you will learn about your singing skills and your characteristics as a singer, such as your vocal range, your natural tone and your favorite style.

Step 3. Get a degree
You don't need a specific degree or school background to become a successful artist, but if you want to kickstart your singing career on the right foot, following a study plan can be very helpful. Many universities offer bachelor's and master's degrees in music or singing. These courses can allow you to deepen your knowledge and experience, making you a better singer.
- In addition to studying the basics of music and singing theory, taking courses or getting a second degree in marketing or economics can be a great idea. You will diversify your academic background and learn valuable notions, which you can use to promote your image as an artist and to carve out a place in the music industry.
- Many schools require you to audition to enter music-related courses.

Step 4. Learn to read music
Even if you have a beautiful voice, if you can't read a sheet music you are considered illiterate in the world of music. Knowing how to read notes on a staff helps you communicate with other artists, write your own songs and deepen your knowledge. If you have not received a formal education in the field of music, study on your own to learn how to read sheet music and to understand the basics of music theory (rhythm, harmony, etc.).

Step 5. Learn to play an instrument
Singing well is a talent. But if you knew how to play an instrument, even at a basic level, you would be a step ahead of the competition. Being able to play instruments like the guitar, piano or drums while singing helps you practice, write songs, and communicate your ideas to other musicians. Also, if you were proficient with multiple instruments, you would have a better chance of finding work at concerts and other occasions.
Part 2 of 3: Finding Job Opportunities

Step 1. Improve your self-esteem
To sing well in front of other people, you need to believe in yourself and be charismatic. The only way to have more confidence in your singing skills is to get involved and sing as much as possible. You can try:
- Sing karaoke
- Performing on the street
- Attend a talent show
- Perform in a singing competition
- Offer to sing at parties, weddings, religious ceremonies, holidays for your family, or other public occasions.

Step 2. Join a choir or other singing group
When you feel ready to come out and sing in public, look for bands to perform with. You can try joining the church choir, school choir, choral music club, local community choir, overtone quartet, Christmas carol group, etc. Even if you won't be in the spotlight by singing in a group, you will still learn a lot and be able to improve.
If you are interested in singing solo pieces, ask the choir director if you have the opportunity to do so

Step 3. Find your style
When you have accumulated some experience as a singer, you should focus on the characteristics that make you unique. For starters, try to be flexible. Try singing in as many styles as possible. Decide only later which one you like best and which one allows you to express yourself better.
If you have special qualities as a singer or artist, now is the time to develop them. For example, maybe you can sing very high notes, or you have a "scratched" voice, suitable for soul music

Step 4. Write your songs
If you really want to emerge as a singer and as an artist, you can start composing songs yourself. Focus on the style and shape you like best, but always look for opportunities to expand and develop your art.
- You can write music and lyrics yourself, or work with a co-worker to take care of one of these components.
- If you play an instrument, you can use it to compose your own musical ideas, even if you intend to play the song on a completely different instrument.
- Keep a notebook where you can write all the ideas about music and lyrics that the inspiration gives you.

Step 5. Set goals and do your best
To be successful as a singer you have to put in a lot of effort and your path will almost certainly be full of obstacles and rejections. Patience, for an aspiring artist, is a very important virtue. You may have heard some stories of singers becoming famous in a few days, but most professionals have dedicated themselves body and soul to their art before making a breakthrough.
Establish your definition of success. You can create a five-year plan to decide your career as a singer. Remember, however, that you will need to be open to changes and accept changes to your project
Part 3 of 3: Promote yourself

Step 1. Find the opportunity to perform regularly for a fee
Look for paid jobs as a singer as soon as you feel ready. This will add professionalism to your experiences. While these aren't gigs in front of ocean crowds, these performances may still pave the way for other business opportunities.
- You can sing on cruise ships, in an amusement park, in a club, at weddings, parties or record jingles for commercials, etc.
- Some singers manage to find work as backing vocals for another local or touring artist. These types of jobs are great opportunities to meet people in the industry. Look for announcements of auditions you can participate in, or contact directly artists who may be interested.
- You can start looking for paid jobs in local places, perhaps with help from your agent. Remember to inform the owners if you have the opportunity to bring your own equipment and make your work known with a demo.
- While you are waiting to "break", you can give singing lessons, teach music, find a weekly job in a club or do any other job related to your art. These activities can allow you to earn some money and gain experience as you pursue your dreams.
- Finding regular paid jobs as a singer is very difficult. If you can't make it to the end of the month, look for a job in another industry and advance your career as an artist in your spare time.

Step 2. Purchase equipment
If you have everything you need for a live performance, your chances of finding work will be higher. This will allow you to get jobs even in places that do not have an audio system or in those that are not willing to let you use theirs. It can be a huge expense, but you don't have to buy the best equipment or all the latest gadgets if you're a beginner. If, however, you really want to become a singer, you should get the following specific equipment as soon as possible:
- Microphone
- Speakers, amplifier and mixer
- Voice processor
- All the effects you need

Step 3. Record a demo
When you have a series of songs that you perform perfectly, composed by yourself or covers by other artists, you need to start recording your performances to have a demo. You can use it to get jobs, contracts and other job opportunities. You can book a recording session in a professional studio (a rather expensive option), or you can get a decent quality recording in a home studio, using computers and programs available to the general public.
Almost all demos contain about 4 songs. If you wish, you can register more and choose the best ones

Step 4. Hire an agent
It can help you find concerts, promote your image, meet people in the industry, negotiate contracts, earn more money and develop your career. You can look for professional agents in your area, or ask a friend or relative to help you.
Professional agents charge a fee, which can be a percentage of your earnings from gigs and other sources. Make sure you enter into a written agreement that you agree on

Step 5. Send your demo
Your agent can help you ship the demo to clubs, radio stations, record labels, etc. while you search for other job opportunities. Make sure your demo highlights your best and most catchy songs. Along with the registration, you should include a short cover letter and your resume, where you mention your experiences and successes as a singer.
Today demos can be recorded in digital format and published on the internet, without using a physical medium (such as a CD). Even for that format, the same considerations made previously apply

Step 6. Develop your image on the internet
Today, if you want to be successful as a singer, you need to be very present online. Create professional profiles on different social media, post recordings and videos of your performances and try to post your songs on download and streaming services.
It can be difficult to make money from internet views, but you will still get valuable publicity and you may be able to convince someone to watch your live performances

Step 7. Take care of your look
Image and appearance are important for singers. During the performances, convey to the audience an image of yourself and the musical style you propose. The clothes you wear, the way you move and other physical aspects of the performance are important. Think carefully about what look to propose to create a bond for the audience and to convey your unique characteristics.
- For example, if you play classical music, your clothes should be elegant. To stand out from the crowd, though, you could perform Beethoven in a t-shirt and ripped jeans.
- Likewise, if you like gothic rock, audiences would find it odd if you performed in dungarees and a cowboy hat. You would definitely get noticed, though.

Step 8. Get as much publicity as possible
To "break through", almost all singers have to constantly promote themselves. Don't miss any opportunities. In addition to looking for concerts and recording opportunities, you can:
- Establish business relationships by attending events, conventions and concerts.
- Selling items with your logo or name (t-shirts, stickers, hats, CDs, etc.).
- Create a press kit to make your identity as an artist known.